Monday, 20 May 2019

My Trucking Life. Part 6.

The Trucking Life videos seem to be going down very well, comments are coming in from subscribers on the yooootoooob channel, so here we go, the next chapter in the story. What happened next, the Lady Truckers Club is spreading the word that women can drive trucks.

Churning them out now, I'm on a roll. 32 years is a long time to cover on a few videos. For those not interested please pass them by, I'm making these because my passion for my work was a big part of my life. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Im starting to realise just what a big concern it was and it must have been very difficult to get these things together without any help from the internet..expensive for you too!.I loved the idea of cash and cut glass for prizes,something that the winners could treasure for years and years to come..I hope it was Tutbury glass,lol.And,Wow how wonderful to get 6 pages in Marie Claire!!.It all looks like a great time was had by all and great excuse to get your posh frocks out!.Every time I see your younger photos,I keep thinking that you remind me of someone and its just occured to me who..Jenny who runs the Rovers pub in Coronation Street!.Although,as you dont have a telly I bet you havent got a clue who I am talking about,lol.Google her and see for yourself!.I thought the added words that you had put on your photos were so funny!..Hope that you get to enjoy the sun today,its a lovely morning here in Leicester.xx

  2. Strange question, back in the day my dad used to be a lorry driver in the area he was terrified of a Lady Trucker called Rita Yule , she sticks in my mind because she came to our house and gave him a right rollicking for stealing her those were the days

    1. I had heard about her, but never met her. She was featured in a truck magazine, with pictures of her two daughters who worked for her. Yes, I think she had a reputation for being tough.

  3. I am so enjoying the saga of your trucking life! You are amazing and an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I have been reading your posts quite awhile now and find them to be a cheerful addition to my day.
    Mary from Pennsylvania, USA

  4. I love your videos Ilona. Not got time to watch this new one tonight as I'm just in from work. But looking forward to catching up tomorrow x thanks so much for sharing. You should put all these on a DVD I'm sure it would be a hit !

  5. I am starting to realize that not only are you the Meanqueen inspiring frugal retirements and 1000 mile walks but that you have had a life time of inspiring and encouraging others. Thank you for all your service to your communities there and now your international community on the internet. Aloha

  6. Fascinating Ilona. You must have amazing resources of energy to do all this. Organising that awards ceremony looks like a full time job in itself, let alone holding down a job as well. Well done.

  7. You are absolutely amazing! I am so impressed by how you put together the awards ceremony and everything you did to promote lady truckers. Awesome!Well done, Ilona. I look forward to hearing more.

  8. Are you going to write a book to support the videos?

  9. You are an inspiration x please put your trucking career on DVD I know a few people who would love it and I would buy for Christmas presents and a pressie for me x thanks Ilona for all you share x

  10. Another enjoyable video, Ilona. The message that is coming across to me through these videos is that it wasn't just a job, it was so much more. You didn't spend the day driving then go home and forget about it until the next day. Your love and enthusiasm for your chosen path is very clear for all to see.


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