Potatoes, lettuce, and mangetout peas out of the garden. Reduced price out of date tomatoes, sweetcorn out of the freezer, and shop bought onions, all steamed in one pan, except the lettuce of course. Drizzled with Toasted Sesame Seed Oil, scrumptious. This is typical of my meal most nights, for anyone watching their weight you can eat as much of this as you like. I find it no effort at all to keep my weight down because I just love my big plates of veg.
Another plus side is that it goes through you pretty quickly, you don't get that bloated feeling...like I did when I had the afternoon tea, definately won't do that very often. Processed food stays in your body far too long, it clogs up your arteries, makes fatty deposits around your organs then they can't function properly. I feel sluggish when I can't get enough veg, feel tired and sick if I eat the wrong things. When I'm on holiday I can't wait to get back and get my normal food, and of course this is a very frugal meal, a win win situation.
Tour boat passing under Ouse Bridge going back to it's moorings.
The wall passes over the road at this point.
View of part of the Minster from the city wall.
This corner shop has the address No 1 Shambles.
On the way home I called in to see my friends Janet and Alan at their Breighton Lodge Cattery. Their garden is a blaze of glorious colour at the moment with their hanging baskets, bedding plants, and rose bushes, it looks lovely. As usual I did my tour of inspection I have to say hello to all their pussycats, a full house at this busy time, and also lots of cuddles for their own seven cats. It was lovely to see them again. Here is a link to their site. http://www.breightoncattery.co.uk/
When we got back the rain had stopped and the sun came out, what luck! I set off for a walk up into the hills, I wanted to be high up and admire the views. The Ordnance Survey map was very useful, I did a circular walk following the footpaths. Here are a couple photo's.
The Beginner's Guide to Papercrafts by Amanda Sandeman
Looks like something I might want to try.
Action Origami by Rick Beech
Some interesting ideas in here.
Leisure Guide to the North York Moors
I love this part of the country.
Ordnance Survey Map for Sheffield and Huddersfield areas
I might go there, I love maps.
Sustainable Jewellery by Julia Manheim
Some amazing ideas for using junk.
Who's That Woman in the Mirror by Keren Smedley
Changing beliefs about attitudes to ageing.
Theo Paphitis from Dragons Den autobiography
How he became rich, should be interesting.
Let's Make Cute Stuff by Aranzi Aronzo
Craft book with ideas and instructions.
Can't wait to dip into them. Although I read a lot on the internet, there's nothing like holding a book in your hands, searching through the pages, discovering what happens next as the story unfolds. Think I'll start now :-)