Remember the Enchelada kits I bought from the Cash and Carry, three for £1. I wouldn't normally buy something like this, for a start I had never heard of them before, and I am not a fan of spicy food. But I read the instructions on the box, and on the recommendation of the man who works there, (yes I know he is trying to make a living, and I wouldn't normally fall for his sales chat), I thought I would give it a go, for that price it's worth a try.
I came back from taking Jessie a walk this afternoon feeling a little bit wobbly, got absorbed in making another cat food bag and forgot to eat. I spread some marmite on a Ryvita and stuffed it into my mouth while I got on with making this. The filling is onions, mushrooms, potatoes, swede, chick peas, and brocolli. I didn't want to spend time waiting for it to cook in the oven, so I fried the onions and mushrooms in a pan with a drop of oil and some margarine, then added fruit juice, (I always add fruit juice instead of water), and some of the packet sauce mix you get in the box. Simmer this for about ten minutes, during which time the other vegetables are steaming in another pan.
When the veg is almost ready transfer it to the other pan, add a drop more juice, and let it simmer for another ten minutes. Then make three rolls with it, drizzle the wet sauce on the top, add grated cheese, and microwave it for four minutes. Doing it this way saves on gas.
This is my dinner.
Jessie waiting patiently for any stray bits that might fall to the floor. I gave her the stalk from the brocolli which she loves.