Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Quick note
What have I done today. I stopped off at Matlock to have a look around, climbed the hill to Riber Castle, then it started raining so I had a bite to eat, then went for another walk, up High Tor this time. The views from here were fantastic, looking down on the main A6 road, the river and the railway line. It's a pity the weather wasn't too good.
Then I went a bit further to Matlock Bath and had a look around there. It was starting to get dark then, at 3.15pm, it was very overcast. The hostel looks like a posh hotel inside, I will take some photo's. There are a few people here, I am in a room sharing with one other. Guess what, I was recognised from Super Scrimpers, my fame follows me, ha ha.
My time is nearly finished, catch you later.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Lets have a cosy chat
Dartford Warbler asked if the last photo on the Brigg walk was the Angel Hotel. Yes it was DW, here is a bit from the Brigg Market Town Website.
Brigg Town Council is justifiably proud of the Angel Suite, which was officially opened in 1995, following the final phase of renovations to the old Angel Hotel.
The Town Council Office is located in the basement of the Angel Suite, but the main function of the building is to provide Brigg with a Community Centre which lends itself to any type of function. The building is also regularly used by a number of local organisations.
Welcome to the new Annonymous contributor, who used to live in North Lincolnshire, and who now lives down south, good to hear from you. I can imagine how difficult it must be to lead a green and frugal life in a part of the country where everything is expensive. Up here in the sticks is recognised as one of the cheapest places in the UK to live. Try not to get too disheartened, you are lucky to be near your family.
Hi lizzie, no I have not tried making my own yogurt. I sometimes buy the plain which is cheaper, then add my own fruit. Fast forward 20 mins and I have just been reading a web site called http://www.makeyourownyogurt,com/ and watched three videos, and now I feel ready to have a go. So maybe a project for next week. Thanks to you, and PP, and Sarina, for suggesting this.
Hi PP, you ask how much I spend on food each month. I am in the process of monitoring it. There is a seperate page for this which you can access from the link at the top of this page. Total for the first month was £55, I am monitoring it over a six month period, some months will be up some will be down, I am looking for an average figure over the six months. I grow vegetables in the summer only. I want to keep it as an enjoyable hobby, not as a chore which I have to do, so I take the winters off. I don't want to keep chickens, the two main reasons reasons being, there is a big initial outlay of time and money to build a fox proof henhouse and run. And I don't want all the responsibility that goes with looking after them. Letting them out each morning, getting them back in at night, dealing with red mite, prolapse, and any other chickeny ailments. I dont want the commitment. No thank you very much.
Anonymous has commented with some price comparisons, thank you for your input. Your Lidl bran flakes are a good buy at 69p. Mine are 77p for a 750grm box of Value at Tesco. As you say, just as good as the branded one, and half the price. I must admit I tend to do the bulk of my shop at Tesco, but will call in any other supermarket when passing. I have tried the Value yogurt and it was horrible so the next step is to try Sains basics, that's if I don't start making it myself.
There has been some comments on re heating food. I don't always re heat the whole pan. If I am taking some out to eat I microwave just that portion. If I am adding something to the pan and it needs cooking first, I steam it seperately then add it, and warm the whole lot up on a low heat. Or if I add a tin of something I chuck it straight in the pan and reheat the whole lot. It seems to work ok for me, but I wouldn't advise anyone to do the same if they have meat in their stew. Oh, and I ought to mention that you won't be struggling to erm, 'go', if you do as I do, ha ha.
Anonymous in Australia asks if I will be doing any bag tutorials. I am not sure if the Anonymous readers are all the same person, perhaps if you could add your preferred name to the end of your comment I could reply to you personally. I think I have done a couple of tutorials, I am never sure if people actually want to copy the bags, or just read about them to give them some ideas, either way is ok. I must start sewing again, and adding some tutorials.
I think that's covered most things. It's been a tad cold here today, but I still haven't any heating on. I'm sitting here with a fleece dressing gown on over my clothes, as long as I keep moving about that will keep me warm. I did an hour of litter picking this morning, my goodness that was cold round the old lug holes. I need to get my wooly hat out.
It's mobile library day today so I changed my books. Got six more to add to the five I already have out, we can have a total of twenty. I like to have a selection lying around the place so I can dip into them at any time.
I've picked up a massive book with just under six hundred pages, The Good Book, A Secular Bible. Inside the front cover it says, 'The Good Book is a book of insight, inspiration, wisdom, solace and commentary on the human condition drawn from the great humanist traditions of thought and literature of the world. It's principal concern is how life - the good life - should be lived. Stimulating, thoughtful, rational and rewarding, it makes essential reading'. It says it is made by philosopher A.C. Grayling, not sure if that is the same as 'written by'. I reckon this will send me off to sleep a treat :o)
A couple of bargains I got yesterday. This is the sort of shopping I like. Cheers me up no end when I find cheapo's like this.

I'm off now to brew up another three day stew to take with me to Derbyshire tomorrow. I'll take the net book because they have internet at the hostel, so I'll be keeping my beady eyes on you. Toodle pip.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
A localish walk in the Brigg area
Just up the road on the A18 towards the motorway is Wrawby Postmill. It's not open very often but when it is it's a very popular place for visitors.

I really don't know why I cannot copy and paste a link in here. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

It was too early to finish so I set off again through the industrial estate to join the River Ancholme. Blimey look at how many different languages we need on our factory gates now.

Heading northwards, the next bridge along is Castlethorpe Bridge. It's a wooden footbridge.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
It went a sort of murky green
I wonder if people read them and then decide to go and buy something they have seen advertised. I wonder if they do boost sales, and are worth the cost of printing and distributing them. How can the shops tell if their leaflets are bringing in extra revenue. I suppose some of it must work or they wouldn't cough up the money for it. I could use them for wrapping paper, it's so colourful, but I won't be buying any presents, so I'll put it in the recycling box.

Bobo has gone into a pen at Sue's today, he seemed quite happy. It will be much better for him, he will be able to look around the garden. He was getting a bit sad and a bit fed up at being in a little room by himself. At least he has some pals now.
I have at last finished the week long stew. I added a tin of mushy peas tonight and it went a sort of murky green. All I can say is that's it's a good job I live alone :0)
I went to Tesco tonight to get some food in, stocks are running quite low again. I was shocked at how expensive everything is, even I am struggling to find bargains now, and I'm a flippin expert. My usual six yogurts have gone from 90p to £1.12, so I bought another brand in a big tub for 89p. Just have to make sure I get six servings out of it and not scoff it all in one go, ha ha. It's all quite depressing really, just when I think I have got the frugal shopping sussed, the items I normally buy have gone up, so I have to look for cheaper alternatives again. It's all about keeping ahead of the game, but each week it gets more difficult. I can see a time when we won't be able to afford to eat at all.
I am usually quite a fighter, I have always said that they will not beat me, but it does start to worry me when I see prices rise on a daily basis. Anyway, I did my usual trick of pestering the woman with the ticket machine as she was marking things down. At least I managed to get a few bargains. I live to fight another day. I'll update my food diary tomorrow.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Tonight I have added.......pasta

And my everlasting veggie stew. Tonight I have added wholewheat pasta, a stock cube, and half a cup of Blueberry Juice.

A nice cat story
You may or may not remember the lost kitty I spoke about a few months back, Smokey escaped from the cattery down the hill. His owners were devastated and put up posters all over the place. Their little girl was very upset, and for a while everyone was keeping a look out for this lost cat.
I thought I had seen him in the woods a few days later, and for several weeks the owners kept coming back and looking for him. They live about seven miles away and turned up most weekends to resume their search. As time has gone on it seemed there was little chance of ever finding him. The posters had faded, and it had slipped from peoples minds.
Anything could have happened to him, did he find somewhere else to live, was he killed on the road, did a fox get him? All questions that no one had the answer to. It's the not knowing that is the worst, for anyone who has ever lost a pet it can be agony.
But hey, as the title at the top says, there is a good end to this story. Smokie has been found five months after he went walkabout. He was spotted living in a stables about a mile from here. The woman who owned the horses contacted Cats Protection, and luckily his details had been posted on their web site at the time he went missing.
I rang the owners to say how pleased I was to hear this news, they are over the moon that they have got him back. The moral of this story is to advertise lost pets in every possible place you can think of. Microchipping will help find the owners more quickly, once the animal has turned up away from it's home. Smokie wasn't micro chipped, but thanks to the internet he was reunited with his owners. Brilliant news.
I've just booked myself into Hartington Youth Hostel in Derbyshire for a couple of nights next week. Might as well as it's so cheap at £8 per night. Lets hope that this nice weather keeps up because I'm a comin for a walkabout in them there hills. Insert big grin here.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Cooking is an adventure in this house
• 2 knobs of butterolive oil
• 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
• a large handful of fresh marjoram or oregano, roughly chopped
• ¼ of a nutmeg, grated
• 8 large handfuls of spinach, thoroughly washed
• a handful of fresh basil, stalks chopped, leaves ripped
• 2 x 400g tins of good-quality plum tomatoes, chopped
• sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
• a pinch of sugar
•400g crumbly ricotta cheese
• 2 handfuls of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
• 16 cannelloni tubes200g mozzarella
For the white sauce
• 1 x 500ml tub of crème fraîche
• 3 anchovies, finely chopped
• 2 handfuls of freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. Then find a metal baking tray or ovenproof dish that will fit the cannelloni in one layer so it's nice and snug. This way you'll get the right cover of sauce and the right amount of crispiness on top. When I cook this at home I just use one pan to cut down on lots of washing up! Take your metal tray or a saucepan, put it on a high heat and add your butter, a drizzle of olive oil, one of the sliced garlic cloves, a handful of marjoram or oregano and the grated nutmeg. By the time the pan is hot the garlic should be soft. Put as much spinach as will fit into the pan. Keep turning it over; it will wilt quickly so you will be able to keep adding more spinach until it's all in. Moisture will cook out of the spinach, which is fine. By cooking it this way you don't lose any of the nutrients that you would if boiling it in water.After 5 minutes, put the spinach into a large bowl and leave to cool. Place the pan back on the heat, add a little olive oil, the other clove of sliced garlic, your basil stalks and the tomatoes, then fill one of the empty tomato tins with cold water and add this too. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down, add a pinch of salt and pepper and the sugar, and simmer for about 10 minutes, until you get a loose tomato sauce consistency. Then take the pan off the heat and add the basil leaves.By now the spinach will have cooled down, so squeeze any excess liquid out of it and pour this back into the bowl. Finely chop the spinach and put it back into the bowl. Mix it with the liquid, add the ricotta and a handful of the Parmesan, and then use a piping bag to squeeze the mixture into the cannelloni. You can make your own piping bag by getting a sandwich bag and putting the spinach mix into the corner of it. Then twist the bag up and cut the corner off. Carefully squeeze the filling into the cannelloni tubes so each one is filled right up – really easy.Lay the cannelloni over the tomato sauce in the pan. Or you can pour the tomato sauce into your ovenproof dish and lay the cannelloni on top. To make the white sauce, mix together the crème fraîche, anchovies and the 2 handfuls of Parmesan with a little salt and pepper, then loosen with a little water until you can spoon it over the cannelloni. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan and the mozzarella pieces, and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes until golden and bubbling.
I am using this recipe purely as an illustration to get my message across. No doubt it is a very tasty dish, Jamie is one of the best, and this would be the ideal meal to serve up at a dinner party.
It is thanks to ladyhawthorne who commented on my last post, which has given me the idea for this post. She said, 'adding whatever new veggies and meat that comes along', with reference to the everlasting pan of stew. I thought, yes she is right, this has to be the ultimate frugal food, because you are in control of how much you spend on ingredients, and not buying what some recipe book tells you to buy. If you can find reduced or free veggies, all the better. Frugal cooking is about using what resources you have available.
Lets take a look at the ingredients for Jamies recipe, I see that I don't have any of them in my cupboards at the moment. I do have a tin of tomatoes, but it is Value quality, not sure if this qualifies as 'good' quality. I would have to go out and buy every ingredient to make this. Oops sorry, I have just spotted it, I do have a pinch of sugar. Some people might have three or four of the items in their cupboards if they keep them well stocked, but my minimalistic approach means that I do not store lots of different ingredients, I have a few of the basics to get me by.
So, if I bought these items, and produced this mouth watering dish, what would I do with the rest of the the ingredients left over. The fresh ones would have to be used up quickly, and I suppose the dry ones would be put in the cupboard and saved for next time, if there ever is a next time. And we all know what happens every five years or so, we have a sort out and some of the old stuff gets chucked. What a waste of money. This meal could end up costing quite a bit to make.
On the other hand, inventing your own recipes using the food you already have, or can buy very cheaply, or you can get for free, has to be the way forward to less waste and a healthier life. Tonight I will add some more potatoes and onions to my stewpan. I will grind up some pumpkin seeds and walnuts and throw them in, and peel a couple of cooking apples, of which I have loads. It's apples with everything from now on. Maybe a tad more curry powder and another stock cube would perk it up. Served with a chunk of crusty seeded bread, bought for pennies, it will go down a treat. Very little preparation and no oven use. Ooooh, can't wait, a cheap and delicious winter warmer. And if anyone comes a knockin on my door there is plenty for them as well.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
A walk in the park and bowl of stew

I thought I saw a pussycat

Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Shopping, just get what you need
I was in town today, walked there and bussed back to save the petrol, and I see we are getting a new Poundland. Whoopeee I am so excited, says me tongue in cheek :o) They are moving into the old Kwiksave store, it was a shame when that went bust, it was quite handy for popping in there, next to the bus station.
Our town centre is suffering just the same as any others with shops closing. We've lost our TJ Hughes, Coffee Republik closed about six months after it opened, Marks and Sparks popped it's clogs, and a long established cafe has gone as well. Of course all these closures wont affect me, there are very few shops I visit anyway.
I was listening to something on the radio the other day. People were saying that they should limit the amount of charity shops they have in town centres, because it brings the place down and people don't visit any more. I say, lets have a High Street full of Charity Shops.
Today I paid my credit card bill into the bank, I bought six eggs for 89p and four tins of cat food for £1.10 from B & M, a wall calendar for 99p from The Works, and a book token from WH Smiths, for Alex as a thank you for hanging my new second hand door. Just opposite the bank is a Thorntons shop, now I absolutely love their Treacle Toffee. I found myself drifting towards it, shall I shan't I. You would be proud of me, I managed to resist the temptation and I am happy to report that I didn't go in. Boy was my will power strong today.
I am watching the pennies at the moment because I know I have my car road tax to pay at the end of December, car insurance is due in the middle of January, and anytime now a gas and electricity bill will be dropping through the letter box. Not that I am bothered too much about that, I still haven't put the heating on, so I don't expect the bills to be very high.
I think I am going to be giving the town a miss from now on till after Christmas, it's not very pleasant at all there now. Far too many folks barging around with plastic carrier bags loaded up with seasonal booty. The normal stock in the shops has been put away in the back to make way for the all the Christmas junk, so there's no point in looking for something because it won't be there. I shall be glad when it's all over. Bah humbug.
Monday, 21 November 2011
One decision and it might have all been different
Getting chatted up was a regular occurrence when I was a trucker, only to be expected given that most of the people I came into contact with while working were of the male species. The young ladies of today go to great lengths to to get noticed by the opposite sex, they tart themselves up, stuff their bodies full of botox and silicone, and stagger around town on a Saturday night wearing very little clothing. I didn't have to do any of that. A pair of rigger boots, a hard hat and a big truck was all I needed to get them flocking around me.
I was unloading my cement tanker at a brick and block factory in Essex one afternoon, when another tanker pulled in from a rival firm, and backed in alongside me. After the driver had connected his hoses up and had started to unload, he came over to me and started chatting.
He was pleasant enough, quite a bit older than myself, nothing special, not the sort of man I would normally go for. My tanker was empty first so I switched everything off, disconnected the hose and put away my equipment. Brian carried on chatting to me, following me around the lorry as I was working. He asked if he could have my phone number.
‘Here we go again,’ I thought. “No,” I replied, “I don’t give it out to anyone.”. He was persistent and asked the same question several times, I was getting a bit irritated. In the end he asked if I would have his phone number and give him a ring sometime. I took the scrap of paper from him and shoved it in the bottom of my bag, promising to phone, and drove off.
It was about 6 months later when I was loading up at St Neots in the afternoon, for a delivery near Folkestone the following day. I knew I would have to have a night out, probably in Kent, then I remembered Brian, he lived near Rochester. I rang him from the cab phone, “Hi Brian, I’m on the M11 heading your way and I need to have a night out.”
“Great,” he replied, “There’s a layby a mile from my house, I’ll pick you up from there.” I knew where he meant because I had parked there when I used to take machinery to a power station on the Isle of Grain. He was waiting for me as I pulled in.
That night we went out to a cosy country pub for a meal. Surprisingly he was the perfect gentleman, considering how much effort he had put in to get my phone number. ‘He’s not so bad’, I thought, not exactly your Burt Reynolds, but a decent sort. Maybe if I got to know him I would warm to the kind heart he obviously had.
After a few months, things were going well. He was a widower, with a nice bungalow, two cars, one for work, and a Range Rover with a private plate, for leisure. He didn’t seem to be short of a bob or two. Since his wife died, Brian had made a very good job of looking after himself. His bungalow was immaculate, everything tidy and in it’s place, not a speck of dust anywhere. I started spending my weekends in Kent, and Brian treated me like a Princess.
He was a qualified chef and spent hours in the kitchen preparing a meal for me when I arrived, often with vegetables from his own garden. I met his family, and was invited to spend Christmas with them; everyone was very kind and made me feel welcome. I could see that Sugar Daddy, my pet name for him, was becoming very serious about our relationship.
Now at that time I was still a free spirit, my independence meant a lot to me, but I was beginning to feel trapped. It was very nice being treated like a princess by someone who obviously thought a lot of me, but I started to get panic attacks. ‘Let’s get married’, he would say, ‘You won’t have to go to work, you can ride around in my Range Rover all day’. I must admit I was tempted, but only for about five minutes.
Me, not work, but I like working, I can’t play the stay at home wife, clean the house, cook the meals, do the washing. The thought of it filled me with horror, not work! It was like a death sentence, the end of life as I know it. Besides, I didn’t like Kent very much, not sure why, just had a feeling about it, it’s too close to London.
When I said I couldn’t marry him because I loved my job, he offered an alternative, “Just come and live with me then,” he pleaded. I struggled with my conscience, I could probably take this man for all he had, and live a very comfortable life. All I had to do was go along with his dreams, act out his fantasy. Sugar Daddy was my passport to a better life, he adored me, and would do anything for me. But would it be a better life? It might be for a while, no mortgage to pay, no worries about earning enough money to meet the bills, it was all offered to me on a plate. Some women might jump at the chance.
But I couldn’t live a lie. My feelings for him were not as strong as his were for me, it wouldn’t be fair. I was very fond of him, a true, kind and honest man, but there was no spark, no madness, no spontaneity, it was all too predictable. I tried to explain, but I’m not sure he understood, he was of the old school, when women were grateful for the security of a good, hardworking man. The trouble was, I was a good hardworking man!
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Making my chair last a bit longer
I am not about to shell out for something I don't need, however tempting it might be, after all I do spend hours bashing away on the ketboard, surely I am entitled. Well no actually, I am not. I have already got a perfectly useable chair, although after ten years it is getting a bit tatty.
When I aquired my chair it had already had a previous owner, it was given to me when a new replacement arrived. My then boyfriend could well afford something like the posh chair above. He was about to chuck out his old chair when he asked me if I wanted it. Of course, thank you very much.
It came with a broken back. My hunky fella had leaned a little too far backwards, and with a crack the backrest wobbled and went all floppy.

I must say, it feels quite comfortable, even though it has gone through the wars a bit. There's quite a lot of wear left in it yet, I simply cannot justify replacing it. Not bad at all for saying it was given to me free in the first place.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
This slo cooker is just too darn slow

It was taking ages to warm up, so I transferred it to a pan and put it on the gas ring, and let it simmer for half an hour. Then it went back into the slo cooker, where it remained untill 5pm.
I did a taste test to see if the beans were cooked, they weren't, and I was hungry. It went back in the pan and more simmering on the stove, about an hour. Then I could wait no longer, I had to eat. Yes it's very tasty, the beans are better than they were, could probably do with a bit longer, but hey, I have to eat now.
I'm not sure I like cooking in this way, it all seems a bit long winded even though the food is supposed to cook itself. Anyway, now I have the basis for a week long stew. The beans need more cooking, so tomorrow I will add some spuds and by the time they have cooked the beans will be soft. Should be able to keep it going till the middle of next week by adding more to it :o)
Friday, 18 November 2011
My doodling

Toodle pip.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Our cats are happy cats

Our next job is to get our mum cat spayed, give her a days rest away from her kittens, and after that there will be a space to move big boy Bobo across to the pens. He is a little bit sad at the moment because he sees cats in the garden and he wants to go and join them. He won't have to wait much longer.
I got my hair trimmed this morning at my friend Julie's house. She had booked a hairdresser to come and cut her and her husbands hair, so I asked if she would have time to do mine as well. It just worked out nicely I arrived five minutes before it was my turn. I hate going to the haidressers, hate waiting, I want to be in and out. So ten minutes later and £5 lighter, I was dun. Julie and hubby are going to Spain tomorrow for a couple of months, they are driving there, with Jessie blind dog on the back seat. The dog is well used to travelling she has been many times before. There is a special deck on the boat for dog walking, with cleaning equipment provided for tidying up after them, if you get my gist :o)
I spent the afternoon walking, helping my friend Helen deliver the Parish Newsletters around her village. Some of the letter boxes are quite difficult to find, wouldn't you think it makes sense for everyone to have them on the front door. No, they are on back doors, on posts, on wooden gates, set in the wall, anywhere. Some houses don't even have a letter box, I gave up looking for it at one house and shoved the newsletter through the cat flap.
I nearly had my fingers trapped a few times. Some of them have a flap on the inside of the door as well as the outside, you try and push it all the way through and find your hand is jammed as you try and withdraw it. And those with brushes fitted in the box to supposedly keep the draught out, are a flippin nuisance. Anything you try and push through gets crumpled and creased and ripped. What a daft invention that is.
The terraced houses in a row are easy to do, just zip along them, but the big posh houses with long driveways, and those set on a hill with loads of steps to climb, take ages going up and down and in and out. I try and cut across garden to garden if I can, and hope no one sees me, ha ha. At least it keeps me fit, and although I might moan a bit, it is surprisingly good fun. I wouldn't want to do a regular paper round though, or be a postie, or do door to door catalogue selling, now that would be boring.
A quick and cheap dinner tonight. Two big spuds in the microwave, two grilled veggie sausages, with half a tin of spaghetti in tomato sauce over it. About 50p, and I'm full. See ya. Toodle pip.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Seeing eye to eye
I have £58.50 worth of Tesco vouchers, and with the promotion they have at the moment I can double that in the specs department, so worth a look. I picked out a frame which appealed to me, and showed the optician my prescription. My eyesight is very poor so I need quite a strong prescription, and because of that I pay extra for extra thin, varifocal lenses. This limits the style of frames I can have.
The optician couldn't give me a definate price because she didn't seem to know which type of varifocal lenses would be best for me. Choice of four from £45 Basics, to £159 Made for you. Or whether I needed Thin and Lite, Supathin, or Ultrathin lenses, ranging from £40 to £90. Then they have a 2 for 1 offer, but that makes it a whole lot more complicated, I won't bore you with that. Another thing I was surprised about is that the frames on display are the only sizes they do. They don't measure the distance across the bridge of your nose, and can't order them, so if you try a pair on that you like and they don't fit, tough.
I decided to go away and think about it, but my instincts tell me to go back to Specsavers. They have a lot more choice, and you get measured, and the specs can be adjusted to ensure they are right for you.
I've been having a sort out today, and look what I've found, my old specs from many years ago. Look at the difference between those from the early seventies, to the present day. What massive Deidre Barlow bottle bottoms I wore, like a couple of saucers on my face.

My next plan is to take the specs I had before these back to Specsavers, and ask how much it would cost to change the lenses to the new prescription. I've got some checking out to do before I part with any cash.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Putting the boot in
I have a good collection of boots myself, can't resist taking a look in the charity shops or car boot sales for the next pair. While most women would kill for a pair of Jimmy Choo's, I am quite content to pick up a second hand pair of bovver boots for a couple of quid.
These are my bestest walking boots, and the most expensive. Bought them in a sale, £55 instead of £110. They have to be good, and comfortable, because you know how many miles I walk in them.

I haven't been in a shoe shop for years, lots and lots of years. There's nothing worse than buying a new pair of shoes to find they hurt after only wearing them a few times. You may have guessed I don't go for fashion, I go for comfort. You wont catch me tottering about on foot crippling high heels, I now wear sensible footwear.