Wednesday, 23 November 2011

A walk in the park and bowl of stew

I went for a walk this afternoon with my friend Irene, to Normanby Park. She drove us there and I walked back. It's just starting to get dark.

I love these red sunsets.


Tonight for dinner is day five of the veggie stew, which started life in the slow cooker on Saturday. Last night I perked it up by adding a tin of tomatoes and a bit more garlic. Tonight a tin of chick peas went in, with some more spices and a sprinkling of cous cous. Who knows what I'll put in tomorrow night. Beats cookin any day :0)


  1. In the Navy we called that sort of meal a 'pot mess'. It is usually eaten to use up any leftovers when on an just hoped that puddings didn't end up in it too!!

  2. Beautiful sunset Ilona. I have a soup on the go too, it is mostly garlic and mushrooms at the minute but that can change at any time...

  3. your soup/stew looks lovely. I love a red sky at night gorgeous

  4. Centuries ago women would keep a pot going by just adding whatever new veggies or meat came along, a slightly different flavor every day. I do the same thing myself. YUM!

  5. Like you Ilona I make a big stew in my slow cooker and it seems to last ages, I will be making a big stew pot next week, good to have when busy etc and so nourishing especially when it can be added to every day. I went to Burton Constable with my group but altho its a stately home category I thought the place was very run down and the rooms were very dark and it was hard to take in all the antiques or pictures, which was a shame. The place is owned partly by the owner Mr Constable and Leeds Council who are trying to upgrade things, such a shame that these lovely houses are left to run down. Going to Chester this weekend for 3 days, I can not get on with my move at the moment as I do not get signed over until next week so thought I might as well go on the trip as it was booked and paid for months ago. Love all your pictures of your walks Ilona, just wish I could still do the walks etc, this year is the first I have not been camping.

  6. We do this soup/stew meal sometimes too. When I get in from work and am really tired, it is great to have something homemade that just needs to be heated up. Tastes great, is really easy, is good for you and is really economical. Can't beat it

  7. Good to see so many likeminded comments. Jo you are right, a home made stew/soup is good for you, I can't imagine ever buying a can or packet soup again.

  8. Pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold, pease pudding in the pot
    nine days old!!

  9. Homemade stew is very tasty, you can throw in whatever you like. I like the look of yours, nice and thick, don't like thin gravies, got to be stick to the ribs stuff that you can stand the spoon up in. It also tastes better next day too as the flavours have had a chance to develop. Great you can stretch it for 5 days!! I try to do that with chilli by adding pasta, rice etc but the boys always eat the lot on the first day and they are like beanpoles too, hollow legs. Regards, Christy x


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