Sunday, 27 November 2011

A localish walk in the Brigg area

Howdy folks. It was a lovely morning so I decided I had better take advantage of the sunshine and go off for a localish walk. My starting point was the market town of Brigg in North Lincolnshire, a short drive of 25 minutes away. After parking my car in the centre, I took a long street through a housing estate which came out across the fields, to Kettleby. I have a friend who lives there, so I called in to see her. Unfortunately she was getting ready to go to work, so we only had time for a short chat. Nevertheless it was good to see her again. After a quick coffee I went on my way.

Just up the road on the A18 towards the motorway is Wrawby Postmill. It's not open very often but when it is it's a very popular place for visitors.

The windmill looked lovely against the clear blue sky. There was a sharp wind blowing, but you have to come on an open day to see the sails turning. If you want to read about it,

I really don't know why I cannot copy and paste a link in here. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Close by is a small holding with lots of ducks and poultry.

The porch at St Mary's Church Wrawby gave me some shelter to eat my sandwich. The wind was really strong at times.

I did a big anticlockwise circle, walking along the side of the motorway for a while and came back into Brigg. I popped into Tesco to check the reduced sections and found two pots of potato salad at 7p each, and a packet of six wholemeal bread rolls for 19p. Never miss a chance of a bargain.

It was too early to finish so I set off again through the industrial estate to join the River Ancholme. Blimey look at how many different languages we need on our factory gates now.

A small marina on the opposite bank, at the place where the old river splits from the new.

Heading northwards, the next bridge along is Castlethorpe Bridge. It's a wooden footbridge.

Down stream a short distance this pipeline goes across, looks like they are doing some maintenance work on it. The New River Ancholme goes all the way to South Ferriby, and joins the River Humber close to the Cement Factory.

It's starting to get dark as I arrived back in Brigg, it's only just after 4pm. Mind you even with a short day I have managed to walk 10.5 miles, and that's with a stop for a chat. Toodle pip.


  1. I've been following your blog for a few weeks now. I was brought up in your neck of the woods, although I've lived down south for the last 40 years. Some of my family live in Brigg - I usually visit them 3 or 4 times a year - it was great to see some photos of the town. North Lincs is a lovely part of the country, although it's not very well known. I'm also trying to live a frugal, 'green' life down here, but it's not so easy with house prices and the cost of living being what they are in the south. I would love to move back, but have children and grandchildren living near by. Your blog is great - makes me laugh! Look forward to seeing more pictures of the lovely Lincs countryside,

  2. Lovely to see photos of the Brigg area. It was the nearest town when we visited my North Lincolnshire grandparents. I remember Brigg market back in the 1960s, as well as the numerous small family shops in the town.

    Is the bottom photo of the Angel Hotel? One of my Aunts was a manager there , donkeys years ago.

    I`m sure you enjoyed your walk. Great photos, as ever.

  3. That is a pretty footbridge. It looks like it belongs in a fairy tale.

  4. Love the windmill. Looks really well maintained also.

    You'd think just a large sign with a cigarette and a knife&fork with a cross through would be obvious in any language?

  5. Love the windmill and the blue sky with it. It looks as if the weather was really changeable as it was here. I also like the photo of the footbridge, quite unusual.

  6. A lovely post Ilona, I do enjoy my vicarious walks with you.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.