Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Quick note

Hello. I am writing this on the hostel computer, sorry this post will have no photo's because £1 for 20 minutes would not be enough time to insert them and the words as well. And I am too mean to buy any more time, ha ha. Photo's will appear when I get back.

What have I done today. I stopped off at Matlock to have a look around, climbed the hill to Riber Castle, then it started raining so I had a bite to eat, then went for another walk, up High Tor this time. The views from here were fantastic, looking down on the main A6 road, the river and the railway line. It's a pity the weather wasn't too good.

Then I went a bit further to Matlock Bath and had a look around there. It was starting to get dark then, at 3.15pm, it was very overcast. The hostel looks like a posh hotel inside, I will take some photo's. There are a few people here, I am in a room sharing with one other. Guess what, I was recognised from Super Scrimpers, my fame follows me, ha ha.
My time is nearly finished, catch you later.


  1. Looking forward to your pics. Goodnight!
    Jane x

  2. The rain here has been so cold that I cannot imagine you walking in it! Stay warm,

  3. Have they sent the Paparazzi? Hope the weather keeps good for you.

  4. Fame.....everywhere you go you will be recognised as the lady with the 'boys knickers'......and the good ideas, hopefully!!

    Enjoy yourself on your wintery walks, but please take care.

    Sue xx

  5. I do admire you walking alone. Have you ever had any problems on walks. Also do you always go to derby and the peaks or do you have a specific geographical area you cover.

    Annie w.midlands

  6. Fame at last Ilona. I was in Matlock in the summer and got soaked! Enjoy your walk.


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