Saturday, 16 February 2013

Not the Domestic Goddess, just how I do things.

Complete turnaround today. Yesterday I took one look at the jobs that needed doing round the house, and went out. Today I groaned, and thought I had better get on with a few of them, otherwise I will be getting bogged down and never catch up. I stripped the bed and filled the washer, putting it on a 30 minute cycle. I put the water on for a bath, and set about cutting and colouring my hair. Here is the finished article. Once again I hacked at it using two mirrors opposite each other, and a pair of dressmaking scissors. The colour was from Poundland, I can get away with using half of it and saving the other half for later. Looks quite good I think, and exactly how I like it.   
The washing went on the line, a lovely blowy sunny day, it soon dried. The pots were washed, four days worth in one bowl of water in the sink. Then I had lunch, spaghetti and scrambled eggs on toast. 
After lunch it was soak in the bath time. I forgot to put some bubbly stuff in it, and as I lay there, I thought perhaps I don't even need it. Have you ever walked past a house when they have just let the bath water down the drain, the perfume from the smellies they added waft down the whole street. I'm sure some of them must put the whole bottle in for it to smell that strong.
I thought I would conduct an experiment, have a bath without using any soap or bath foam, just use water. I normally scrub myself all over anyway, that gets rid of the dead skin. So, here are my bathing tools. The pumice stone can be used anywhere where the skin is tough enough to take it. As well as feet, I use it on legs, arms, shoulders, bum, and back as far as I can reach. The scrubby gloves reach all the places the pumice stone can't, all the nooks and crannies. And the back brush is, well, for the back obviously. I dry myself with a rough towel, (don't use fabric conditioner), while standing in the bath, then step out and finish off. I feel perfectly clean, my skin is smooth, so no more toiletries are needed, just a dab of moisturiser on my face. So I don't think it is necessary to put a load of gunk in your bath, waste of money, and bad for the environment. When I've used up the stuff I've got, I won't be buying any more of it. Mind you, I've got about five years supply. If I use it sparingly it will last ten years, ha ha. And don't forget, my bath water stays in the bath and is used to flush the toilet. 
My next job was to run the Dyson round, downstairs. The cat hairs are building up, I know I said I can live with them, but when they reach knee height something needs to be done, ha ha. Also the living room floor was looking a bit messy after my last crafting project.
My upright Dyson is not very good at cleaning round the edges of the carpet, right up to the skirting board, so I've found a way of making a better job of it. I usually get down on my hands and knees with the nozzle attachment, but even this does not do a perfect job. Anyway, I've made a little video of how I tackle this problem. See what you think.

Next job was get the washing in off the line, and make up the bed. Tonight I made a big pan of carrot curry, well it's mainly carrots, with some potatoes, onions, and a tin of sweetcorn. My usual simple recipe, three teaspoons of curry powder, one teaspoon of turmeric, two teaspoons of garlic out of the jar, one veg stock cube, a handfull of sultanas, three dessertspoons of porridge oats. My, does it taste good. I will be eating this for the next three days, might freeze some if I get fed up of it. Sometimes I have it with a spud in the microwave, or pasta, or cous cous, or even on it's own with a piece of bread.
While this was cooking I made a start on the windows. I cleaned three of them on the inside, Will do the rest another time. Phew, busy day today, at least I'm making some progress with the jobs. Nearly forgot, my pants drawer in the bedroom wardrobe was broken at the back. When I pulled it all the way out to see what the problem was, I found a load of pants which had dropped down behind the drawers. I wondered why I hadn't got as many pairs as I should have, I know I haven't thrown any away lately. So, I'm happy, I have found my lost pants, and mended the drawer.
Toodle pip.


  1. Brilliant top tip for removing cat hair!
    I'll give it a go next cleaning day, unless you feel like hopping over to do my carpets?
    Jane x

    1. I havnt got a cat now but my tip for getting hairs off carpet is to use a metal dogs brush with spikes,like a currycomb for horses and brush the rugs with it and get all the hairs up very quickly.

  2. I did a haircut using the same method on Thursday and my clippers. I think it saves a fortune!

  3. 4 days worth of pots in the sink - - you're right you're not a Domestic Goddess!!!
    You obviously get your priorities right!!!
    Much better things to do!!!

    By the way it's pants drawER not draw!!!

    1. Thanks Sue, was in a rush, I have rectified my mistake. I did get it right twice though.

    2. PS. The pots are not kept in the sink, they are piled up on the worktop next to the sink, so that I can use the sink.

    3. Hi.I hate washing up and do it when there is enough to make it worth while,I actually often use the remains of hot water from coffee making to wash up a few things.When I have a lot of plates etc that need washing I have to put on the immersion heater,this heats more than is needed for a days washing up when I am on my own.Therefore water from the kettle is sufficient..

  4. I put a rubber glove on and it works in the same way as your damp cloth to collect pet hairs. It has been nice here today and I managed to get some washing dried on the line too. Is this lovely weather the first sign of spring at last.

  5. I love a day where lots of little chores get done...been having one myself today...seems the cat hair is an endless battle here too...

  6. Love the hair colour. Definitely, agree you can get away with using half the bottle as the colour has come out a treat. Good job!

  7. I've taken up the age old pottage recipe...cook beef stew one day ....any left over gravy add more potatoes and veg to for next days food...and carry on doing so.Lovely the more days you get into it.

  8. Very cheap hair wash is 1 tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of water. Leaves hair very clean...actually the first few times you use it you will see foam from the shampoo residue that stays in the hair. Also, baking soda makes a very nice tooth powder and negates the acid in the mouth that erodes the teeth enamel.

    1. I think I might try the baking soda thing.

  9. Theres nothing worse than loosing your draws behind your draws hahax love reading your blog its like chatting with a friend x

    1. Thank you Cake. I try to keep it chatty, not too many articles, try not to lecture, just fun common sense stuff.

  10. Love the hair. I did mine a few weeks ago and didnt like it as its too dark. I need to do it again but I was going to wait a while until it was growing out a bit, however if I can find one for a pound I will do it soon. What shade is yours ?

    Funnily enough I;'ve lost some of my pants too. I thought I had got a 'knicker knocker offer' but maybe I should check the back of my drawer. ha ha !

    1. Hi Eileen. The colour I used is Salon Fashion Hair Colour, made (or distributed by) by Healthpoint Ltd, FY2 0JN. It's in a pink box. I always buy a lighter shade than I think I need, this one is 10.01 Extra Light Natural Blonde.

    2. Thanks Ilona, I will look out for it in local Poundland.

  11. I would use soap; it is a wetting agent and will get you cleaner especially in the areas you cant scrub that hard (!!) Soap is so cheap also - a bar lasts me at least four months and the cheapest only costs 25 p. ( I only use bar soap)
    Love the hair colour !

  12. Oh I really like the colour and your natural waves, very nice indeed. Speaking of vacuum cleaners we had to purchase a new one yesterday, sadly apart from Dyson uprights, cylinder cleaners appear to be the flavour of the month. We were fortunately enough to find a Volta upright especially with pets in mind (all the various attachments) we love it and best of all it was such a bargain♥ I've never had problems cleaning the edges of the carpets but do have problems with our sofas and chairs. Like "Sals View" I also use a rubber glove (slightly wet) better still is the small rubber brush I have (again slightly wet before use). The bristles are made of rubber, excellent for cleaning up pet hairs.

  13. Your hair looks great Ilona.
    Ruth x

  14. Your curry looks tasty and rather colourful.

  15. good idea to put porridge oats in to thicken your curry!

  16. Must have been the sunshine getting to us yesterday, I cleaned my living room and kitchen windows and all the woodwork, then hoovered and polished too! Like the hair colour, I always do my own these days, it always comes out darker than I think it will.... looks OK though.

  17. Er, maybe I should have a day like yours. I can't leave dishes that long though, there's not enough room in kitchen. I seem to make such a mess when I'm cooking.

    Hair looks good.

  18. I would probably pile up the dishes too but I have a dishwasher so I just plop everything in there. The pots get soaked overnight usually and then they are easier to clean the next morning. Love your hair color. You did a really nice job cutting your hair too.
    I used to trim my hair myself but haven't done that in a long time. I don't go to the salon as often as they would like and let my hair grow out for awhile but it's still expensive. I've got thick curly hair and it's hard to cut it right myself. The no soap bath will get you clean especially with your method of using the back brush and pumice but I like the smell of soap and I usually use shower gel. I try to buy the one that is on sale and it lasts quite long. I only use a small amount on a mesh sponge so it foams up quite alot. But to each his own! I hate house cleaning but hate a dirty house even more so I do it quite often. I get no satisfaction out of it though. Some women love to look at their homes after they do a thorough house cleaning and get some kind of satisfaction I guess. Not me.

  19. Hi Ilona It's great to have days like this. You really feel as if the day hasn't been wasted. Carry on the good work. Kind regards Jean

  20. Love the hair colour and you have got a nice neat trim at the back, the two mirror trick obviously works very well :-)

    It took me a while to realise that I could use just half the pack of colouring, so now I do and it saves me a fortune.

    Sue xx

  21. That looks great, Really glossy. I'm not one for fancy bath products also. I use Palmolive milk and honey shower gel for as much as I can. It goes a long way and a dry body brush. I don't like to smell fruity of too flowery. I wonder if I could ask an off thread question? About pet insurance. We are picking up our first rescue pet tomorrow and was wondering if you could recommend a pet insurance company to us. We are so excited that 'Jimmy Choo' has chosen us to come home to. Many thanks Emma

    1. Hi Emma, we use Tesco pet insurance, it's not too expensive and when we had to make a claim there weren't any problems, filled in a claim form and they paid the vet (we could have had a cheque sent to us but it was easier for them to pay the vet direct)

  22. Hi Emma. Pleased to hear you are giving a home to a rescue pet, you don't say which it is, cat or dog. Sorry but I can't give you any recommendations for insurance, I haven't done any research about them.

    My Bugsy was insured with Pet Plan for for about 15 years. It started off at £5 per month, but gradually increased to £17 at the end, when I cancelled it. I had been paying all that time and never once made a claim, as he has been a healthy cat. Now I make sure I have enough money put by in case he needs treatment.

    My two young cats are not insured, again I will make sure I have enough money to pay for anything needed. However I will have to seriously think about exactly how much I am prepared to pay out, there has to be an upper limit. I just hope it doesn't come to that.

  23. Thank you ladies we have found by chance a very handsome Shorthaired Cream Selkirk Rex. I have to say that really he chose us. He's quite timid as he is a rejected stud cat but after a couple of visits he has become very affectionate to us. I've looked at Pet Plan but had forgotten all about the Tesco option. He comes with 4 weeks free insurance so I think I need to really do some research. Some many cats in need of a good home.

  24. G'day Ilona,

    I'm new to your blog. It's great, thank you!

    Doctors and scientists these days advise not to use soap as it strips the protective oil from your skin so you are on the right track.

    I was wondering if you've thought about going back to your natural hair colour for the same benefits - save money, reduce packaging, reduce exposure to chemicals for you and the environment.

    I was blonde when young and gradually became a dark blonde in my 20s. Then I started getting blonde foils done at the hairdresser. I gave that up to save money. I'm starting to go grey now. I don't mind grey hair so will not be colouring it. I try to avoid anything that creates extra maintenance. A neighbour of mine dyed her black hair for many years and then gave up and went back to grey. She looks great.

    Your self hair cut is excellent. These days I get my hair trimmed twice a year. No wash, dry, etc. just a dry cut. I wear my hair in a ponytail all the time and wonder if just trimming it while in a ponytail would do. I haven't tried it yet.


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