Wednesday, 13 February 2013


I see blogger have fixed the photo upload in compose mode, I was just getting used to using the HTML mode. Neither of them are very quick though, but we mustn't complain, it is free, except for paying a piddly amount when you reach your storage limit. I can live with that. So, here goes with the pics of the latest artyfarty project.
The before and after pic, no not two photo's merged, I have two pieces exactly the same but opposites. When I started I didn't have much idea about what I wanted to put on it. I knew I wanted different textures, but didn't have a design in mind. I had intended to add colour, but as it progressed I realise it didn't need any other colours. I ran out of the first shade, and carried on with a lighter shade. Everything is stuck on with paint, except for the pale flowers in the middle. I cut the shapes out of flourescent yellow fabric and stuck those on with double sided sticky tape. I thought I might leave them bright yellow, but decided it was too gaudy so I painted over them.
The close up photo's do not show the true shades, they look a bit pasty. I don't know why this happens, perhaps because I had to photograph it inside. I think you get a more accurate picture if you do it outside in natural light. The first and last pics are more or less how the real artwork looks, possibly slightly more yellow.  
The round plastic circles are from one of those plastic springy things. In the centre I have added some rice. The small buttons are sewn onto a strip of mesh fabric before I painted it on.
The netting on the right is a mesh bag that you buy lemons in.
Small offcut of lace. The paint soaks through and sticks it on.
The lighter shade with the rough finish is torn kitchen towel. This square was the first thing I put on, it is a small piece of mesh, a bit left over from the rug. I put a frame round it with a piece of cord. On the right and bottom of it I stuck some rice.
Once I started sticking things on, it was just a matter of finding new textures to use. Everything is placed  randomly. The polo mints and the upside down 'V' s are letters from a childs alphabet set. I could have arranged them a bit better, alternating the polo mints with the rice circles.
Some of the bits and pieces I used. Mesh or thin fabric works best as the paint soaks through. I thought of how they apply a pot at the hospital if you break a bone, this works in a similar way. Build up the layers and let it harden.
Well that's number four done, I'm quite enjoying coming up with ideas. I'm going to keep going and see if I can make enough for an exhibition.
I was hoping to go to Tesco tonight, but it's been snowing for the last three hours. The forecast says it's going to turn to rain. I will give it a try, because this weather will be putting people off going out, so maybe they will have a lot of food left over which needs reducing. Wish me luck.
Toodle pip.


  1. I'm impressed - such creativity! It looks great, I really like it all in yellows too.

  2. that brought a little sunshine to my day - thankyou:-) Love all of the different textures

  3. I love it and all the textures you have used. I nearly spat my tea out in shock because I thought your rice circles were painted 20p pieces and you had taken leave of your senses. Snowing here too, hope you get lots of good bargains on your shopping trip.

  4. Hi Jan here.Your artwork is amazing,simply stunning.Hope you have a productive shopping trip.Bet people are avoiding some of the processed meat products,maybe they won't return once they try 'real' food.Hope that doesn't mean that there's nothing good reduced though.

  5. Your arwork is fabulous!
    I`ve been shopping tonight and took my new trolley along. I managed to get a few little bargains with Tesco money off vouchers. Now that stepson had moved out we no longer need a massive amount of food to shop for, and my shopping bill came to only £25. My trolley was big enough to take a weeks worth this time, so saved me £4.00 in taxi fare. I bought a one day saver ticket for the bus instead, so that I can go to the car boot on Sunday.

  6. Even though it is snowing your artwork is certainly Spring like! I love all the shades of yellow used and mixed textures.

  7. Oh Ilona you are clever! I could never even begin to think of what to do with a piece of a car except throw it away! I agree, you should have an exhibition. Why not? Plenty of others have done the same? Good luck. Ann x

  8. Love your new artwork. It looks fantastic.

    Good luck with your bargain hunting.


  9. What can I say... absolutely up my street, yellow is my favourite colour and I just love this piece of work.
    You should definitely take care of the pieces you have already made and do an exhibition Ilona, no kidding.
    This is just the sort of thing I love.
    Thanks for the update email the other day.
    Keep warm

  10. You really have a great talent and your artwork is so unique. We really love all the yellows and clever use of materials.
    We have had lots of snow here near Chester, but glad to say it is turning slushy now.
    Wendy (Wales)

  11. That is brilliant and original. Go for it Iilona, you would have a fab exhibition.

  12. WOW. Another spectacular piece. I am in awe of your creativity. Looking for bargains when the weather is iffy usually pays off, most people would rather stay in.
    Thanks for sharing your art.

  13. I think an exhibition would be fabulous. I just love this...all the textures are amazing , and I love the all yellow!
    Jane x

  14. I love to see your creations Ilona! Perhaps we'll be seeing an invitation to your gallery opening in months ahead.

  15. You are incredibly creative, Ilona - well done with your latest artwork. It is so interesting and inventive - do hope you have an exhibition. Our art group have been working on the theme of "Spring flowers" today. We have all been pretty chilly as the church hall we use is big and difficult to heat. However we all managed to enjoy ourselves fortified with large mugs of tea and coffee. Hope you got back safely with lots of bargains. Best wishes, Anne (South West).

  16. Wow, the wait is over. I LOVE your art piece....absolutely LOVE it.
    You are so freaking talented Ilona. Definitely agree with the other posters above, an exhibition is in order. Maybe John can display some of your art pieces in the RAG too.
    You have inspired to get off my arse and work on the collage piece I plan for my kitchen...thanks.
    Stay warm.

  17. Very clever and creative, reminds me of spring too.

  18. what can I say? everyone else has already said it.... Brilliant Ilona!

  19. You never cease to amaze me, Ilona & an exhibition sounds fabulous!

    Sadly, you're a bit too far away for me to come, but keep us informed anyway. :)

    Bunchy x

  20. It's stunning! I can't wait for the next update. Thanks also for the beautiful pics of the cats and choc lab!

    Btw, do you ever have problems distributing food among three cats?

    1. Hi Anon. My three cats eat in three different places. Bugsy has Felix on the dining room table, under the back window, plus a graze bowl of Whiskas dry. (I don't eat my meals there, ha ha) Heidi has Whiskas wet on the floor in the kitchen and Whiskas dry. Mayze has dried Whiskas on the computer desk in the office. She wont eat wet food. I get treats of cooked chicken or ham for all of them. There are two large bowls of water, one in the kitchen and one under the computer desk upstairs.They are spoilt rotten, ha ha.

    2. That's a good strategy to have three dining areas - and don't worry about spoiling the cats - ours also get a cut from whatever meat we cook for dinner (she prefers them raw, but wouldn't touch seafood). It's just a small way to thank them for being a part of the family!

  21. Morning Ilona from House fairy
    With all the yellow, you bring the sunshine out in every ones lives.Well done on completing the art.

    Good luck with your Tesco shopping. I hope you were successful last night in getting what you wanted.

    Yesterday I went to Asda. Spent to much! we needed to replace the jars and packets that were getting low.
    I made a bee line for the whopsie's. Bought meat, fish and plenty of veg.
    Wile I was foraging through the reduced, I over heard a young lady tell her OH "we don't want that stuff, it is going off!". Clearly mot a money saver!

    Today, I am putting the slow cooker on for a hearty winter beef casserole.
    I have also a Valentines cake to make. Chocolate, decorated with the love heart sweets.

  22. This is a beautiful piece of art.

  23. That is a real original piece of art work. I love it. I love yellow and it brightens up the dull winter day. Yes, I think after you make a few more pieces you should definitely look into displaying them somewhere. Hope you were safe on the road last night when you went out "yellow stickering". Did you find any bargains?

  24. This is absolutely outstanding, it's lovely.

    I see an beautiful display coming together ready for an exhibition of 'recycling at its best' at a gallery near you.

    Sue xx

  25. What a talent you have, Ilona, to see the potential for interest and beauty in stuff most people toss. Love the colour too. So cheering!

  26. I love it Ilona. The colours are amazing. The talent you have I don't think you realise and how much you inspire people to try doing something different. Keep at it. I look forward to your next piece:)

    Sue R


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.