Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Chatting with Burnsy

Hello. It was a bit of a faff this morning, waiting for the call to go on the Burnsy Show on BBC Radio Humberside. Apologies if anyone was waiting for it to happen. It was scheduled for 9.40am, other things took priority and I was pushed back once, then again. Finally I got the call at around 11.15am. If you want to listen this is the link, readers outside the UK may not be able to access it. Slide the bar across to 2 hours 18 minutes. I sent him a present yesterday and it arrived this morning. He opened it on air, remember the football shopping bags. Burnsy's first love is football, goes to the matches as a commentator, the bag is an idea present for him. 
The fridge arrived, a nice young man brought it in, unpacked it, but unfortunately it didn't fit into the space vacated by the old one. I thought there might be a problem, but not to worry, there was a plan 'B'. An inch could be taken off the top of the cupboard next to it, and as I don't have the right saw for this, I called on my friend Bob. He came to have a look, and came up with a better solution. Shuffle the cooker an inch to the left, unscrew the cupboard from the wall and remove the top. Shuffle it to the left close up to the cooker, and that gave us a big enough gap to slide the fridge in, no sawing was needed. He was running out of time and will come back to screw the cupboard to the wall. Looks pretty good, bags of room in this one, I'm chuffed.  Mayze cat won't be very pleased though, it is too tall for her to jump up onto it. 
Bob was on his way to the tip with some scrap wood he no longer wanted. He let me have a rummage through it. There was a superduper pallet, some bigger pieces, and some dinky little offcuts. I couldn't resist rescuing these. They will come in useful for something. I am chuffed.
The porch light packed up the other day, I have just got round to changing the bulb. It's really useful when I come and go in the dark, putting the right key in the lock and changing my footwear. I delved into my stash of bulbs, it was a good move to rescue twelve of these from a skip a few years ago. The boxes are a bit crumpled, they were damp when I picked them out. I wasn't sure if they would work, but worth a try. All tested, they work. That was a good find.

I am missing a cat this evening, Heidi has gone walkabout. It might have been because strangers were in the house. I need to go and look for her. Chances are she will stroll in later wondering what all the fuss is about. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. Thanks for the link! I am in the Southern part of the USA and could listen. Merry Christmas!

  2. Nice fridge/freezer Ilona. Check the instruction booklet as we had to leave a gap of about an inch all round ours which we just managed.
    Will listen to your broadcast later.

  3. Thank you for the link, Ilona. I was able to hear it just fine in Miami, FL. I was kind of laughing when he asked if the gift was knitted underpants. You are so sweet to think of others, and remember what they like. I bet he truly loves his football bag.
    Sensible and smart as always!
    Hope your kitty shows up soon...I don't much like strangers in my house either, ha ha.

    1. Hi Lisa. Kitty is back, after I searched the house and garden several times. It's not like her to wander off for long.

  4. Nice to hear your voice on the radio and I now know how to pronounce your name (I thought it was 'eye' lona).

    1. Hi Susan. If you go to the My videos at the top, click on it, there is a video of me telling how it is pronounced.

    2. Thank you - I've just watched it. We have lots of Ionas in Scotland so I had assumed that your name sounded similar but with the L in it. I hadn't realised that your name was German, it's a very pretty name and I like how it is pronounced.

  5. I hope Heidi comes home soon,

  6. Glad Heidi is back. Super broadcast. Burnsy did a good job of publicizing your blog, hope you can convert a few more lost souls.

    Linda xx

  7. Listened to you talking with Burnsy. Must be quite hard to just think of answers on the spot like that. You came over very well . Did you hear the bit earlier about wanting to spend sheds loads on a new arena in Hull ( refused ) be finished 2018....a year after " City of Culture" 2017. Typical, ha ha.

  8. Enjoyed your broadcast, Ilona - you sounded very happy and relaxed. With some people we have agreed to just buy for birthdays which is a help. Glad your little cat is safely home, best wishes, Anne (in S. West)

  9. Great recording Ilona. If he does give the bag to his wife she will be very pleased I'm sure.

  10. Listened loud and clear here in New Zealand...Seasons Greetings Ilona keep up the good work.

  11. I was able to listen to you from Indiana USA!! Great job!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I really laughed at you two chatting together - you were great. I rather liked your presenter, I wish our local radio was that entertaining. Glad he plugged your blog twice. Debbie.

  13. I listened to your radio interview from Florida. You sounded great. We cannot view BBC television programs online here in the U.S. But it is nice that we can listen to BBC radio.

    I am so glad that Heidi is home.

    Enjoy your new fridge freezer. It looks lovely.

  14. Lovely to hear you on the program, it came in just fine here in the Pacific Northwest. I do like the way you pronounce "money"!

  15. There are so many wonderful things I love about your lifestyle Ilona, and one of the most fabulous things is how you don't see everyday boring stuff as it is, but you see stuff as it "could be". This is so exciting as I love what you do with the stuff that unimaginitive chuck out!

  16. Thank you for the link and I hope Heidi comes back quickly. Happy Christmas to you.

  17. Ilona, just to say hello and to say how much I enjoy following your funny and interesting blog from my base in West Yorkshire! I too make tote bags which thus far I've just given away as gifts to friends and family. They are very well received especially now in the light of the 5p charge in shops. Do we have to give the "bag for life" guarantee and replacement, I ask myself.
    Anyway, I love reading about what you're up to and wanted to say hello. All the best for Christmas and 2016.

  18. I listened to your broadcast - very entertaining. Isn't technology wonderful - how fab that people all over the world could listen to your interview. Nice fridge and glad that pussy is back safe. Natalie

  19. Thank you for the link, Ilona. I too could listen to it in Italy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Greetings Maria x

  20. Hi.Listening to your interview was very enjoyable and it had a nice light humorous touch,well done!And some good PR for you and the stress free frugal life. Am glad Heidi is back safe and sound.MY sister's indoor cat Elf did not like visitors, construction or painting and would hide for days on end...could not be found...but her food and water dish would be empty,and litterbox used.She was finally found in the furnace room wedged in behind the furnace.It became such a regular thing that a pillow was put there for her when the work and strangers coming commenced.They have their quirks,the little darlings.Bye for now,D

  21. Really enjoyed listening to the programme and thought you came over really well. Have an enjoyable Christmas doing things your way.Kristel

  22. On another matter there was a lady called Jennifer Drew I think on BBC Radio Leicester today on the Rupa Rajani show just before 11.00 a.m. - she got all her Christmas presents and only spent £4 - she's a couponing queen. Caught it in the car, will have a proper listen later on. Sue.

    1. Hi. I am always sceptical about these extreme couponing claims. Where do you get the coupons, do you have to purchase something before you are eligible for a coupon, what about expiry dates, and why isn't everyone doing it? There's got to be a catch.

  23. Love the new fridge ... think of all the extra room for more bargains, and there's sure to be lots in the shops if you get your timing right on Christmas Eve :-)


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