Saturday, 19 December 2015

Learning how to paint with wool.

Hello. My first try at needle felting, I think I'm going to like it. I've watched a lot of videos on yoootooob and I'm itching to get started. A lot of them show how to make small embellishments, dolls, animals, hearts, flowers, faces, and small sculptures. Not many on how to felt onto fabric and make pictures, which is what I want to do. but it looks easy enough. I need to practice. So, I have a piece of grey felt and I am adding a background of colours. 
It's a bit like painting only not so messy. You pull small pieces of wool from the roll and place it where you want it, then stab it with the tool. I like the idea that if it isn't looking how you want it you can add more wool over the top of what you have already done. This is just the start, who knows where it will end up. Looking forward to playing with it.

The fridge is fully installed and looks the business. Bob came round and nudged the cupboard a bit to the left so the fridge has plenty of space around it. I'm planning a Tesco trip tonight as the freezer is completely empty, I need to stock up.

I'll get off because I want to get my two mile power walk in before I go. Thanks for popping in. Catch you soon.
Toodle pip


  1. This is looking lovely Ilona, I treated myself to a felting machine to do this kind of work but am too busy with the scrumble at the moment. I like the greens. Good luck at Tesco.

  2. I like this art!!
    Its beautiful,, I was wondering what you were doing when I read your blog post come up on my reader lol,,

    You will have fun filling that fridge!

  3. Reminds me of an Impressionist painting. Can't wait to see how you proceed.

  4. Oh Ilona, do you ever slow down? You are full of energy and I love your positivity. A deep freezer must never run empty, even a tray to make ice cubes will do until you stock up - but never leave it empty. Greetings Maria x

  5. Needle felting "then stab it with the tool" made me think of rug hooking.

    What a good friend Bob is - good luck on your shop tonight.

    Do you ever meet anyone on your late walks around the village?

    1. Hi Sandy. The occasional dog walker, sometimes people walking to the pub or club. I want to do the walk without stopping so rarely stop to speak.

  6. Felting is brilliant fun - I do wet felting - it's damn good exercise! :) xx

  7. If you don't like how it looks, you can pull it back out. But adding different stuff on top gives a lovely "deep" effect like the layers in an oil painting. Also try using snippets of yarn; wool works best but you can get some great effects with "eyelash" & glitter yarns. Fabrics like silk, calico & muslin can be used, too; the barbs will pull the wool through them.

    Bits of old wool blanket make a good base to felt onto, and if you want to place some bits exactly, use a bit of netting to hold it down; it'll pull straight off again afterwards leaving your details intact!

  8. This is going to be a great new craft for you!
    Take your time and don't feel rushed to produce something too fast for your eager public! JanD

  9. I said I was looking forward to your needle felting. Lots of fun ahead for you! Natalie

  10. This is one craft I have never tried but looks like fun maybe in the new year I will give it a try. Hope you got some bargains at Tescos.

    Enjoy the day,
    Hazel c uk

  11. I've made felt through the wet felting method before. That took inordinate amounts of energy. This looks much easier. Enjoy! x

  12. Here is some inspiration for you, though she 'wet felts'. Marvellous art she makes.

  13. Hi.I like the idea of using a wool old blanket as a base as was mentioned by thriftwizard.It's going to be fun watching how it comes along.Nice colours,Ilona!Glad the fridge is all set to go and you are surrounded by good neighbours.You are blessed.Bye for now,D.


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