Tuesday, 13 February 2018

A bimble around Haworth and Oakworth

Hello. I know you are waiting for some more walking pictures, so here they are. I arrived at Haworth Youth Hostel just after lunch. The weather wasn't too good so I didn't rush, in fact I drove through a snow storm, and was worried that I might have chosen the wrong week to go away. It cleared up though and I was able to do a four mile circular walk from Haworth to Oakworth, and back again. 
The road alongside Bridgehouse Beck is very bendy, the sign on the wall reminds people to toot their horn when approaching a sharp right hand bend. Over the top of the bridge is the railway line for the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway. 
The road then goes underneath a big old Mill, what a massive job that was to build it over a road and the Beck.

Here I am arriving at Oakworth Railway Station. It's a lovely old building, like stepping back in time to the Railway Children.

The place looked deserted but then the distinct sound of the chug chug of a steam engine was approaching. I couldn't believe my luck, I didn't expect to see this. The guard came out of the office and I commented to him that I didn't expect to see a train. He said they are running this week because the schools are on half term holidays. What a bonus eh!

I picked up a time table, I will see if I can fit in a train ride while I am here.

I walked through Oakworth village and came across this park. Worth a look, but careful on the paths, they were frozen with ice.

This is the summer house.

Holden Park has grotto's and caves, with lots of nooks and crannies to explore. There are woods, and terraces with lots of steps, and secret passages. Lots of fun for children to explore.

From there I turned left and completed the circle back to Haworth. I have been here several times before so I didn't take many pictures. This shop has had a name change since I was last here.

The narrow and steep, cobbled, main street has an assortment of houses and shops. This is very busy in the summer season, with the church at the top of the hill.
It's very hilly in these parts, this is the view coming back into Haworth. The sun has come out.

The bridge over the railway line near Haworth Station. I was lucky again, and the train came by and covered the bridge with smoke.

I called in at the Spar Shop for some supplies, my dinner tonight was half a packet of macaroni cheese and half a tin of mixed beans. I'll eat the other half tomorrow night.

There are a few people in the hostel tonight, mainly families, I had to come out of the games room it was too noisy. I have a room mate, there might be another one, it's an eight bed dorm so at least we have lots of space.

Janet has texted me, the pussies are fine, it's good of her to look after them for me. I get regular updates. I hope to do a full day walk tomorrow, let's hope the weather is kind to me.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Never visited Haworth but looks very interesting even in winter. Glad you are having a nice time and keeping up with the walking.

  2. Yet again I am enchanted and thrilled to be viewing your "bimbles"...Totally makes my heart smile. Thank you muchly for sharing.

  3. Ilona now don't you go having a Brief Encounter on Valentines day now you've seen that steam train x

  4. It look like a beautiful area. I see some now. It's going to snow a bit here tonight also. We had a bit back in mid-November but only rain since then. I'll be glad when the warmer, sunny weather returns. I'm sure you will be too.

  5. We absolutely love going to Haworth when we are able to, it's a lovely place. Smashing photo's Ilona, hope you enjoy your walking there. Maggie xxx

  6. Thanks so much for the photos and comments, great views of the towns and the train! So different from cactus heaven here in Phoenix! I was astonished to see snow, then remembered what time of year it was :)

  7. That looks like great fun exploring for adults, too!

  8. I have fond memories of visiting here as a child. We do bush walks nowadays in a different country where I live.

  9. Lovely photos, thank you for taking us on your bimble.

  10. Hello. In which part of England is it ? I like very much the countryside overthere, small cities and villages, Georgian architecture, gardens ... and love the steam train.

    1. Hi. It's about two miles south of Keighley in Yorkshire. Bot far from Bradford.

    2. Hi! Haworth is a part of Bradford in Yorkshire (BD22 postcode), it’s easy to get to by public transport in the city centre. Lots of countryside around here and places of interest for you to see, if you visit anytime.

  11. When I stay with Yorkshire Daughter later in the year we are going to Haworth (I am a Bronte fan so can't wait to visit it again - last time this Yorkshire Daughter was in a push chair!!) Apparently that station WAS the one where they filmed The Railway Children, and Haworth was the location. I love steam trains too - I hope you get to travel on one. Enjoy your walk.

  12. wow - it's just like Thomas the Tank Engine!

  13. Oh i love looking at your photos that you take on your Bimbles!! Ive had a really horrible morning and viewing this has cheered me up,cleared my head and got my backside in gear!.I love that part of the country and hope to visit there again sometime soon.Thanks Ilona,Hope that you have a lovely break.Debi,xx

  14. Absolutely beautiful buildings, park, and trains! Thank you so much for sharing.


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