Thursday 4 July 2024


 And still they keep coming. The idiotic stupid comments. The cruel taunts. The bullying. The attacks on my integrity. The nitpicking. The sarcasm. The criticisms. Every day they rear their ugly head-s. Their obsession to cause disruption and pull me down is a sign of their mental instability. 

Thank you for your supportive comment Debi. I won't publish it but thank you for taking the time to write it. There is no reasoning with people who are so mentally unstable. Unfortunately I am not able to block individuals on here. The only thing I can do is to close all comments, except from those who sign up to be a member. And I don't blame people for not wanting to do that. 

I need a rest from sorting out the genuine comments from the garbage. If they think they can bully me into abandoning the blog, no chance. I am in it for the long haul. 

Thank you to the genuine and supportive readers for sticking with me. 

Toodle pip.   ilona

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