Monday, 4 November 2024

A no photo's post

 Good morning. It's Monday. I will give crafty club a miss because I have too much to do here. I am going to have to create posts without photos for the time being. My computer filing system is muddled, I can't find anything. I will struggle on trying to sort out the mess. 

Mayze's visit to the vet went well. She has sore ears. Vet David gave her an antibiotic shot, and I have some ear drops to be administered twice a day. She is snoozing by my side as I type, oblivious to the smell of tuna fish wafting by he nose. She will wake shortly and will be ready to tuck into her breakfast. 

I was on the lookout for a door because one of mine on the summerhouse is crumbling, and I need to replace it. It's an internal door and shouldn't have been exposed to the elements anyway. It's done well to last as long as it has. The replacement door was found yesterday leaning up against the hedge of a front garden, as I was driving to town. Oh wow, look at that, just what I need. On the way back I stopped and rang the bell to ask if it was for sale, or is it free. A young lady came to the door and asked her dad. He said, it's free. He said if you come back in an hour I will help you carry it. And so he did. I now have a solid wooden door, which I will set about painting, before I swap them over. Lucky find, eh!

I was chatting to a friend in the village the other day. We cross each others paths occasionally as she walks to the paper shop with her dog. She looks so tired. Her husband, who I have met a few times but not recently, is very poorly. I remember him as a big physically active man who was always busy around the house making improvements. She tells me that I wouldn't recognise him if I saw him now. He had a stroke and cannot leave the house. I feel so sad for her. 

I see quite a lot of people when I am walking around the village. They often stop to chat. I say hello to two friends, ladies of a similar age to me, they walk together every day. In the last week I see that they are not walking together now. One of them is having difficulty walking, she now uses a stick and is hunched over. I asked the other one what happened that they don't walk together now. She said she has hip problems and is waiting for an operation. The friend has been told it will take a year before she is called in to the hospital. The lady still walking has found a new friend to walk with every day. 

Rocky dog who lives across the road, the one that I have been taking for some walks, is now going to the the village green with it's owners. Doggy's dad is recovering from a heart operation and is now able to take him for short walks. So that's good news. Today is a walking day for Billy dog, so I will do that this afternoon. 

Looking around the blogs, I see that John is tackling the subject of anger. I think we all realise that there is a lot of it about. It's hardly surprising when we see that the world is being pushed in a certain direction. We are the sheep and we have to toe the line. Or do we? 

Emotions reach a boiling point, when we are told to accept what plays out in front of us before our very eyes. We now know that whatever we read about, whatever we see on a screen, can be manipulated to mean something completely different. Anger is being used as a weapon to divide us. 

I manage to control my anger. Forcing people to take a treatment that was neither safe and effective, makes me angry. Not paying out enough compensation to those who were injured by the treatment, makes me angry. Arresting people who were told to stay locked in their houses but were outside in parks, makes me angry. Pushing rubbish food that isn't food, makes me angry. Governments printing money which is completely worthless, makes me angry. There is no money, only debt. The self appointed self elected WEF mob who are trashing the earth to get rid of those they can't control, to make way for those that they can control. That makes me angry. 

I mentioned in my feeding the ducks video that I had a conversation at the park with someone I knew of but had never met before. Something sad had happened in the village which we discussed. I was then aware that this woman has a lot of common sense. We then talked about the mess the whole country is in, what started it, and surprise surprise she is fully awake to everything. How refreshing to speak to someone who saw the dangers in the beginning and didn't go along with it. We had a similar mindset and did not have to constantly think about oh, I'd better not say that. She was on her way home, and we parted on a high. I think we both felt liberated that we had been able to express our thoughts knowing there was not going to be frowns and eyes rolling. 

I bury my anger. And now breath. Today is another day and I am still alive. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Thanks for a great post !! One day to go here before the election and we are all hoping for a new and better time !

    1. I believe 50% of the good citizens of the US have already voted. I have no idea of when the final count will be broadcast. I doubt very much that the winner will have the balls to go full pelt against the Globalists and obliterate them. The biggest and almost impossible task for them to tackle will be to close the borders.

  2. Many many people writing on online forums I read now talking about serious long term side effects. Some really regret ever having it and others saying they won't ever get another. Most actually know people who are now disabled because of side effects or have died. The AZ has been withdrawn as they admitted it can rarely?? cause blood clots. I'm never having another. Was it any good anyway? Some people had the vaxx and were still very ill with covid, others didn't have it and were fine with covid. So it's debatable if it helped at all.
    Sally from Devon

    1. Everyone will have their own opinion. Tell those who did a daft thing by rolling up their sleeves, and they won't admit it. They keep going back for more. There are calls for the experiment to be suspended, because it sure as hell ain't working.

  3. Good read, old age and failing health is sad but the consolation is we lived in the best times with families cared for modest homes fully owned and have enjoyed many happy times. Just have to thank God for each day and the blessings he sent, and do our best each day to be thankful.🥰

    1. I am grateful every day that I lived my teenage years through the sixties. Before the internet everything was so much more simpler then. We didn't have much but we managed.

  4. Totally agree. I was forced into having two jabs as I was working in the NHS as an admin person. I was told by my line manager in front of the whole office that to even think about not having the jab was selfish and I would risk my colleagues health, their families health and the hospital patients health. Since then I have had serious arthritis, Raynaurds and last week a clot in my leg. That jab has ruined my retirement.

    1. Dear Linda. I am so sorry to hear about your declining health. I can't offer a solution, but I think it is important to keep talking about what happened to you. Your retirement may not be what you expected but look for some new hobbies and interests to take your mind off somewhere else.

  5. Wishing lovely Mayze a speedy recovery. It’s always really worrying when something’s amiss with our beloved furry family.

    I know a number of people who happily took the treatment. They’ve either died or have multiple health problems and now take bucketloads of medication. All fit and well before. I’m so glad I never rolled up my sleeve.

    I was ill for a few days last week - nasty cough and aches and pains. Did I do a test - nah. Why would I need to do a test to prove I wasn’t well. Did I phone the GP - nah. Wouldn’t have had the patience to spend hours trying to get through. Did I go to A&E - nah. Most A&E departments are an absolute cattle market.
    What did I do? I trusted my immune system to do its job, rested, took an increased dose of vitamin D and Zinc, added some echinacea and made sure I stayed hydrated. I bounced back after 3-4 days and am now on holiday absolutely fine. Was it the coof? I’ll never know. Haven’t been ill since 2021 when I definitely had the coof. Didn’t test at the time but took an antibody blood test some months later when threatened with no jab no job and wanted to prove I had natural immunity.

    Would I have the treatment now - nah.

    1. Dear tbg. I love your resilience to carry on. We all have some kind of natural immunity, some people fare better than others. To dwell on something only makes it worse. I believe distraction and getting on with your life can often bring about good results. Good food, healthy food, cut the crap, and get outdoors. No point in me telling you that, you already know.

  6. Hi from Elizabeth Creek Cottage in Australia, glad to read Mayze is on the recovery path with her sore ears, she is such a sweetie, loved her snoozing video, I had a good laugh, my cat Lucy is on my lap again so hello from Lucy too, thank you for sharing dear doctor, I have read the article and saved it to reread, I so so regret the 2 jabs I had , never again I have woken up and now see what the real agenda is, my trust in the govt. etc has gone, I too like Linda now have bad arthritis, and was told by a govt. nurse it was amazing how many people had their health decline after covid jabs, when she realised what she had said to me she quickly shut up, anyway life is good, and I will keep living happily my way, cheers Elizabeth

    1. Dear Elizabeth. Good to hear from you. The Dear Doctor, post to be found down the rabbit hole is long but with every detail of co vid and jabbbs covered. Dr Clare Craig knows her stuff and works tirelessly to get the truth out there. It's sad to see other people going downhill with their health. You must do what is best for you. I wish you well. xxx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.