Friday, 30 August 2013

A lesson well learnt

That's strange, I published this post last night, it had two comments, then went back to draft all by itself. I hope you didn't think I missed a post yesterday. Silly blogger.

Thank you so much for all your comments on the previous post. I am chuffed that you took the time to send me your messages. It is all beginning to sink in now, and I still have a big smile on my face. I am rather hoping that the rest of my life, the years that I have left, will all come together nicely.

I have my mother to thank for the way things have turned out for me. She was a good, strong, hardworking, honest woman.  She taught me what was right and what was wrong. There was one valuable lesson which I remember well, you can't always have what other people have.

When I was about 8 or 9, me and my brother used to play with the kids across the street, in their front garden. They had a lot of dinky toys, we thought they were wonderful because we had nothing like that. They were expensive to buy and mum didn't have enough money to get them. One day our friends were called in to dinner, and left us playing by ourselves with their toys. So consumed with jealousy were we, that we decided to steal some. After all they had such a lot of them, they wouldn't notice a few missing. A few hours later after we had come home, their father came across and spoke to mother. We were questioned about the missing toys, and denied all knowledge.

Our mum wasn't daft, she knew something was going on, and she eventually found them where they were buried, in our garden. Well you can guess what happened next, we got the hiding of our lives, and sent to bed for the rest of the day with no tea. She was a very proud woman and we had let her down badly.

Envy is a terrible thing, wanting something that other people have, but is out of your reach. It isn't fair, why can't I have one if she's got one. It drives people crazy, and leads them into crime. Thank goodness my mum gave me a good smack when she did. I have never forgotten the rule that if you don't have the money to buy something, you don't have it.

On a lighter note, I have my rail ticket for my trip next week. I shall be getting the train to Newcastle on Tyne and walking back to the Humber Bridge. For those not familiar with the area, I shall be starting out from South Shields on the North East coast, and following the coastline as much as I can. Then to Sunderland, Peterlee, Hartlepool, Middlesborough, Redcar, then picking up the Cleveland Way to Whitby. From then on I have two choices, whether to come inland from there and come over the Yorkshire Moors to Pickering, Malton, Driffield, Beverley, and down to the bridge. Or, carry on to Scarborough, then down to Driffield. I have just spotted a third option, carry on down the coast to Bridlington and come into Hull on the east side. I need to study maps a bit more before I print off what I want. I probably won't decide untill I am actually on the walk. I like to have a couple of options. I reckon about 130 - 140 miles, should be about 7 or 8 days. Computer is coming with me so I will be posting as signals allow.  Getting excited now. Whoopeeee, going walkabout :o)      


  1. My mum brought us up the same way, not to look at what others had, since "their bread was buttered differently."
    We learned quite early to make do with whatever our parents could provide for us.
    YEAH!! Another nice long walk to look forward to....I'm excited.
    It's a celebratory walk, that's for sure.

  2. Our thoughts will be with you Ilona. Have a great trip and take care. x

  3. When I was little ,"because we can't afford it" was heard often,and it seemed a good enough reason for me!
    Jane x

    1. Agree Jane. Don't think the youngsters of today know what it means.

  4. Have you read The Kingdom By The Sea by the American author Paul Theroux? It describes his 1982 journey around the coast of England by foot, train and bus. He might keep you company on your travels!

    Happy days ahead to you!

    Ann in Canada

    1. Haven't heard of that, Ann. Sounds interesting. I will ask at the library. Won't be taking a book, need to keep the weight down, computer is heavy.

  5. Hope you are in good shape for your long walk, eagerly awaiting photos.

    1. Not sure about the good shape, ha ha. Feeling keen and ready to go. Train on Wednesday, start on Thursday. Must get some practice before then, ha ha.

    2. There's a hotel called The Little Haven that is on the coast at the end of the river Tyne. perfectly positioned. Really lovely. Don't know price, but maybe above 40. B&B, I would look at ones in Ocean Road. great location for your walk, next to beach and shops for food. if you eat curry, South Shields is famous for.its many curry houses, most in Ocean Road and really cheap. in Ocean Road is a lovely free museum. Catherine Cookson comes from SS. Can spend a nice 15 mins there and up the bank from Ocean Road is the Roman Fort, partly reconstructed. Love it. Have a great time. if I still lived there I would have loved to have you stay with me.

  6. Looking forward to updates on your long walk. We were in Scarborough and Whitby earlier this year and love the area.

  7. Can't believe the mileage you do, bloody well done!! When my son was little (he is 20 now) they had a 'book fair' that came to school every year to sell books and raise money for the school. He was quite keen to have a book but I was totally broke and explained that we didn't have the funds 'never mind mummy, perhaps next year' he said, nearly broke my heart!! Still makes me teary all these years later. We had armfuls of books each week from the library so he didn't miss out really and always had a bedtime story which is worth much more in my opinion.

  8. I envy you and the time you can devote to those long trips. Enjoy the experience as you deserve it!!

  9. Hi. I am a long time reader of your blog, but never commented. I have lived in Australia over 2 years now and you are my little breath of England. I come from South Shields and was thrilled to learn that it will be your starting point. Please take a photo for me so I see the old place. It has a magnificent coastline walk you will love. The people are so friendly. It should up nicely. Have a lovely time.

    1. Hi signerjack. It's great to hear from you, thank you for your comment. I will be sure to take photo's of Shields, looking forward to seeing the place. I haven't booked a B & B, don't think I need to, will find a bed when I get there. Any recommendations? Prices look reasonable £30 - £40. Other people have told me about how friendly the people are.

  10. wonderful cannot wait to read about your walk - love driffield

  11. You are amazing, Ilona. I don't think I've "known" anyone who walks like you and alone. You are truly an inspiration to us all!
    Nancy from Northern California

  12. I think a lot of kids are tempted by things they can't have and its all part of learning right from wrong. Its a parents job to teach their kids.

    I like to drive the pretty way when i can although its not always practical in a truck. I used to do a distribution run in the North East most weeks and one of my faves was a 'B' road from Stokesley that climbed the Cleveland Hills and on to Helmsley. From there heading towards Malton is the most amazing view, you can see the cooling towers near Gainsborough. The fearsome Sutton Bank is nearby too where many a truck looses traction on the 1in4 gradient.
    Enjoy your walk, i hope the conditions are good.

  13. Hurray! I've been hoping for this. I remember when our mortgage was finally paid. Oh what a glorious feeling.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.