Thursday, 22 August 2013

Don't buy new, try making it first

I use this small pouch around my waist to keep my camera close at hand when I am out and about. It isn't really big enough, but with a bit of pushing and shoving the camera only just fits inside. Sadly I have pulled it about a bit too much and it is now not fit for purpose. No point in repairing it, stitching it together would make it too small.   
I need another pouch, but as always, I try and make one first before I resort to buying a new one. First I removed the strap and fastener.
Then made a new pouch from a piece of thick fabric. I put a gusset in the bottom, it's all hand sewn.
I found a zip, previously removed from a garment I cut up. And there you have it. A new pouch in which the camera easily fits into.
Here is an update on the sunflowers. They are towering above the garage, at 9 feet tall. They are the size of small trees. A few more flowers have appeared.
I had to climb a ladder to get some pictures.

The flower heads don't seem as big as some I have seen, but mine have more leaves than others. There are still more flowers to come.
It's been a nice day today, very warm in the sun. Time for a haircut, so I placed the two mirrors facing each other and chopped away at it. A bit of guess work round the back, but it looks alright. Saved about a tenner at the hairdressers.
Me and Janet are off to the Epworth Show on Bank Holiday Monday, we have a stall in the craft tent, selling odds and sods, making some money for the rescue cats. We have been given a big walk in dog kennel which has been converted to a cat pen. We have six cats in residence at the moment. Rehoming is a bit slow as people are busy with their holidays, but hopefully it will pick up next month. Sadly we get far more requests to take cats in, than we can cope with. All the rescues are the same, full up. I just wish people would take responsibility and get their cats neutered. Someone gave me some glasses to sell today, they have been in the loft for 30 years. It was very interesting to read the newspapers they were wrapped up in. The newspapers are probably worth more than the glasses, ha ha.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip


  1. That's the way to do it, sew your own.
    Lovely flowers, the birds will have fun with them later.

  2. Hope you make some money for the kitties...they need every single penny.
    Jane x
    PS We call those bags Fanny Packs (always made me giggle).

  3. its amazing what you can do to save money , the camera belt is a good idea ,I have lots of things in the future I need to make to save money xxx

  4. The sun flowers look great. I hope you raise a bunch for the rescue cats. Have you ever thought of setting up a page for them so bloggers can contribute if they desire? I have seen some blogs do that for other things. Love the little bag. Cheers!

  5. Love your new pouch!! Your sun flowers are gorgeous!!!

  6. They the names for those pouches are quite funny. Americans tend to call them fanny packs while we call them bum bags here in Ireland (lol!)

    1. In the interests of good taste would it be best to call it a designer camera pouch by Ilona?

  7. Oh Ilona, I do agree with the responsilities owners. I know I've mentioned before about being the proud owner of a rescued cat myself but he has brought so much pleasure to our family as well as opening our eyes to the lack of care by some. Hope you have a great day out and raise much for your kitties in need.

  8. Love your new pouch....good job!!

  9. Lovely new pouch. I like the pattern. Your sunflowers are doing rather well. There should be loads of seed heads then. I expect you will feed the birds over winter as well as use some seeds for your own breakfasts. Good luck with the fund raising!

  10. I used to have cats but here we are too close to a very busy road, I am looking to rescue another dog, Ben will be the one who chooses. I must make sure that he doesn't get anywhere near any dog bigger than a Spaniel though, just imagine a Great Dane in my little cottage.

  11. Stunning sunflowers! Bees love them too I'm told. I took the stray cat to the RSPCA today to see if it was chipped. It wasn't of course. Neither had it been neutered. They took him in to get that done. I am going to miss his daily visits. Perhaps I can visit him instead.

    1. Yes, that's a good idea, he will like your visits.

  12. Hi Ilona, I love sunflowers. Did you plant them for the seeds or just for the pleasure of seeing them bloom?

    1. Hi Lily. Just for the fun of it, and to see if buying a £1 packet of seeds with compost and a propagator, would actually produce something. I am amazed they have grown so big. The birds can have the seeds.

  13. The sunflowers are amazing, I remember the start of these.
    Nice money purse, shows what can be done with a little needle and thread.


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