Thursday, 15 August 2013

One is better than none

 I parked at Tesco this morning, not the one where I go shopping, another one, and walked to the dentist. It's only a few minutes away but easier to walk there as there is never any room in the street to park closer. It's a busy road with nose to tail traffic queuing to get through the lights. I was looking down as usual, thinking there is a lot of litter about, when I noticed a glove on the pavement in front of me. It looked in perfect condition, brand new in fact. Strange, I thought, why only one glove, where is the other one. I quickly glanced around, didn't want to draw attention to myself, couldn't see a second glove, so I carried on walking. I was still thinking about the glove when I got to the dentist, perhaps I should have picked it up, but what use is one glove.   

Sally the dentist was very nice. Why do all dentists have near perfect teeth, I admired her pearly whites. Where do they get their check ups done, do they go to another practice or do they ask their colleagues to treat them? She had a good poke around in my mouth, and declared that all was fine, no treatment needed, and see you in one year. I might not see her actually, because Emma my regular dentist finished today and is taking one year off. Her baby is due in four weeks. My appointment is for early September, so Emma might be back by then. I don't really mind which dentist I see to be honest. It's an all female practice, there seems to be more woment entering the profession these days. Go for it girls, that's what I say.

I got off lightly there, only had to pay for the check up. Keep on brushing and flossing. I was still thinking about the glove as I walked back to the car. Wondered if it would still be there, or if someone else had nabbed it. One glove eh, do I really need one glove? Do I dare to bend down and pick it up with all these cars passing, they will think I'm nuts. Then I thought hmm, one glove is better than none, so I picked it up.

Luckily it is a left hand as they are the first to wear out with me. I pull weeds up with my left hand, and this glove is pretty tough, it has rubber fingers. When trimming bushes I hold the twigs with my left hand whilst cutting with the right. It will protect me from the thorns.

So all in all, that was a pretty good decision. It doesn't matter that I only found one glove, because one is better than none. Don't you agree.
Toodle pip. 


  1. I wouldn't wear it, think of the germs that could be in there, where had that hand been or what had it been doing?

  2. You only need the one for pruning.

  3. oh we are so alike. When my right welly sprung a leak, I reluctantly gave it to my neighbour to plant mint in, but I kept the left one. DH thinks I'm mad, but what if one day in the future, I spring a leak in my new pair? if it's the left foot this time, I'm in luck! A whole new pair, using the undamaged right welly and the left welly which I saved. Good thinking huh? :-D

  4. I don't think I'd bother with one glove though the one in your photo looks quite new so I'm sure it will do you well. I'm sure you'll wash it in hot water first. Good find for you.

    1. The glove looks like it is new, and yes I have washed it.

  5. You can spray it with disinfectant, I would use it if it feels good. I can't afford new clothes or shoes these days so I would use it.

  6. It's always useful to have a spare glove, as I always destroy the right hand one.

  7. I would use it as well - we get all sorts of stuff on our skin and wash it off so how much damage can the inside of a glove do? unless it is contaminated by toxic chemicals, of course

    maybe wash the inside, first?

  8. I do this with rubber gloves- when one hand has gone I keep the other one and then turn it inside out next time another goes and then turn one inside out so I have a pair! Why waste things- they always say reduce, reuse, recycle and you're reusing!

    Had a fab time in Lincs btw and loved Museum of Lincs Life you recommended- learnt lots for blog material!

    1. Now why didn't I think of that, turning a glove inside out. You're a genius :o)

  9. I think you did right picking the glove up after you'd been to the dentist. I don't know what they would have though if you had gone in with one rubber glove.
    Its strange to see single boots, shoes and gloves. I think people like scaffolders put stuff on the back of the truck and it falls off as they go along.

  10. I have often puzzled over odd shoes lying in the road, and sometimes a sock . I have seen lots of gloves when out walking. One of my rambling friends always picks them up hoping to find the other one. He must have quite a collection by now.

  11. It's funny what is discarded. I often see one shoe on the highway on my drive to work, what possesses a person to throw one shoe out, and do they continue to drive with only 1 remaining shoe on?

  12. Why not pick it up if it is useful to you?
    I saw this lovely umbrella lying at the side of the road across from my house and snaffled it up as I walked the dog. It was a bird cage plastic one with a fancy handle where you pressed a button to make it come up. I admired it as I walked and when I got to the field let the dogs off and put up the umbrella. Apart from one spoke needing the plastic sewing back on there was nothing wrong with it. Well there wasn't until the dog mistook it for a fancy stick and jumped up crushing the handle and ripping the plastic to shreds. :(
    You win some you lose some. Keep picking up those bits that you find useful is what I say.

  13. I'm just laughing at Patricia32's comment about old shoes. Near where I live is a tree stump on the village green (not a real village) It has lots of odd shoes tacked on, and there is a notice which says "The tree of lost soles"


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