Friday, 18 December 2015

Eating out is a rare treat

Good morning. I started this last night but then abandoned it and took the dog out instead. Yesterday I went to visit the rellies. Me and my sis Anna, and her hubby Bryn. We had lunch at the Riverside Inn at Branston, Burton on Trent. I can recommend this place for a meal, my sis uses it regularly. The food was very good, with a varied menu at prices to suit everyone. The lunchtime menu has a great choice at £4.99 for a main meal, with a choice for veggies.  Bryn had a turkey dinner, Anna had fish in cheese sauce, and I had baked butternut squash in a sage and tomato sauce. We didn't bother with a starter or pudding, the meal itself was enough to fill us up. The staff were very friendly and welcoming, and it wasn't too busy. The tables are spaced well enough apart that you are not sitting close to strangers. Anna paid for our meals, so it was a nice treat. 

It was raining when we came out.

I can't remember ever visiting this place in my younger days, it was always known as the posh hotel next to the river, and out of our price range. Now it is more affordable to us ordinary folk. A nice venue with lots of parking and a relaxed friendly atmosphere.

My 93 year old uncle Stan is doing great, it was lovely to have a chat with him and auntie Pat. They had family to visit last weekend and some more are coming this weekend. They tell me that they have their groceries delivered by Sainsburys now, it has been such a help to them. Pat orders it online and the drivers are always helpful and friendly, bringing it into the kitchen and unpacking it onto the kitchen table. With their mobility problems this is one instance where home deliveries work well. Even with their disabled badge they have difficulty finding a parking place close to the shops.  
I very quickly dashed into Tesco last night when passing. I knew there wouldn't be much left in the yellow stickers, but worth a look. A few things in the basket, brassica veg pack, salad leaves, pasta salad, fresh milk, total £1.68. I might go tonight, need to restock the fridge.

Thanks for popping in. I have things to do. Catch up soon. Toodle pip.

GRRRRR. I hate this centre justified text. I usually highlight each paragraph, then click on justify left, and it moves across. Sometimes it doesn't work. I want my words to start on the left hand side of the page. Bluddy frustrating, I'm going out before I blow a gasket. 


  1. It looks like a ton of fun, yummy yum.

  2. What a lovely day out. You are blessed to have your sister Anna in your life.

    I wish we had the option of having groceries delivered here in the Midwest, USA - glad that option is available in the UK and the service is good.

  3. It's always nice to have a bit of family time and a meal out before the Christmas madness sets in too much everywhere.

    I had to laugh at you popping back on to growl at your 'text problems' GRRRRRRRR

  4. You are frugal 99.9 % if the time, so you deserve a treat x

  5. Looks like you had a good time. Are your family frugal too? X

    1. Hello Dawn. No. My sis is careful but doesn't need to be frugal.

  6. You have a nice looking sister. Two good looking gals in the family. Natalie

  7. What a great lunch out... looks like a very nice place. Great to catch up with family...I have to agree about the online ordering and home delivery for you aunt and uncle.... such a service really helps out in circumstances like that. Thanks again for sharing ..... Cheers

  8. That is a great deal. Glad you had fun. Happy Christmas.

  9. Lovely treat from your sister Ilona and good to spend time with the family. We will be having our grown up children and families coming starting this evening till after Christmas. Coming and going and various times though. Looking forward to it as they all live a long from us.

  10. Hi.That is such a lovely photo of you and family enjoying a good meal and drink together.Glad to hear everyone is doing well!Services like groceries being delivered are such a help to people.It eases many worries for many who still want to remain in their homes and cook without getting government agencies involved...Thank you for sharing and bringing smiles around here,Ilona.Bye for now,D.

  11. It looks like a warm, cozy restaurant. I'm glad that you were able to spend time with family. The baked butternut squash sounds good.

    The grocery stores in the U.S. do not offer home delivery and it is a shame because so many people could use the service. If my mother did not have me, she would find it difficult to go shopping.

  12. Looks like you had a nice visit with your sister and her hubby. The pub looks nice and cosy. Your uncle and aunt sound like they are doing very well and it was nice that you got to visit with them.

  13. Always fun to catch up with and see relatives! Glad you had a good time!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.