Sunday, 20 December 2015

Shopping with Nan

Hello. Nothing prepared for tonight's post. Sewing and watching yoootooob today. Have a look at this. Glad I don't go shopping with Nan, she doesn't want to pay for a carrier bag, perhaps I ought to send her one of my bags for life. I wonder what Catherine Tate is up to now, she seems to have dropped off the radar. Her comedy doesn't half make me laugh, even her swearing is funny.

Catch up with you soon. Toodle pip


  1. She has a couple of new specials on BBC1 over Christmas. :)

  2. I think we all have relatives like that.

  3. The one she did with David Tennant ("Risotto, risotto, riSOTTo!") makes me laugh every time I watch it. And then she does Shakespeare. Quite a talent! :)

  4. A parody of real life of; rudeness, bad manners and of no respect - how sad! Greetings Maria x

  5. Hysterical, Happy Christmas to you all

  6. Nan is quite the character!I like "Our boys" and "Father Ted"... just hilarious and strangely appeals to my lapsed Catholic sensibilities.Thanks for sharing,D.


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