Sunday, 14 February 2016

Happy St Valentines Day

Hello. It's St Valentines Day so we've got to have a bit of romance. I just love to see people so happy and enjoying themselves. Let's all be a bit sloppy today.

Lots of love to everyone. Ilona xxx


  1. Happy valentines day Ilona

  2. Loved it! Happy Valentines Day.

  3. Happy Valentines's Day to Rocky, Heidi, You, and the kitties.

  4. thanks for sharing you old softie. what a great memory for that couple. loved seeing it.

  5. Happy Valentines Day to you too Ilona! I've been knocked out with a horrible virus thing so walking not quite up to January's standards so far. However, I'm still doing ok. Love to furry family,xxxxx

  6. Good morning Ilona. Happy Valentines day to you too. I am having a relaxing kind of day today. No walking, Just chillin' :-)

  7. Awww ...... that's lovely :-)

    Happy Valentines day Ilona xx

  8. Happy Valentine's Day Ilona. Have a lovely day with your furry friends. Kristel

  9. How amazing is that? It certainly made me smile!

  10. I can't stand St Valentine's Day - a load of media hype. A con to make people buy gifts etc they probably can't really afford but feel they must. I'd rather the love was spread around 365 days of the year instead of just one day.

    Yours with love

    Linda xxx

  11. Happy Valentines Day Ilona and thank you for sharing that with us. It gave me quite a lump in my throat I have to say. Just lovely. xx

  12. Great fun - except his show-offy tendancies, which made it all about him would have made me say 'no'. Poor woman was left looking rather uncomfortable, while the glory is all his, so I wouldn't want to have to deal with that. Nice voice though.

    Nothing wrong with Valentine's day if you have a partner to share it with. It's all very well to say 'I'm romantic and love my partner all year round' but well most people aren't good at showing that are they? So a special day is no harm to remind each other of the love you share. Whether you want to spend money on that is entirely up to individuals. I've never really liked to do much myself, and wouldn't like a meal out or anything like that. But making a nice cake and having a bottle of wine used to go down well.

  13. Happy Valentines Day Ilona and everyone else. The sun is shining here, just home from church so going to make a couple if cards. BTW I did get a ecard from a friend simply saying to my friend, kind thought.
    Enjoy the day.
    Hazel c uk

  14. Happy Valentine's Day Ilona to you and your furry friends. ❤

  15. Happy Valentine's Day, you do a great job of sharing love around! JanF

  16. Happy valentines day. How do you top that? Lovely.

  17. loved it thanks, wonder where the couple are now :) happy valentines. Julie t

  18. Happy Valentine's Day, Miss I. Hope it's a sweet one. :)

  19. That's the kind of thing my ex used to do - and I hated it. It was all about him and I cringe thinking of it (especially when he thought he could sing and he actually sounded like someone torturing a cat). Still, not my problem any more thank God.


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