Thursday, 18 February 2016

What a jazzy pair of curtains, and another radio interview.

Hello. Here we have the unveiling of the patchwork curtains, all finished. Don't they look just dandy, I love them. The window is at the back of the house at the top of the stairs. They look nice against the pale blue walls. 
This is my pile of scrappy pieces of cotton, all shapes and sizes. Here is the post I wrote on how to get started. 
Today I finished them off by cutting two pieces of cotton sheet for the backing. I sewed the back to the front with right sides facing, leaving it open at the top. It doesn't matter if the edges are not neat, they can be trimmed off, before turning it right sides out.  
I found four pieces of curtain tape taken off some curtain samples I got from the Scrapstore. Two on each curtain will do the job just fine.

Best to iron it flat, then close up the openings at the top, adding the tape to the back. And there you are, done. I haven't bothered to quilt it, it hangs quite well without. This picture shows one curtain pulled across so you can see the design. 
I'm well chuffed with these, adds a splash of colour to brighten up the plain walls.

This is what was hanging there before, big improvement, eh! I found them in a skip, brand new still wrapped. I'll drop them into the charity shop. 
I had a smashing interview today on BBC Radio Leicester. I really enjoyed it, the presenter, Jonathan was great. It was more like a chat than an interrogation. If you want to listen click on the link and move the slider button across to 2 hours 12 minutes. It is only available for 29 days. I've just listened to it and it made me laugh, he was such a nice chappie.

Tomorrow I'm talkiing to someone on an Irish radio station. Couldn't quite catch the name of it when they asked me on the phone the other day. I hope they speak slowly and clearly so I can understand what they are saying.

I'm just off out now to do three miles, I'll add on the one mile I did earlier with Bella dog, making four. Is everyone else keeping up with their walking?

Thanks for popping in, Catch up tomorrow. Toodle pip


  1. Your curtains look lovely. The other curtains were nice but nothing beats bright colours (or patchwork for that matter!). I have patchwork curtains too - made mine without the backing - I lined mine afterwards. I didn't zigzag the seams and thought that might be a problem but they wash just fine.
    Have caught up with my walking / running this month - thanks very much for organising it, I have felt very encouraged by having to do the miles.
    Norma x

  2. Another great interview. He sounded very friendly.
    No walking yet again - had my tooth fixed at the dentist. Will have to put some extra mileage in over the weekend!

  3. I just listened to your conversation with Jonathan on BBC Radio Leicester. Best interview yet! He was terrific and really appreciated your lifestyle.

    Love the patchwork curtains. I think your color sense made them come together and look like more than random scraps. Very cheery.

  4. Oh god I keep forgetting to send in my miles lol those curtains are fab.

  5. Love those curtains! I mean, your patchwork ones, of course! My late mother was a great patchwork maker (not a quilter, that was a bit beyond her.) And she used any old fabrics that she had to hand, she didn't do anything only hexagons and everything she made was totally random but, somehow, she managed to make them look really pretty - I loved looking at them and seeing a lovely old 1950s blouse from Jaeger which she splashed out on all those years ago, and so forth. How satisfying it is to make something from scraps of material. I'm no needlewoman but I can appreciate something which is both useful and beautiful.
    Margaret P

  6. Love these curtains Ilona and I expect they cost very little to make. I wish some of the newspapers had done a feature on your unique, colourful and quirky home rather than latching onto the teabag thing. Kristel

    1. I agree and hope that perhaps they will!

  7. Hi, just listened to the interview it was fab and gas given me a good chuckle to go to bed on. Your curtains are super so colorful.

    Take care,
    Hazel c uk

  8. The new curtains are fabulous, Ilona. Much better than the previous ones. You have inspired me to pick up a quilt I set aside. I will add bits as I can. It, too is bright and cheerful.
    Up to 61 miles thus far for Feb. Weather is gorgeous here right now. You would love it.
    Good luck on the rest of your interviews. I am going to listen to the others. I'm sure you will be wonderful as always.
    Give Rocky a pat for me.
    Lisa in Miami

  9. l love the curtains, they look beautiful and so vibrant.

  10. I'm debating doing something along those lines with the living room curtains , they are lovely thick curtains but they're starting to look faded, despite being lined

  11. Very cheery curtains! I don't know about curtain the idea that you can make gathers in the curtains after sewing the tape on flat, by tugging on those three strings running across the tape? I have eight windows and a sliding glass door all needing curtains this year, so I guess I'd better pull my socks up and learn about these things!

  12. Curtains fabulous! And walking is going ok too, thank u for asking Ilona. I've been a little on the poorly side so not as good as it was in January I must admit. I'm listening to your interviews and yes today's chap was nice wasn't he?

  13. I totally appreciate your money saving tips but there is one that you haven't mentioned, which I find very useful. When I go round the fruit and veg in the supermarket, I pick up all the bubble wrap from inside the boxes. I use it for wrapping stuff to send to the charity shop or stuff that I am taking to the car boot etc etc. I have always done what you do with the small plastic bags to be used as poo bags. Other than that, a big bag of nappy sacks costs about 50p and lasts for about a year.

    1. I collect the bubble wrap most useful especially in the greenhouse.

      Another tip I don't think I have read yet is I use the bread wrappers to put the rubbish in especially now we have to pay for carrier bags.

      Off to look at your blog now.

      Enjoy the day
      Hazel c uk

    2. Hi again, I was disappointed for you have not got a blog.
      Hazel c uk

    3. How are you using bubblewrap in your greenhouse, Hazel?

    4. I put it on the Windows inside to help keep the warmth in. Hazel c uk

  14. Very colorful...loved your interview.

  15. The curtains are colorful; I don't know about the whole pattern, but i see a 'log cabin' pattern in there; a favorite of mine.
    I'm trying to stay on top of walking. I don't know if i'll ever catch up, but it gives me a goal. My dog, Roxy, is loving it!

  16. Just wonderful...I had wanted to ask you how to make the curtains...I think they are fabulous...they are SO expensive to buy...I assume because of the time to make. Look so wonderful and colourful and you could do them in many different colours etc...thanks for sharing!

  17. Another nice interview! The curtains are so cheerful and I imagine they will make you smile every time you see them. I am still walking as the weather and my body permit. Just finished a round of physical therapy for a spine problem so should be able to get back at it more seriously.

  18. again...I know you prepare the pieces but I don't understand how you sew I cant see the machine stitching? Thanks for you help! Pxo

    1. If you google "Stitch and flip" there are several videos on Youtube which show the technique. You do exactly that, stitch along the line and flip your patch over. Happy stitching!

  19. Great curtains, they will make you smile each and every time you see them and a marvelous interview. I do hope he pops round some time, it was easy to see that you enjoyed chatting with him. Well done all round! JanF

  20. Hi from Tennessee in the United States! I came across your blog via the Shoestring Cottage blog and have really been enjoying it. It was nice to hear your voice on the BBC radio interview. Sometimes BBC content is blocked from us folks in the States, so I was very tickled that the interview was open for all to hear.

    Your curtains came out so lovely! And they're triple-thick, so they're probably doing a great job keeping the cold out as well as being so bright and cheerful.

  21. Happy you enjoy living the way you do. We are all different, I couldn,t do without heat. But I promised myself years ago when I left home would never be cold again, I remember inches of ice on my bedroom window and no heating. So I live in a hot house, but can be frugal with groceries, electric. Clothing, everything else really,each to their own.

  22. Your curtains are so much fun . . . have you been seeing the BoHo style that is so popular right now?
    These are perfect for that style :)
    Keep Smiling, Connie:)

  23. Hi Ilona, what a lovely interview, you come across as you really are, a happy woman with more sense than money, who has good values, true friends and a really caring attitude. Stuff the materialism of this world, you've got the balance right. How much happier so many would be if they could be persuaded to try your kind of lifestyle. Your interviewer sounded so nice didn't he, hope he comes for a visit, you can show him your show shed! Your curtains look brilliant, much better than the others, I do patchwork and quilting as my main hobby - I'm currently searching for thin woolen clothing from charity shops to die and felt for making pics, bags etc problem is, if it is a nice item I don't feel I can "ruin" it so won't buy it. Hey Ho.. I'm patient, I can wait. Love to you and the little furries, Elaine

  24. Your curtains turned out very nice. I love the bright colors and design. Thank you for sharing another great idea. Enjoy your day, Pat

  25. Love the jazzy curtains. I need some cushions for my sunroom. Perhaps something like this might do the trick. xx

  26. Hi Ilona,
    A much more successful interview on Radio Leicester - more relaxed than with Vanessa whose attitude was rather scathing, I felt.
    Love the curtains - so cheery and colourful - when looked at close to, the colour combinations shouldn't work and yet the overall impression is spot on - brilliant!
    The walking is going well and I have broken through the 200 mile point this week. It makes me appreciate Jo Brand's achievement even more when I think how many weeks it took me to complete 150 miles! Have a good weekend, Ilona. Vicki

  27. Love the curtains , I am recovering an old sofa at the moment not so jazzy but out of all jumble sale fabric xxx

  28. I love the curtains. They have turned out really well and are so much nicer than the striped ones. I love how the pink and red pulls the colours together.

  29. The curtains are lovely and cheery x

  30. Those curtains are gorgeous. They remind me of stained glass and would look fantastic in my craft room. I did my 3 mile walk this morning but the giant scone that I shared with a friend probably added more calories than I walked.... blimmin lovely it was too.

    1. Absolutely lovely, such fun!

  31. Your curtains are certainly colorful. My hubby may have a heart attack if I hung them in my house, but so glad you enjoy them in yours. Again, fun to listen to your interview.

  32. Such beautiful curtains you have made! You gave me an idea to make lined patchwork curtains for my bedroom for next winter. This January we had temperatures of -30 Celsius and my windows are very drafty ...

  33. A very nice interview and he spoke clearly - hope tomorrows interview is the same.
    Your new curtains look gorgeous and colourful, a job well done. When I buy curtains from charity shops, just for the fabric, I always take off the tape, roll it up, then give it back as they resell them again :) The backing fabric is also used for foundation sewing or lining for a shopping bag etc - nothing is wasted. Have a nice weekend.

  34. The curtains are gorgeous and look very nice and cheerful. Christina x

  35. Oh i so love your curtains!they would look so cute in my little kitchen!great work you do!

  36. Love your blog and so enjoyed your radio interviews. Nice to hear your voice! Today's temp in west texas is forecast at 85 degrees. I'm saving on the heating!!

  37. Dear Ilona, you have made it to Belgium!


  38. I love the curtains, I really want to have a go when I've collected enough scraps. Well done x

  39. I love your colourful happy-looking curtains. I love how you use all different colours, patterns and shapes. I'm always telling people- do what you love, there are no rules and there's no such thing as the Patchwork Police haha!

  40. Your new patchwork curtains look so cheerful compared to the striped ones you replaced and your interview was really enjoyable. Jonathan, the host sounded like he really admired your lifestyle. Would love to see more pictures of your house and how you have decorated it with the art projects you've made. I'm sure it's really cute and colorful.


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