Monday, 15 February 2016

I can't be bought.

Hello. I've been sent this contract, am I going to sign it? 

Nope. My story is already out there, it's all over the world, it was given freely, and no one can claim exclusive rights to it.

Off out for a walk. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.


  1. I hope you told 'em where they could put it?
    Margaret P

  2. PS What an insult, to presume you could be bought for fifty oncers!
    Margaret P

  3. How cheeky of them. Bless you for sharing your story with us. If they offered you a regular column at a reasonable fee of a few thousand a year I could understand but this is ridiculous. How positively rude of them. Well done you.

  4. Does not sound a good contract Ilona,your worth more than £50!

  5. Well done Iona. Enjoy your walk xx

  6. Ha ha ha ha good for you. £50 is a bit of an insult too although I know you don't share your story for financial gain.

  7. I agree with everyone - good for you! JanF

  8. Cheeky beggars wanting you to sell your soul to the devil...for pennies!!! x

  9. Shaking my head; takes all kinds don't it!

  10. Integrity is your middle name. Well done. I love how they ask for honesty yet its the media who fabricate things and report inaccurately !

  11. It just goes to show how desperate some people must be to have their moment of glory if they can be bought for £50!
    I'm glad you aren't going to sign it but having read your blog for a long time I know that you that you value yourself too much and are far to canny to fall for a stunt like that.

  12. Extremely condescending and patronising and really shows how low the media will stoop. I hope you told them where they can stuff their contract. Kristel

  13. The cheek of them! It's laughable! Good for you rejecting their offer....if you can call it that!£50...?!

  14. What a cheek. Good for you Ilona. x

  15. Not enough zeros.

  16. Crazy!. Really do people sign crazy contracts for a pittance £50. Guess they do or they wouldn't,t have attempted this.
    Yep we all have a price £million would be tempting. Ha ha.
    I love a frugal simple life, enough to live with some treats.
    Income is enough to live and save a few pounds, never have debt. So sleep well.
    Old money management from Egypt tombs hyrogliphics
    Spend more than you earn misery, build a surplus, but enjoy life, happiness!.

  17. Yes, I agree you don't need them and for that amount? Who are they kidding? Enjoy your walk!

  18. Good for you, well done!
    You may be very frugal, but at least you are not money grubbing, like this contract sounds like. I admire you greatly.

  19. That's a lot of you wills and you will nots for a measly sum!

  20. Blimmin cheeky so and so's. And what a paltry sum of money. It makes me wonder how they have the cheek to even dare send such a letter.

  21. £50? How stingy. I've seen that kind of article - it's not worth it and I'm really glad you are not going that way, thank you.
    J x

  22. Good for you Ilona. Sadly that's typical of publishing contracts these days. Naff all for the author/photographer. Not entirely relevant but that sort of thing is why so many authors are self publishing now. BTW did you know that when you upload any picture you've taken to the BBC under their T & Cs you are granting them the right to do virtually anything with it including them using it for advertising, publishing etc and you do not get one single penny for the privilege. They can earn a fortune at your expense,

    Linda xx

  23. I can only echo everyone else ..... £50 - what a cheek!

  24. Greedy rag! I'm glad that you told them to jump in a lake.

    I worked for a reputable magazine for years here in the U.S. We never paid for stories and never put any limits on those we interviewed.

    Sad days for the publishing industry.

  25. Good for you! I'm glad that you can't be bought.
    Sounds like they would have found a way to keep from giving you the 50 too, if you had written anything on your blog.

  26. £50 !!!!! Are they serious? Surely that must be a typing error to put such a low amount mustn't it? I wouldn't be able to resist sending them back a letter saying "Your typist has made a typing error. Obviously the amount of £50 doesn't accurately represent the amount you are offering me. On the other hand - if that wasn't a typing error - then I consider myself duly insulted to be offered so very little". I just wouldn't be able to resist I would be betting with myself that that wasn't a typing error and they had indeed just insulted me by thinking I might accept so little.
    If they then wrote back to say that that figure was accurate - my response would be an irate letter back saying "Thank you VERY much for thinking I might be stupid enough to accept peanuts for my time. Goodbye".

  27. They would most probably print their own version anyway, just like the newspapers did, and nothing you can do about it. Because you write your own words here, I believe and enjoy everything you write. I stopped reading newspapers years ago. Keep to your beliefs and you won't go wrong. All the best to you Ilona :)

  28. Hi Ilona
    i cant believe the cheek of these people. That is an insult to just how much your knowledge to people is actually worth. I wouldnt even waste my time replying to it, do they not know that your advice and blog writings are priceless and we out here who read your blog daily know this. keep up the good work, oh nearly forgot to ask have you had any autograph hunters on your yellow sticker runs yet?
    take care love jane

  29. All that for £50!! What a cheek, so glad you weren't tempted to sign, absolutely outrageous!! Quite cross on your behalf!

  30. £50 what a bunch of skinflints! Good on you for saying no, I would have done the same.


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