Monday, 8 February 2016

Keep popping up.

Hello again. I wondered if that article would surface at some point. As it's been two weeks since the first one  was published in the Yorkshire Post. I thought the Mail might have ditched this latest one, but no, there I am again popping up all over the place. Strange how they haven't used any of the photo's they took though. The man kept having trouble with his camera not flashing, maybe that was the problem. I've also been on the Take a Break Facebook page as well, funny how they all want to get in on the act. I haven't spoken to them so they just cobbled something together from other articles. Tons more comments have been flying around as well, a lot of them negative, I replied to some of them, but it really is a waste of time.

I did get to Crafty Club this morning, and I've been on the phone a lot this afternoon. So what did I have for my lunch today? Here it is, tuck into three different boxes, salad, pasta, and mixed bean salad. Couldn't be bothered to put it on a plate. Save on washing up, ha ha.

Me walking the streets in the dark, doing my three miles. Woolly hat to stop the wind blowing my hair in my face. Cold, red, wet nose that needs constantly dabbing.   
Contrary to what the trolls say, I am not mucky, I've had a bath tonight. A lovely soak with a book. That's me well scrubbed up.

Another big pan of stew is made, cost of this one is 35p. There's butternut squash, sweet potato, carrots, onions, broccoli, and mixed beans in it. I will eat another bowl of it tomorrow and freeze two portions because I have to eat some mushrooms next, then more broccoli.

I've had a conversation today with Pete, a researcher from BBC Radio 2, and I am booked to go on the Jeremy Vine Show on Wednesday, at about 12.30pm. Now progressing from local radio to national. I'm going to enjoy that. Also I am booked to go on Radio Coventry next week, on Tuesday. It's all happening here. I need my calendar on my desk now instead of hanging in the kitchen, to keep track of what I am doing.

I see the page views are shooting up again, I wonder if they will go higher than they did before. It's amazing.
Thanks for popping in, and thank you for your smashing comments. Winding down now. Catch you soon.
Toodle pip

PS. Just checked the page views for today. They have gone WAY WAY HIGHER than before. Almost 17,000 Golly Gosh.


  1. I've enjoyed reading your blog. You go girl!

  2. you eat so healthy,, lots of veg!!
    There will always be negative people, I'm so glad it doesn't bother you,,you certainly have a great attitude,,
    you will need an agent soon lol,,

  3. Who did you talk to at radio Coventry? My son Luke is a producer there. He knows I'm a massive fan of your blog!

    1. Hi Jane. Sorry I didn't take the name down. I took the call on the mobile, someone else on the landline waiting for me so it had to be quick. Also the volume is not very good on that phone. It was a female, just managed to hear Tuesday 16th at 10.30am. They will ring again before the day.

  4. You are fab and we are loving your blog. Please ignore the trolls and keep sharing those hints and tips. Some of us really appreciate them. The whole point of frugal living is to enjoy life and your holiday pictures show exactly why it's worth staying out of scary debt and living within your means. Others will choose to turn up their thermostat as their luxury. We should all make the choices that suit ourselves best, rather than pandering to the debt monster. Long live Common Sense!

  5. Good on you for ignoring negative comments - the trolls will always be negative. Hopefully, a few will actually listen to what you do and learn about the great life you live - cheaply at that. Keep up the great work!!


  6. I read about you from the telegraph. There is nothing wrong with the way you choose to live your life. Don't even bother with those trolls. I admire you!

  7. Hi!
    This is lots more than the 15 minutes of fame that was talked about in the '60s. Hope you make the most of spreading your excellent message of living well while being frugel and let the nay-sayers be ignored.

    Wish those of us not in the UK could see the article that was written about you. I tried the link, but was told I wasn't in the UK - as if I didn't know that. :)


  8. Best of luck with all of these new adventures, Ilona. Cheers!

  9. Keep doing what you are doing Ilona. I saw a lot of people very interested in reading your blog in a simple savers facebook forum. They thought you were a lot of fun.
    Coincidentally, I'm doing a walking challenge too in Australia 5kms per day or so - like 3 miles.

  10. Ilona, I was pleased to see the newspaper story about you, I love your blog, you're such an inspiration! I used to read it regularly a few years ago but haven't been online and lost track of it - I've bookmarked you now, so will be reading along again - you're wondeful! xxx

  11. Hi Ilona
    Keep on doing what you are doing! People are jealous thats their look out If I lived on my own I would be doing a lot of what you do,but can only get away with some of it to a point. Working smart is what you are doing. I know you are vegetarian but I bought a large packet of minced beef this week mixed it with a tin of Kidney beans a packet of aldi frozen mixed veg a tin of tomatoes a jar of pasta sauce a 3 cheep beef stock cubes popped in a large onion as wellit will last us the week easily. what I do when it starts running out is add some moore sauce and a bit of veg to poor over pasta or rice.this weeks main meals for 3 hav ecost just under a tenner and I dont think thats bad going. including the cats and sundries I think I would have spent £35. I love ehat you do I hope people keep asking you to chat to them and a lot of others listen. commonsence for some is in short suply. take care and ENJOY!

    1. Hi Rachel. Your meal sounds really good value. Bulk up with kidney beans and frozen veg is a great way to stretch it out. Think of all the pennies you can save over a year.

  12. Some of those comments are so inaccurate, it makes me wonder if they actually listened at all.
    J x

    1. Hello Joy. What they don't know they make up.

  13. Think I might be riding off your success! A lot of my traffic comes from your site and my numbers are up too. Have fun in the spotlight again! xx

  14. I think you are wonderful & it's a shame more people aren't more careful with their resources, whether it be water, heating, food etc. Although I don't live as frugal lifestyle as I would like, I still do what I can & I must say some of the things you do are similar to myself. Ignore the negative comments, life is to be lived & enjoyed & you certainly do that! Have you ever seen down_to_earth blog Written by a lady called Rhonda Jean? Argh! She is pretty much self sufficient which must be amazing! xxx

    1. Hi. I do read Rhonda from time to time. I think her self sufficiency takes up a lot of time. I strike a compromise, I don't want a wood stove, don't want to spend time collecting wood and dealing with the mess of clearing it out. I don't bake, or use my oven at all. Can buy cheap in the shops. I have grown veg but I am giving it a miss this year, don't want to spend time tending to it. I can buy it cheap. Her lifestyle suits her, we are all different.

  15. Will try and listen to Radio 2 tomorrow, I don't finish craft club until 12 so it will be a rush to get home. Good luck.
    Hazel c uk

  16. People are so rigid in their thinking that anything out of society's norms makes them uncomfortable and they have to 'attack" what is different. Thus you get the trolls and the negativity. Ultimately you can only lead by example, and you are wonderful example of a happy, responsible person. Love your life and your attitude both. :)

    1. Exactly gk. Rigid in their thinking means they miss out on so many more possibilities. If you are blinkered you never learn anything.

  17. Hi Ilona. Don't read the comments hun. There are some sad and lonely people out there who seem to thrive on being horrible. You know that we followers admire you immensely. Those who understand where you are coming from really do understand and those that don't never will. I will be listening to you on Wednesday. Keep up the frugalising. I love reading your blog and getting tips and ideas or recipes....... Tony and I had soup from the freezer yesterday... it was the remains of a roast dinner and everything other than yorkshire pud went into it. Yummy delish too

  18. We always listen to Jeremy Vine and I had wondered if you would pop up there. I am chuffed and will be listening.

  19. Good Luck On the Jeremy Vine show - your fame is growing by the minute and unlike some celebs, we know it won't go to your head- you won'tstart driving a Rolls and buying diamonds and maxing out your credit cards!!

    1. Ha ha, Sue, never. My feet are firmly on the ground.

  20. Ilona,

    People react badly when anyone suggests anything out of the social norm which is why you get negative comments. I think you are brilliant and although I don't agree with everything you say or do we are all different and must live our lives the way we see fit for ourselves. Noone has the right to crticize you for the way you live your life - what you do is entirely up to you. I have learned s-o much from you over the past couple of years. I had a divorce a couple of years ago and had to learn to live on my own for the very first time - I think the way you live your life - without having to rely on anyone else is amazing and I learn from you every day. I will be listening to you on Jeremy Vine.....

    1. Good to hear from you Nia. And pleased that you have come through your divorce to get on with the rest of your life. Look after number one from now on, that's you.

  21. Hi Ilona,
    I'm a long time reader of your blog, but never commented before. However, I feel the need now in light of all the negative comments that have been posted all over the place just to let you know that you rock! Life your life as you want - it's all too easy for trolls to hide behind a keyboard and feel big when they put someone else down.
    Keep on keeping on! Vicky W

    1. Thank you Vicky, I appreciate your comment. Stuff the keyboard trolls.

  22. Journalists seem to be very lazy. I will notice an article online in our local paper and if it's read worthy it will be with one of the the London papers by the end of the day "word for word". The recent articles about the poor beached whales on our East coast is a perfect example. Good Luck on the Jeremy Vine show....I loved watching him on Strictly. x Rae x

  23. I am really enjoying reading all about your media 'work', you are quite a celeb, Ilona! Carrying the banner for frugality nationwide! Well done, you!
    However ... if we all were as frugal the whole of the economy collapse! Just a thought! As a country, we need the idiots who spend money on things they feel they want rather on what they actually need!
    Margaret P

    1. Thanks Margaret. You are right, us frugalers need people to spend money on junk to keep the economy going. I have no problem with those who spend willynilly, if they have the cash to pay for it. Money needs to circulate, but not mine.

    2. Heaven forbid if the economy collapses because people live within their means. All I can say is that the economy must be on poor footings if it is so reliant on the spend more than you earn culture.

  24. The link worked for me this time; lovely article! Have fun!

  25. For goodness sake think before you say anything on the T.V. show!

    1. What on earth do you mean by that ??? What TV show are you talking about? Don't tell me what to do.

    2. I must admit I thought that too! Perhaps you should read the written articles about yourself a little more in depth Ilona, they're making fun of you.

    3. The media have their own agenda, they print what they like. The interviews I do are between 1 and 2 hours long, there is no telling what they will use from the material gathered. It is very difficult to keep a clear head when you are bombarded with questions. I much prefer live interviews on the radio or tv when they can't muck it about.

      I don't care if they are making fun of me. If it gets the message across that there is an alternative lifestyle other than relentless spending. A lot of what I say will be ridiculed, but as long as some of it strikes a cord with the people that are at the end of their tether because they can't cope with their debt, and they then go on to evaluate their own lifestyle, then it has been worth all the mocking.

    4. It said in the Daily Mail that you ask visitors to bring their own tea bag to your house when visiting, is this true? Greetings fom someone in the Netherlands.

    5. Hello someone in the Netherlands. When I was arranging a visit from the Yorkshire Post journalist I added a short line to the bottom of my email. It said, 'I don't drink tea, if you would like a cup of tea, can you bring a tea bag'. It has been twisted out of context.

      Why would I keep tea in when I don't drink it myself, and I have hardly any visitors. People are not in the habit of dropping into other people's houses around here. I offer coffee and fruit juice. I don't expect to get coffee if I go to someone else's house and they only drink tea. Thank you for your question but I am fed up of explaining this tea bag thing.

    6. My neighbour asked me in for coffee one day but said she had run out of milk. No problem I said and took round a pint of milk for us to have. No big deal. It was the company that mattered, not what we drank or who supplied what.

    7. The tea bag thing has been the focus of a lot of articles I've read - which is wrong! If someone doesn't drink tea, why keep tea bags in? We don't drink alcohol in our house so if we have visitors for a meal we always tell them to bring a bottle of wine or whatever they drink - it's the norm where I come from. Nobody minds!

    8. Same happened to me a few weeks ago. I got a text from a friend asking me to bring some milk. Stopped off at the shop and picked up some biscuits as well - it felt polite to bring something. If someone got offended about that then they really are not good friends. I also take wine in the evening. He drinks beer.

  26. I discovered your blog and you :-) via DailyMail.
    You are a source of inspiration.
    Keep writing!
    Mrs. K.

  27. I am not sure what the point of publicity is? It attracts horrible attention so not sure why you would want it. People don't like being told what to do - or perceived as being told so. You could say they don't have to read about you if they don't like it, but how do they know that if they haven't read it? National newspapers are also for reading and informing ourselves. We can't just read stuff we agree with and be a balanced person. So you will get the dissenters and that is just how life is. Not everyone who disagrees or disapproves is a troll though - people are just different. It depends on how they express it, and abusive behaviour is unacceptable. In a national paper, it is particularly true that if you get an article selling your view point, that it is fair for people to have a small place to comment in return. Some papers are known for having people leave vitriolic comments, so I guess if you want publicity a thick skin is in order.

    Sometimes less is more. If I tell people I am vegetarian and make a fuss about it, they will argue with me about it. If I just eat my food and share it, they will eat it too, like it and want to eat more of it. That is just how people are. If they think that you are telling them what to do, or that you believe your lifestyle is better then theirs (even if you are not doing that), they will just get annoyed and not even consider properly what is being said.

    1. I have almost answered your questions above on another comment. I am old enough to have grown a thick skin, after years of being bullied as a lorry driver, I have heard it all.

      I choose now to put my life on the line again and talk about how it was or is for me, because there are people out there committing suicide because they are so distraught about their personal finances being out of control. People can say what they like to me, words won't kill me.

      The pressure to keep up with everyone else is horrendous, it is destroying families. I am not saying do as I do, I am saying this is how I do it, take from it what you want, or ignore me.

      I was never a bolshie female lorry driver, I didn't go in with all guns blazing and saying hey look at me, I'm a lorry driver so get used to it. I stuck at it and got on with my work quietly for ten years, building up a respect from the men and hopefully paving the way for other females to follow their dream. Then I started the Lady truckers Club to offer help and support to women, it worked well, and we were beginning to get accepted as credible drivers.

      It's a daunting process to swim against the tide, something that not many people are prepared to do. But if I believe passionately in something I will do it, even though I can't physically swim.

      A lot of people will skim through the articles and poo poo them, that is their choice, but if a few people think about it, and say, hang on a minute, she may be onto something here, then it has been worth it. Thank you for sharing your point of view.

  28. Glad to hear your blog is doing well from all the publicity. Hopefully new people will be able to see what a great retirement you are having. Will be listening tomorrow - good luck!

  29. Hi there, would you fancy writing a book? I completely agree with all your ideas and the way you manage them, but I do think you have a book in you. It would be a great help to all those people who would like to emulate you but need assistance. Just an idea, I would buy and read it. Love Andie xxx

    1. Hi Andie, A book has been mentioned before. I don't really want to go down that route as it is so difficult to get published, and self publishing can be costly. It is also too time consuming, and writing a book sounds more like work to me.

  30. I just searched for the Jeremy Vine Show and tested to see if I could listen here in the U.S. and it works. Unlike BBC television, BBC radio allows overseas listeners. I see that you can listen to the episode after it airs, too, so I will probably do that. I know that you'll do great, Ilona!

  31. Hi Ilona, Did you know you're a page 3 girl, now? Just been to the dentist and opened the newspaper ("i" the mini version of the Independent) to see you as their Page 3 Profile. Not a bad article but they really try to make out you're a miserly misery whereas we all know you're a fun-loving one-of-a-kind lass out to get the most from life. Keep up the good work!

    1. Oh wow, was I in my bikini? Must get some publicity shots done, ha ha.

    2. Ilona, you are so bursting with health you honestly could get away with a bikini shot, but you probably should shave the legs first. Glad to see all these positive and lovely comments about you. JanF

  32. Keep yur pecker luv as my old uncle would say! You enjoy what your doing for as long as you enjoy it. This may sound wrong but I dont mean it in a negative way--- It is a good thing that its you Ilona doing this because you have exactly the right stuff to take it. I hope you understand what I mean you have the strength of character and also dont give a toss about the bad comments I take my hat off to you keep strong love from Su in Cheshire

  33. I can now say that I knew of this lady before she became famous and fame has not changed her one bit. Stay just as you are.

  34. Ilona. I have only just had time to read through these comments. I heard you have been having a bit of a mare, with some comments but I'd never read any until now.
    I'm appalled by how cruel some people can be! I know everybody has an opinion but I believe if you you can't say anything nice.....say nothing at all!
    What has it got to do with anyone how you choose to live your life?! You are just pointing out another lifestyle!.
    I'm glad you have so much more support than you do have from these negative people, who must have pretty sad lives if they take pleasure in trying to bring others down.
    You will always have my support. :)

  35. I think it is amusing how all the articles sem to imagine that because you ask people to bring their own teabags you don't have any friends! You are such a kind, thoughtful woman - looking after cats, sharing your cheap finds, taking people's dogs for walks, being crafty and walking - of course you have friends! As that saying goes: those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. I wouldn't want to live in quite the way you do, but I'd like to be as contented with my life as you are. God bless - and enjoy your 15 minutes of fame! Say hello to Jezza for me!

  36. Don't know what people have been saying about you being "mucky", but I think we are all far too clean these days. I make a joke of how little I shower with my husband and adult children(I mean I joke with them, I don't shower with them!) as they probably all shower daily since they left home. One son has a dusty job so it's probably necessary. One son cycles 12 miles to work (in Germany) and showers when he gets there. Although I'm sure that in the past people cycled to work and they wouldn't have been able to have a shower when they got there! Not sure what husband's reason is!! But I just have a shower every 4 days (to be precise!) unless I do something to get really sweaty, like cycling in the summer. I do have a proper wash every day though. One reason I hate modern basins with their mono taps is that they are not designed for "having a wash" in, only for doing your teeth and washing your hands. In proper big old fashioned basins with two taps you can have a wash and even wash your hair. So I'm sure you're certainly not "mucky" Ilona!

    1. Hi Lizzie. You haven't seen what I've seen. Every part of me has been pulled to pieces. Facebook pages are full of keyboard warriors.

  37. I think it's interesting how many places are re-running the article. If people were not interested they would have dropped it pretty much right away. So I would say that other than the super trolls there are lots of people reading about your lifestyle that are taking notes and using the info to make changes in their own lives. Many of those people never leave comments. It seems that just the nasty buggers out there with too much time on their hands are the ones that feel their opinions are important. Well, I don't want to get too graphic here but as someone once said, "opinions are like @**h****. We all have one and they all stink." March on Ilona! D

  38. Hi Ilona, you have made it big time now, I went to my morning club today at our library and picked up the MATURE TIMES newspaper, free for people in various libraries and other places throughout the UK and low & behold, when I opened it there was a picture of your good self and a very nice little article it was too. Like you and many more of us who try and do save money I try to be economical, if I am using my oven (a rare treat) I do a big bake same goes for the hot plates , One thing can not do tho is make my Sainsbury washing up liquid last a year !!!! 6 weeks is the longest I have gone on that one. As for the Trolls if they are critisising you or as its been said laughing at you, why worry, its their problem not yours they obviously do not know you like we who have known you for many years have.

    1. Hi Danneka. Thanks for that tip off. I found my story in a Polish newspaper, it had been translated. It is literally going all around the world.

  39. I always listen to Jeremy Vine while working and have often heard interviews from people with blogs. Tomorrow I will feel touched by a bit of fame because I will be thinking "that's our Ilona, I know what she looks like, sounds like, what her way of life is like and I have left her comments and have had replies from her and indirectly will feel a bit of fame" Go Iloner, we are all right behind you.

  40. I really hope you aren't affected by all the unpleasant and bigoted comments. I felt the papers painted a very one sided picture and totally ignored all the creative things you do which I'm sure you could make money from if you chose to. I am often appalled by our throw away and must have everything now culture and really admire the fact you have turned your back on this. I think your blog gives hope to many and certainly gives me the confidence that you can be happy on a small income. Stay as you are and keep doing what you do.Kristel

  41. Hi, I first read from you in the DailyMail 3 days ago and here I am, following your blog. You give lots of important information about how to save money when shopping for meals. The thing that helped me the most is to adapt your meals to the bargains in the supermarkets. I bought carrots and potatoes at a very cheap price, and I include them in my meals this week. I never did that before, I used to make a list first, decide on a menu and then go I go shopping first, get the bargains and then prepare my menu.
    Very valuable information, mainly for me, I'm a single mother with 3 children and it's difficult to make ends meet.
    Thanks for your positive comments, your valuable ideas.
    I live in France, and i follow your blog from the south of France!

  42. Hi ilona, thank you for your excellent advice! I am a true follower now!
    I had to smile and chuckle with excitement....98% of what you do, I have lived by for many years, I couldn't be any other way! I can't help but feel like a kindred spirit, and this is why I am writing.
    Amazing, what you do, you can be proud!
    Me, I get some people who think I'm weird, no matter, they can laugh!
    (I do have some ideas of my own, but wouldn't say them out loud, lest someone thinks I need help, haha!!
    Thank you again


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