After walking through the main shopping street in Brigg, I carried on to the roundabout at the end and took the A1084 road. I was looking for a footpath that I haven't walked before. I hadn't realised that Brigg has grown a lot in recent years. New housing estates on the outskirts.
The footpath I wanted was at Pingley Farm, I wondered if I had missed it and thought I might have to backtrack for a second look. Sometimes the wooden signs have broken off and lay on the ground. Easy to miss. I came across two men working on a plot of land, preparing it for a new housebuild. I asked them if they knew where the track was to Pingley Farm. Lucky that I asked, it was a few hundred yards further along the road.
We chatted for a few minutes. The plot was going to be one big house, I thought it was big enough for three of four houses. Mind you, all along that stretch of road the houses were very large and very grand, so I suppose their plan had to fit in with all the rest of them. I asked them when the job would be finished. They were at the digging the foundations stage. I suggested six months maybe. They said they are having difficulty getting building materials. They have been quoted a 26 week delay in getting roof tiles, so they have but their order in now. They are struggling to get the timber they need.
I found the path I needed, and from there on it was mainly striking across a series of fields following the well trodden paths through the middle of them. It was a lovely day for a walk, but still a bit chilly.
I came into the village of Howsham. When I got to the road junction on a bend I recognised this place. A few years ago I was rambling with a walking group. They made this their lunch break stop. Most of them went inside and ordered food. I sat outside with two or three others, and ate my sandwiches. I seem to remember this is a favourite stop for cyclists and bikers. It is known for good food and ice cream apparently. Here is a bit
about it. There is a telephone booth library. A place to swap books.
This converted church looks tidy. The extension blends in with the main entrance. Nice that they have kept the bell tower.
Then it was make my mind up time. I am using a green marker today. There aren't a lot of footpaths in this area. I could have gone across to Cadney and back to Brigg on the road, but I have done that route twice before. Time was getting on and I didn't want to finish the walk with a long hard slog. I could have taken the road north from Howsham to meet up with the A1084, then turned left for Brigg. But that is a very busy road so that wouldn't have been very pleasant with traffic whizzing past me. I decided to go so far along and turn left at Howsham Grange, and meet up with the path I started on.
I arrived back in Brigg at 5.30pm. I made one stop on my way back to the car. As I walked through the car park at Tesco I went in to buy some Sesame seed oil, something that Aldi does not sell. I had forgotten to take my purse but managed to find a few coins at the bottom of the rucksack. I bought three bottles at £1.90 each. Almost at my car and what did I find on the roadside, a £2 coin. Lucky find.
The sunset looked fabulous. I couldn't find anywhere to stop until I left Brigg and got out into the countryside. Following motorists do not like someone to make a random stop in front of them. I try not to annoy people. I managed to get this in a quiet country lane. Taken through the windscreen with the headlights on.

Today I am pottering around the house. With the nine miles I did yesterday I have reached the target of 168, gone over it actually. Don't forget check in day on Tuesday.
Thanks for popping in. Have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip. ilona