Monday, 7 August 2023

Which way now?

Nope, can't drive down there. No entry. Best not risk it, there might be a hidden camera. 
Oh bugger, they've blocked that route as well. They have even put the boulders across the grass
Big changes in Exeter, soon coming to a town near you. Trial scheme for 18 months. Here is a map to help you find alternative routes.

There is a newspaper report here. 
In the meantime, we have a sunny morning here. I'm going outside to play. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Oh gosh, that will take some getting used to. We will be virtually stuck at home next week when they completely close the road at the top of our little cul-de-sac for resurfacing works, but it will be such a relief not to have the dangerous potholes any more. They've already cost Alan the price of one new tyre just weeks after having four new ones put on.

    1. They are spending a lot of money in placing obstacles in our way so we have to make diversions to get around. Why aren't they filling in pot holes? There are lots more urgent jobs that need doing.

  2. Hi Ilona...i hope you are well. Long time reader here. In fact you told me years ago that you had been to Cedar Point in Ohio which floored me! Anyway i really enjoy your posts. Your positive energy comes right through. I am not driving anymore, my daughter takes me everywhere. We live in Akron and it seems there are detours everywhere. I would hate to be a visitor and try to navigate. Also small businesses which barely survived the pandemic are having the challenge for their customers to find parking. Take care. Carol

    1. Hello Carol. Nice to hear from you. All these changes are not for our benefit. It is all in pursuit of net zero, the new religion.

  3. They are constantly digging the roads up near where I live, they cannot seem to leave them alone. As you say Ilona, this is not for our benefit - I believe a lot of it is to put people off driving - there's a push for electric vehicles but where is all the infrastructure for them? Not enough. They dig up the roads so much, you'd think they'd have sorted whatever issues they have, but it seems neverending!

    1. We know what the ultimate plan is. In the meantime the pot holes get bigger and deeper, and more cars are damaged.


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