Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Shall I risk it.

A busy day today. Post Office to get some cash. Record this video. Two dog walks. Mow the lawn and fill the brown wheelie bin. I use an extension lead from the house to the mower. As I don't think I will be needing to mow again this year, I left the extension lead out and plugged a small table lamp into it in the summerhouse. I won't leave it on for long but it looks pretty from my window. I can switch it off from the socket near the back door. I didn't have time to do any more work on the summerhouse. There aren't enough daylight hours for me. 
I am still confused about uploading photographs and videos. The computer is muddled. I managed this one today. 
Putting drops in Mayze's ears is not easy. She struggles. The applicator has a long thin nozzle. I am supposed to put six drops in each ear twice a day, which is difficult when you can't see how much is coming out as you squeeze the bottle. I do my best, squeeze and count to six, and hope that's about right. 
We have some fireworks going off tonight, though I think most people had their fun at the weekend. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Election Day today in the US. I would say we will have lots of fireworks in the US tonight and tomorrow. It’s a mess. But we shall carry on mother with living our lives our way no matter who will be seated in the Oval Office of the White House. Hope you soon get your computer running properly. You have wonderful way of story telling and your photos are always fantastic!!!!

    1. Hello Tammy. Big grin on my face this morning. Wait until the shit hits the fan, there will be the biggest firework display you have ever seen. Stand back and admire the view from afar. Best wishes.

  2. About Mayze, you could try wrapping her in a towel to keep her still. I've found, too, that you don't really need to insert the nozzle all the way in, if you can just aim it to make sure the drops fall directly into the ear opening and then gently massage the base of the ear for a bit. The medicine should find its way down. Sometimes I wait until the cat (I have five right now) is sleeping and sneak up and try to get the job done before they have a chance to react. I've also had some luck putting them in a cat carrier that can be opened from the top to keep them confined and somewhat still.

    1. Thank you for that tip. I think that it will not be so traumatic for her as time goes on and she will get used to this wet sticky stuff trickling into her ears.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.