Thursday, 14 February 2013

The price of lurv

Good morning. Getting the blog post done early this morning, while it's still fresh in my mind, and before I get distracted and go off and do something else. Not a lot of yellow stickers to be had last night, just the luck of the draw, I suppose, you win some you lose some. I turned my attention to the Value labels instead, and stocked up on some of my store cupboard items. Rice pudding 12p a tin, lemon curd 22p, tinned spaghetti 19p, peanut butter 62p, tinned fruit 32p.
In the veg department I got big bag of carrots, white cabbage, butternut squash, mushrooms, and bananas. No cheap greens to be had :o(  Quite a lot of yellow stickers in the bakery department, but as my freezer is already full of bread, I only picked up one loaf for 15p. There were some treats on offer, so I thought it my duty to get a couple of packets, all in the name of research of course. I like to keep my readers informed of what not to buy, as well as pointing them in the direction of the bargains.
So what have we here. Four Boston Creme Doughnuts, covered in chocolate of some sort, probably not a lot of real chocolate in it, with a filling of some sweet sickly goo. Don't know why they are called Boston Doughnuts, probably wouldn't sell any if they were called Scunthorpe Doughnuts, ha ha. Look at the original price, two chuffin pounds for four. Chuffin heck, are some folks mad enough to pay that? Must be or they wouldn't make them. I don't mind paying 5p each for them.
The price of these Chocolate and Orange Tarts is even more shocking. Two chuffin pounds for two chuffin tarts. Look at the trickery involved in the packaging. The tart is four inches in diameter, the paper tray is five inches across, what a sly trick, to give the impression you are getting something quite substantial for your money. Now after my taste session with these, I have to conclude that the pastry case is like hard sand, you have to be careful not to break your teeth when biting into it, and the choc filling although tastes chocolatey, is very sweet and sickly. The orange flavour is achieved by blobbing a dollop of posh orange jam on the top. Would you pay £2 for these, not on your nelly, ha ha.  
As I was going through the checkouts, a young man followed me through with a ginormous bunch of red roses, a pink heart shaped fluffy cushion, and a box of posh chocs. You couldn't help but notice the huge flower display which was 'in your face' at the entrance to the store. Me and the checkout lady was having a bit of a banter about prices, how they are going up, and going down in some cases. We engaged the shy young man in our conversations, me saying how nice it was to see someone getting a nice treat for his lady friend for Valentines Day, and he must be in love to spend so much money. The checkout lady pointed to the cost of the flowers as she put it through the scanner. Good grief, £30. I kept my thoughts to myself, he'll learn, ha ha.

Yes, it's St Valentines Day today. I won't know if I have a card till later, as the post doesn't arrive untill about 3pm. I won't hold my breath though, ha ha. I wonder if my troll will be back today to have a gloat, they have already called me a bag lady spinster. There's only one thing I can say to that comment, I won't die wondering, sunshine. Been there, done that, got the teashirt. This spinster has seen it all, ha ha. Not pandering to men's whims any more. Unless you get a good 'un, which is quite rare these days, I'd rather not bother, thank you very much, and just be happy that I have some friends, oh, and my cats are a good substitute.
Toodle pip.


  1. Hi Ilona
    Ever turned a yogurt post upside down, now there's a cheat if ever there was one. usually they've got about half inch of plastic making the content much less that you think.
    Glad to see they can't pull the wool over your eyes. lol

  2. Happy Valentine's Day Ilona!!! You've got lots of chocoaltey stuff to enjoy.

  3. If you're interested here is a link why it's called Boston Cream: Basically the filling was invented in Boston in the States. They are good and here in Canada well love our coffee and donuts!!

    Gill in Canada

    1. Hi Gill, My Bostons don't look like your Bostons. I've thrown two of them out for the birds, ha ha.

  4. I`ve decided that from this year onwards we will dispense with the silly card and gifts for Valentines Day. What good is giving all this expensive tat on one day, but forgetting to be civil and loving the rest of the year!?! I`ve been to Aldi and bought a pack of two lamb shanks in a rosemary and mint sauce (4.95), will make some mashed potato and steamed peas to go with that, serve some poached pears in a chocolate custard as afters, and shall have a nice evening meal for us both for under £5.00 that we can enjoy in the comfort of our home; a much better idea than wasting our money on silly gifts and cards.
    Your chocolate doughnuts were cheap, but I wouldn`t even buy them for that reduced price. I`m not much into ready bought cakes and such. I`d rather make some special treat myself; at least that way you know the true ingredients.

  5. There are folk out there who have real mental health issues to put it kindly. So funny calling you a spinster as most people dont get married any more anyway - take no notice - dont waste any of your post mentioning it - that is what they want.
    Hubby and I exhanged cards to day and will share a tiny box of chocolates tonight after a pasta dinner tonight (cooked by me)
    I think I would have snapped up those chocolate covered things for 5p each. An occasional treat is so nice especially at that price.
    People must spend what they think fit on things........I certainly so !

  6. Hi from Jan.Although I think Valentines Day was invented by the manufactures of cards and tacky 'rosey' items,I do always get one card,which is nice.It's from my Dogs Trust sponsor dog!A quick update and thanks for sponsoring him.Pretty good marketing though,how could you stop sponsoring when you get these seasonal updates!!I don't mind when it's in such a good cause.I do refuse to feel 'wrong' for not joining in with the sickiningly comercial trash that abounds though.I'm not a very good consumer.

  7. I was going to comment on the Boston cream filled donut thingys but someone beat me to it! There is such a thing here in the US called Boston Cream Pie and it is delicious! I've made it a couple of times in the past for special occasions. I don't know about buying those donuts you bought. I trust your judgment and I guess they were not good. If you tasted the real thing, I think you would like it.
    Still can't get over the reduced prices at the end of the day. I am never so lucky. There are no yellow stickers here where I live. There is usually a display of marked down fruits which look like someone was throwing them around (all bruised). That is the closest I have ever seen to your reduced prices and they are still not reduced enough!

  8. We don't do the Valentine's day's tacky stuff to make someone a huge profit from people's guilt.
    Jane x

  9. Hi Ilona, I "discovered" your blog about 4 weeks ago and really look forward to your daily musings, I do admire you as they are always so interesting and varied, I don't know how you do it.
    Re comments from anonymous above about Dogs Trust, one of my collegues (who was widoned abut 9 months ago) came into the office with her DT card this morning, it really cheered her up, and had a lovely pic of the old dog she is sponsering & a few updates for her. She was delighted.....any way thanks again for your blogs, you have an army of fans out here that really enjoy reaidng them. Allthe best, Shirley
    PS Re the trolls, what a sad life they must have if they take pleasure in leaving horrid comments, as my old Mum used to say "if you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all" - how true......I feel really sorry for them, they are the losers, just ignore them.......any anyway, who uses the word "spinster" nowadays, it is totally obsolete!!

  10. Lurve your blog.
    Been reading for yrs.
    Happy V-day from Vancouver Island!

  11. Although we've been together 20+ years, we still do something nice for each other. Often the Mr will bake cookies or a cake for me. He often makes me a card too, which I love more than shop ones.
    The shy young man is probably "courting", what a lovely old fashioned word, you rarely hear it nowdays unless it's our Grandmas, they still say it.
    Have a great day!

  12. Well, Ilona, despite what grumpy old troll says we love you and that's all that matters...I've got a good 'un but I'm more than happy to remain a spinster!
    I do love a yellow sticker! xxx

  13. Happy Valentines day Ilona
    This year, I found 2 old valentines cards in the drawer when I was decluttering. They are now on the mantle piece having a second use.

    Casserole in the slow cooker and my chocolate cake just out of the oven.

    Not much news today. Washing on line and I have decluttered the bathroom as I cleaned.

    A few doors down, they are getting ready for spring with a huge green house going up in the back garden.

  14. Donutty things for 5p each, I think I would have bought them for that price. You really are so good trialling all these lovely tasty things for us Ilona, we do appreciate it.

    I am having my tea tonight cooked by my Lovely Hubby, what it is I have no idea, but I did buy him a bunch of flowers, so a bit of role revrsal going on here at the moment, but I must add they DID NOT cost me £30, put it this way I had change from a fiver!! (And they are beautiful.)

    Sue xx

  15. Dear spinster bag lady or is it the other way around. Dear bag lady spinster! LOL! If there is something missing from your life, may I suggest adding a dog or perhaps another cat to make you feel complete or if that isn't in the (Valentine) card today, you could always resort to making a bag. One cannot have enough bags.

    Please delete my silliness dear BLG aka MQ if you wish. :0)

  16. What a very sad person your troll must be. I think they are quite jealous of your lifestyle. Enjoy your valentine;s day treats. :-)

  17. Me and my hubby have kept valentines cards from when we used to be silly so we just choose one from the collection we already had! haha! Them doughnuts look scrummy by the way but I'd never pay £2 for them but at 20p I would :-) xx

  18. Hi IIona, I only found your blog a few weeks ago and I love it! Ignore the rude comments, jealousy comes in many different forms. You have a wonderful life and clearly enjoy it. Happy Valentines Day! Maggie

  19. Hello Ilona
    I too would have done some 'research' if it only cost 5p-and i agree that paying £2 would be ridiculous.
    Re your troll. I have always said that when people make nasty comments its just a reflection of how they feel inside-they feel bad and therefore have bad thoughts and say bad things. I feel kind of sorry for people like that.
    And who uses the word 'spinster' these days anyway? I think the correct term is 'unmarried' -as many women choose to be these days.
    Ruth x

  20. Dear Ilona,

    Spinster? Oh boy I haven't heard that word for a long time! Perhaps a little too old-fashioned calling people that way? No one's a spinster anymore these days. It's your life, live it whatever way you want it. Screw the anons (the bad ones!)

    V-Day, what can I say, perhaps we should all take good care of ourselves more on this day, since we could use some more TLC. Get a facial (home facial of course), a good long bath, and then pick a good book or movie.

    Take care Ilona and keep rocking!


  21. Was it worth the 5p each you paid? lol
    The Waitrose near my work normally put all their cakes and doughnuts down to 9p just when I am in there :)
    Roxie x

  22. I'm from Massachusetts and thought I could finally explain something useful, but others beat me to the Boston Cream Pie (which is very definitely a cake, not a pie, and I can't explain why it was ever called "pie"). Homemade, or even made from a packaged mix, BCP is delicious! Storebought doesn't compare. As a dougnut? Ugh. It's the soft cake that makes it! And the lovely filling, not too sweet. Oh, and the real chocolate, in a thin glaze over the top and drizzled down the sides just a tiny bit...oh, now I am SO hungry!

  23. Super cheap Valentine's Day here. I usually make a card and DH makes one for me even though he hates doing crafty things and I appreciate the effort he puts in. This year instead I bought a notebook DH wanted from the £1 shop and made a funny label for the front of it on my printer, and also stuck a chocolate heart (£1 from M&S) on it. He loved it. I cooked his fave meal, for which I had nearly all the ingredients in stock, and made a trifle which he loves, and I also made shortbread in a heart-shaped tin. The whole lot, gifts and meal probaly cost me no more that £8 including the cost of the ingredients I already had, and the meal also served four others as well as us. By the way, we've been together for nearly 33 years and still like to do these little things for each other.

  24. Jan back again.Thought about your post and had to return.The term spinster is so outdated but counjurs up a lovely picture of a miss Marple type...not you and not me!The people I feel are very sad are those who remain in awful relationship for years but don't or can't do anything about it.So cheers to all the spinsters,bacholers(can't spell that,maybe that's significant!!), miscalaneous others etc., etc.,out there.Funny how living how you choose upsets some isn't it?Long may you continue to inspire with your blog and live exactly how you want to.

  25. Those look like what we call Bismarks in my little spot of the USA and are filled with Bavarian Cream filling or an eggy vanilla custard.

    Ah, the trolls! Don't they make life interesting.

  26. I have a Valentine card that I was given in 1985; we had been married for 10 months by then and both treated each other to cards & little gifts on Valentine's Day. I'm so glad we did, because he died the following November. I treasure that card.

    1. Hi Rambler. So sad that you had a short time together. Nice to have those memories.

  27. My hubby and I figure if we've been married for 48 years that pretty much sums it all up no flowers needed. I did bake him some chocolate chip and pecan cookies. No sweets for me as I am diabetic. The grandkids got me a little herb garden to plant which I'll use and am very happy to get. They gave me a card and wrote their own message telling me how much they appreciated all I do for them and that they did not know what they would ever do without that's what it's all about...and I did tear up.

    1. Whoever is calling you a spinster is maybe a bit jealous. Its better to have an empty house than a bad tenant!

  28. Hubby and I don't do Valentines Day, never really have - we love each other to bits. We have our monthly date night out which includes a meal this Saturday so am looking forward to that. Trolls be banished!! Life is too short to be nasty.

  29. oh Ilona I must be a spinster too...married and divorced young, lived with someone and now love living would take a very special man to be better than no man...

    as for me, my day was spent spoiling the cats, stitching on a quilt and indulging in a bit of apple pie...

  30. Another very happy singleton here, best to be alone than with a right twerp.

  31. You hit the nail on the head! Nice to know I'm not alone in my way of thinking! Thanks for such a great blog to read. I enjoy learning a bit about England too! Our jellies are spread on toast. :-)

  32. I too married young, raised a wonderful family, and am now divorced (happily)! I LOVE doing what I want to do, when I want to do it (or not). I believe there are a few good men out there, but is it rare to run across one that is single. How would I know anymore, I am certainly not looking. I feel totally at peace with my life. Actually Valentine's Day is a happy day for me! It reminds me of how great my life now is, and how miserable it used to be living with a controlling and emotional abusive husband. I now SMILE on Valentine's Day! I overheard a "happily married" co-worker of mine,telling one of the other ladies how her husband had a "temper tantrum" and cursed at her before she came to work this morning...The lady puts on a good face for the public, but apparently has a mess of a miserable life at home.. I pity her.. So..Happy Singles Day to those of us that choose to be single!!! On purpose! ;) K. in USA


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