Friday, 22 March 2013

Bash the negativity.

Let's bash negativity, punch it's bloomin head in, stick two fingers up at it, and say up yours negativity. Let's go out into the world and fight the good fight. Don't lay down and just take it, but fight for what we want. My God, we are only here just the once, let's not put up with things if they aren't right. Let's embrace optimism and change things.

I love the film Funny Girls. Barbra Streisand was my role model in this film. This song had a massive influence on me when I was growing up. I love the punchy nature to it, I love the fight in it, I love the energy, the power, the taking control.

I've picked out a few more yootoob vids which I think have a powerful message. Make of them what you will, I certainly find them inspirational.
You're going to need your hanky for this one.

And this one.

We do have a wonderful world, it's a pity not everyone sees it that way. I wish I could fix the people who are broken, who in turn could fix the things that are broken. Lots of love xxx


  1. That's a lovely post for a Friday.
    Jane xxxxx

  2. What a fantastic post! Have a brilliant weekend and stay warm! xxx

  3. That video about Arthur is just amazing! Just goes to show what belief and determination can do.

  4. Well said that woman!

    Those middle two videos had me in tears; isn't it funny how something good can make you cry?

  5. I love reading your blog. You have really cheered me up.
    All week I have had a cold/cough, and been very fed up!

  6. Wow, kind of sounds like someone HAS been raining on your parade, Ilona! If so, I'm glad you can respond so positively. It's horrible the way negativity can spawn further negativity...what's the point in going down that road when we could be "on the sunny side of the street," to use another musical reference :)

  7. I particularly enjoyed Arthur's story, thanks for sharing that!

  8. Girl power. Perhaps you should consider making some speeches to our countries "leaders" they could do with some straight talking. Trouble is it would probably fall on deaf ears.

  9. Great post as usual. You are so right, this is it, no dress rehearsal

    I am £235 better off now thanks to you and your You Toobs.

    Much love
    Sarah x

  10. I did need a hanky. Thanks for the boost and thanks for putting my favourite song Wonderful World on your blog for me to sing to.
    Love from Mum

  11. I love the videos - real inspiration, thanks for that

  12. Love reading your blog, have never commented before but hope to now that I've found how to do it,ha ha.

  13. Loved the vids thank you! (mascara now down my face - sniff). I have been reading a book that recommends lots of daily achievements to help combat depression and anxiety. I write a list of things that I will do tomorrow and cross them off as I do them. They can be simple tasks or more tricky challenges. Achieving something everyday really gives me a positive boost, I have a purpose to get up in the morning and accomplish something no matter how small and go to bed in the evening feeling good about myself, like I have a sense of purpose to be here. Such a simple idea but I think it's working wonders for me! Take care. Debbie x

  14. I check out your blog to be inspired! Thank you for this, as well as keeping us motivated and cheerful.

  15. Wow, fighting words Ilona !!! All I have to say is "Me too" !
    Off to watch the videos.

  16. Love, love, love this post! And I love Barbra Streisand and the sense of personal power she has often portrayed. Ilona, you see to me as a woman who has always believed in having a go and stuff people who wanted to use judgements to make us second guess or not "march our band out, and beat our own drum."

    Thanks for an inspirational post.

  17. This post is exactly the reason your blog is my favourite. You keep it fresh and interesting by throwing in allsorts,you entertain us with video's, fab photo's, and posts like this that are very thought provoking. We all know you are super thrifty in order to enjoy the things that really matter to you. You never judge others who fall off the bandwagon and encourage us to follow our own path. Keep em coming Ilona, I love your take on life, so much more interesting than the preachy hair shirt brigade.

  18. Even though you warned me, I still viewed the videos without a hanky and ended up crying and snotty.
    Both were truly inspirational stories, and I thank you for sharing them with us.

  19. Thank you! This was the perfect reminder..(Beautiful world)

  20. Great videos Ilona, very inspiring! Arthur in particular was amazing! And love Louis' song, so beautiful.
    I wear a pendant each day which says 'La vie est belle' - Life is Beautiful and it is too, if you let it be!
    Cheers Judy xx

  21. Thank you for posting those videos, particularly Arthur's. He really did it all by himself! Thank you, Sam in Brisbane


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