Monday, 15 June 2015

Crafting with friends

Hello. It was back to the Crafty Club this morning. I've missed two weeks due to walking trips, so it was nice to meet up with the ladies again and find out what everyone is making. It was almost a full house, twelve people round the table with one missing, and for once I was on time. I took some of my recent makes to show, and Janet brought some of hers along. You have seen mine, so here are a few pics of Janet's. She has completed a cross stitch wall hanging, of three quirky cat pictures, on a black background. I love these. 

She has made a sleeve at the back to insert a wooden rod for hanging purposes. Once again her stitching is perfect. 
A piece of patchwork has been hanging around for ages, and now she has finally finished it and made an over the knees quilt. The hexi flowers are separated by shades of green to make a flower garden. It is so pretty. Two ladies are holding it up for me so I can get the whole thing on the photo.

It's a smashing group, people swap ideas, help each other to learn new techniques, and pass on surplus crafting materials. We are working together to make a Christmas tree for the festival of Christmas Trees, held annually at a church in town. Janet has a large piece of green felt rescued from a snooker table which is perfect for the job. We will all be making the decorations for it. No rush, we've got until December to do it.

I know Kath has a Crafty Group in her home town, does anyone else go to one? If you don't have a group  perhaps you could start one. All it needs is the use of a room, in a Village Hall, or other community building, put a few posters about, ask friends to ask their friends, and bingo. It only needs three or four people to start, once word gets around more people will join. There needs to be a small charge to cover the room hire, tea and coffee. Best to check whether insurance is included in that fee. Weekly meetings of two hours is not such a big commitment. It would be a lot cheaper than joining the W.I.

I am in and out a lot at the moment, so some of the posts may be a bit short. I have a friends cats to look after which needs two visits a day. They also get a third visit from another friend, we sit with them for a while, so I am getting to see some tele while I am there. Today was library day, the books needed changing.  Rocky is loving all the attention he is getting when I push him around the village, so it is becoming part of our daily routine. I'll sign off now, because it's time we were having a bimble. Thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip


  1. What delightful cat pictures! Looks like lots of fun in your crafty group.

  2. Such talent there! Really enjoy seeing the work the ladies/crafty group and you are doing.

  3. Absolutely stunning. I could never do cross stitch. You need to be stitch perfect...and Janet certainly is. A touch of humour with the subjects too lol.

  4. Someone sent me a card which was of that first cat picture. I wonder if Janet got the ideas from a series of cards? She did an exquisite job with those and the quilt too. JanF

  5. Hello.Your friend's cat themed needlework brings a smile to my face.She's very talented.I used to belong to a women's craft group that was held in each of our homes starting at 9:00 11:30 then the hostess would serve a lunch and drinkstwice a month..We were very diverse and laughed so much and learned so much from each other.It was called the Kendal Women's craft group but generally was known as the "stitch and bitch" and we were all farm ladies getting together over the coldest months of the year.There's some groups around here but haven't joined any yet,but have good intentions to join something,just haven't found the right fit yet.Bye for now,D.

  6. Janet's work is lovely! I particularly like her quilt.

    Rocky is one lucky pup to be able to enjoy village life thanks to your kindness.

  7. Love the cross stitch pictures....made me smile! Ginny x

  8. The cat themed cross stitch pictures are available in similar styles in kits, here in Canada. I love the idea of your craft group. Years ago, a local lady opened her home up once a week to whoever wanted to come, and bring whatever they wanted to work on, or magazines and craft books they wanted to pour over. The hostess provided coffee and tea, and people brought the snacks. It was a small group, and I loved it. It eventually broke up when she moved and no one else showed interest in showing up regularly. I tried it again about 5 years ago in my home, meeting twice a month. No obligations, no agenda, no pressure. Just bring your crafts, have coffee and fun, and get out. (Winter is at least 6 months long here). It went on for about a year, and people just decided to do other things. I really miss such a group. I am looking at joining a church group of ladies (from another church other than my own) They are all older ladies who meet every week to knit and crochet items for charitable causes. Sounds like it might be a nice fit for me. Mary Jane in Canada.

  9. I've seen the same cat pictures advertised in cross stitch magazines and I really love how Janet has made hers into a wall hanging. And that hexie quilt is gorgeous. I do so love hexies, they're so pretty. I must get mine out and do some work on it; I don't think I've touched it for almost a year, it's languishing in a bag somewhere.

  10. I have belonged to the same quilting, knitting etc group since 1982. It has meet in various locations over the years and now we meet on Thursdays at the senior citizens facility on our side of town. There is another group, at the other facility, on the south side of Carlsbad.
    We make Christmas stockings every year for the children in foster care within our county. Another group fills the stockings with presents and they are presented to the children. We made over 90 stockings last year.


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