Sunday, 7 February 2016

Looking for luck

Hello. I've been a bit lucky. I believe a lot of good fortune is down to luck, and working hard of course. But to be lucky you have to put yourself about, luck doesn't just happen, you have to go out and find it. Making things happen brings luck, do nothing and you don't find luck. That's my theory anyway. I'll come onto the luck bit in a minute. 
First here's the meal I made yesterday. Chop three onions and soften them in a pan with a slosh of oil. 
I buy Quorn when it's half price, this bag was £1. Chuck a handful in the pan with the onions. Then I added spices, chuck in anything you have. I put in a teaspoon of wholegrain mustard, garlic powder, and a few other bits and bobs. I also added some frozen peas. By this time it will need water, I put some lemon juice in as well. Stir and simmer over a low heat, add more water if it is a bit dry.

Served on a bed of wholegrain rice. It was smashing. I had it twice yesterday for lunch and dinner. Today I have finished it off. There was too much rice so I have frozen two portions in margarine tubs for future use.

I did my three mile walk yesterday at about 5.30pm. The same route as always. I didn't really feel like leaving my comfy chair and braving the gusty winds. What I usually do is jump up and say, right, let's go, on with the trainers, grab the torch, and put the jacket on. I'm out of the door in a few seconds. About half way round something caught my eye in the middle of the road, it sparkled in the streetlight. I walk in the road because the pavements are a bit bumpy, and there isn't much traffic on the side roads. The shiny object stopped me in my tracks and as I stooped to pick it up I was amazed to see it was a £2 coin. Well that's a bit of good luck I thought. Then I saw another shiny object, and another, and another. They were spread over quite a large area. Goodness knows how they had got there. I kept picking up the coins, it kept me busy for a good five minutes. £7.58. It was stroke of luck that I happened to be going down that road at that time. 
Luck was with me later on when I went to Tesco. Most people would prefer to go out socializing on a Saturday night, or stay at home snuggled up on the sofa with a glass of wine watching the tele, but no, I got off my backside and went to Tesco. Lucky for me that there wasn't many people shopping at that time, the young lad was marking down the fruit and veg, and me and another shopper had it all to ourselves. I haven't bothered to work out what I saved, but I did manage to get it to £30 so I could use a £4 off voucher. 
There are some prepared vegetables here so tomorrow I cook them up into stews. I gave my neighbour some, and I will be inspecting the condition of my stash over the next week, making sure everything gets used. My treat was a rhubarb pie at 43p, and two bottles of wine at £5 each.

So, two instances of being in the right place at the right time. I like it when I am lucky. If you want to be lucky, you have to go out and look for it. Sometimes you can turn an unlucky into a lucky. I have been unlucky in love, but very lucky that I have survived whatever life has thrown at me. What has been a lucky find for you? C'mon spill the beans, I want to know.

Thanks for popping in. Catch you soon. Toodle pip


  1. Saturdays are always a good mark down day at our local T's as everyone else just goes for wine!

    1. Hi. Yes, I noticed that. Mainly youngsters who don't pick up a basket and go to the checkouts clutching armfuls of wine or cans and pizzas or ready meals.

  2. the nearest supermarket is 7 miles away and its a Coop that gives nowt its a 30 mile round trip to the nearest Tesco , I miss the days when i got to pop in the supermarket on the way home from work

    1. Hi. You are at a definite disadvantage there, Kate. Maybe go for the value labels when you do manage to get to the supermarket. Or you might consider a house move. Only joking ;o)

  3. My lucky find was my dear hubby - the winter of 1971. We've been "lucky" to grow together instead of apart all these years and I put lucky in quotes because it also involved lots of work, give and take and patience on both our parts. And, we've had our share of ups and downs - no perfect, smooth sailing over those 45 years, but it's really worth it to work at your luck as you said, Ilona. "Good things come to those who wait - as long as you work like heck while you're waiting". Good luck to everyone!!! D

    1. me too - after almost 45 yrs we are still very happy together. the best sharing of a packet of wine gums I ever had. teehee

    2. Hi I knew there would be readers who had found themselves a good man to hook up with. Sadly that was one lucky find that didn't happen for me. Always something that wasn't quite right.

  4. My mum used to work in a fish n chip shop on a Saturday night and would often find cash in the street on her way home. She thought it reckoned it was drunks on their way home and losing their money.

  5. Lovely post. Like your take on what brings you luck. Well worth walking at 5.30pm!

  6. Very lucky indeed! I was once lucky enough to find £30 that some very unlucky person had lost, right by my car. And another time £10. Both times had been on a Sunday morning. See what happens if you do go out drinking on a Saturday night?!

  7. wow, Iwonder how that money ended up on the street,, very odd,

    you did well with your shopping, lots of veg I see and a pie, oh my, lol,

  8. Another good post and pleased you found some money and bargains at Tescos. My luck was when I was 16 over 60 years ago now when I met my husband and we had just over 30 very happy years together when sadly he died but he did leave me my little house and two wonderful children and 2grandchikdren. My other luck is I love all craft work so have always got some project on the go mostly for charity so am never lonely., plus I have lots of friends. Have a good week IIona.
    Hazel c uk

    1. Hi. Sounds like you have made some luck for yourself there. We should all be thankful for what we have, and always look on the bright side. You are already doing that. Best wishes.

  9. My lovely husband is my lucky find lol met him in 2011 married in 2013. However I had to get myself out there which was not easy after being on my own with my kids for 15 years so lucky absolutely but with a helping hand as you say.

    1. Another lucky lady who found a nice man. That's great, I love these good luck stories.

  10. You are right about having to put yourself out there for luck to find you. I walk with my eyes perminately glued to the floor for roadkill(coins)! My stash hasn't been as large as yours but I scrape any denomination from the floor....I'm not proud! :)))

  11. Definitely agree that we personally have something to do with making our own luck. It's a funny old thing. x

  12. I found a fifty pound note once, on a trip to Niagara Falls; Lots of tourists. (I don't know how to make the pound sign on my computer; sorry.) We cashed it in for over 50.00 American, went to the casino and won 125.00!
    I do believe you make your own luck. I could tell you many stories about me and three sisters and all the luck we've had between us.

  13. I think that finding your blog was good luck, and frugal queen's blog. I had just become a single mum. I already managed my money well, but it helped me save some cash, have self respect and self confidence, even if I was on a low income, and you both gave me great support.

    1. Thank you Anon, it's very kind of you to say that. You see, us oldies have a few tricks up our sleeves that can be passed on. Do not despair if you have a small income, a lot can be achieved with it when you plan ahead. Good luck to you and your family.

    2. I think I knew most of the "tricks", but it was more the self respect of not worrying about what other people think, and of just being proud of where you are at, and making the best of it. For example, your walking doesn't cost anything, but it makes a big difference to your life. It's more a mindset, of being proud of your own best effort. For example: exercising, cooking and cleaning your home etc can make your life just as nice as a middle income earner's life. They might not walk or keep a nice home. It's about making the effort to make the best of things, and not looking at the dollars of everything. And also, you and FQ have no shame in writing about your hard times, I like that.

  14. My luckiest find has to be my hubby too. He's the kindest most loving fella I know. (even though we drive each other to dispart at times lol)

    X x

    1. Hi. Keep on kissing and making up. If you've got a good one hang on in there.

  15. One time came across a bit of paper rolled and shoved in a crack in the sidewalk. It turned out to be a 100.00 dollar bill!

    1. Hi. I think that was deliberately left there by some kind person who wanted to give a stranger a nice surprise. Like a random act of kindness. Lucky you.

  16. Hi I was walking from the bus stop to my friends house when it was dark and raining hard. I don't know why but I looked down at the dark, wet pavement and picked up a folded piece of paper. When I unfolded it I found it was a £20 note!!! Unbelievable in the dark and rain!!! Love your blog has given me loads of great ideas for saving money Keep it up xx

  17. Showing up and paying attention is a great part of being lucky, as well as having some commonsense. Cheers, Ilona!

  18. I found a twenty pound note on the floor of the cafeteria or whatever it's called at the Museum of London years ago. No one was nearby who might have just dropped it, so we used it to pay for our lunch.

  19. Hi I love reading your blog lovely meal looks delicious I have started buying yellow sticker food to save a few pounds don't like to waste food. Ive heard that rice recooked is poisonous upset stomach so Ive never recook rice next day anymore

    1. My friend said that about rice only last week. I have eaten it the next day (or two)all my adult life and am still around. I won't throw anything away unless it smells bad or looks mouldy

  20. I happily pick up coins and have found the occasional note. One year Mr GBT found £20- it was Christmas time and we decided that others had a greater need than ours and we donated it to the local charity for children.

  21. I think luck and fate played a part in me meeting hubby. We met at school age 15, me as a newcomer to his school when my parents moved house. We only stayed in the area for a year so I lost touch with him. 5 years later we had a chance meeting and went on to get married - that was nearly 27 years ago. Lucky - or not!!

  22. I found a five pound note once whilst walking my dog. It was blowing about like a piece of litter and I always try and pick up litter to dispose of it properly. People ...what is wrong with them that they can't find a bin or take it home...makes me mad!! Lets hope your luck carries on Ilona x Rae x

  23. I'm inspired. My goal us to greatly reduce our grocery bill this year. I just stumbled across your blog and I'm going to say that it's by luck. Off for a nosey and to jot down tips.thank you so much x

  24. Totally agree with you about making your own luck. After having to conquer my fear of anything over my face during radiotherapy (set up to complicated to explain so here is a pic of it )I decided I would learn how to dive so I could see Basking Sharks round our shores. I've always wanted to see British marine life closeup but my phobia was holding me back. Anyway I was at my regular haunt last week, a dog walkers cafe when I got chatting to the owner of one of my favourite dogs. I saw he was wearing a diving tshirt, I jokingly asked him if he dived and it turns out he trains local divers and also helps people with their phobias! And...he mentioned he was going to a Ukulele jamming session at one of our local pubs. I have a Ukulele and that's on my list of things to learn as well. Indeed there are quite a few local Uke venues. Oh and I usually find money in my local Tesco car park! So I would also add "If you don't ask you don't get!"

    Linda xx

  25. Well, I need to find out what places you are in and the "right time" to be there! ;-)

  26. This probably sounds really daft but I hate to find money... it means that some poor soul has lost it and it could be all they have. Tony and I pick up stray coins on the floor and put them into a tin. When the tin is full we give it to the veterans selling poppies. I know that makes me sound a right old goodie two shoes.... Believe I am not.

  27. Very much like and appreciate your blog. I appreciate the encouragement you provide for frugality-life is better when it's simple. have a great day!

  28. I had the good luck to meet and marry the best man in the world. We were so lucky to be able to live around the world, thanks to his career in the Army (CH-47 pilot and maintenance officer). And we are so lucky to enjoy continuing good health.
    Mary Eman

  29. My luckiest event was when I had a life threatening car crash over 20 yrs ago. I was given a 5% chance to live and live I did! After the first 24 hrs, when I was in surgery for a crushed arm, the doctor came out of surgery and told my husband 'Here, sign this'. My Thomas said what is it? And the doctor said well it's permission to amputate her arm. My sister fainted right there in the hall. My husband refused to sign and he and the doctor got into a heated argument. He still would not sign. He told the doctor you will just have to find a way to save her arm. Well, he did and I still have my arm. I lived to raise my six children. They are grown and have lives of their own now. Hallelujah!


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