Friday, 19 February 2016

No bells and whistles

Hello, my little Nokia is knackered. Boo hoo, sob sob. The man in Carphone Warehouse couldn't get it to work, he fiddled with it, but no, it is a sick phone. 
The walls were filled with phones galore, I briefly browsed, which one should I have. My goodness, the prices of some of them, utterly bonkers. I said, nope, don't want one of those, I want a bog standard cheapie for phone calls and texts. There was a Nokia on display exactly like this one, for £20. That will do I said. He went and looked in the storeroom, sorry, we are out of stock. We walked back to the display to see what else there was. The next Nokia model up was £50, he pointed to it. What, I said, aghast, I'm not paying that much. Then he pointed to a Samsung, this is £25 he said. I said, I don't want to pay an extra £5 for a different model and have to familiarize myself with it, I can't deal with anything too complicated. I asked if they were getting some more Nokia's in, he said yes, next week. I said, OK, I'll come back next week.

So I walked out with nothing. Got to stick to my guns haven't I, now I am the stingiest pensioner in the country. It's not just the price of an all bells and whistles phone that puts me off getting one, it's the fact that I don't want to be a slave to a screen 24/7. I don't want to be permanently connected to the internet, to be constantly checking it, any emails, anyone tweeted me, what's happening on Facebook and so on. I have a life away from the computer, I don't want to be carrying one around with me. I also don't want to be trapped in a contract. My little phone has cost me £5 a month on Pay As You Go. If I want to take a photo I carry my camera. The phone is just for the odd call once in a blue moon, and sending a text. That's fine by me.

Three miles done tonight, it's blowing a hoolie out there. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip


  1. My mum has an old pay as u go phone but spends more time attached to the Internet than I do. She is 85 and has a Facebook presence in order to keep up with her grandkids lol. I don't have Facebook Twitter or any other social media outlet apart from my recent foray into blogging. However I do love my iPhone but I'm certainly not attached to the Internet 24/7 lol.

  2. Hear hear. I'm 100% with you girl. My moby cost £6 at Wooly's...does texts/takes & sends call. Stone age & it suits me.
    V best wishes to you & little ones.

  3. I agree with you. A couple of years ago I needed to replace my basic phone and went to my local Tesco. Their cheapest pay as you go was a Nokia for £9 but they seemed reluctant to sell it me and obviously thought I was mad. I stuck to my guns and walked out with my £9 phone a very happy lady. It is still going strong as I only use when I need it. It isn't for the convenience of others. I've enjoyed listening to your various interviews and thought you came across very well.

  4. I have a little Nokia, similar to yours. £15 from Tesco. I've had it probably 3 years and it suits me fine.

  5. Hallo Ilona. I too had a Nokia which was passed down to me from my daughter, but it was originally my husbands. Since then I have replaced it twice with recycled Nokias when the original and replaced one were damaged. It is a pay-as-you-go because I don't want a contract either. All I want it for is text messages and to have the convenience of a telephone if I need it in emergencies. The push buttons are easy for me to use (I don't like the modern ones with small buttons when you have to use your finger nail instead of your finger). Like you I see so many people constantly looking at and using their 'phones and they forget they're in company and being anti-social. It does annoy me. I'm always being told I should get an up-to-date one, but I am perfectly happy with my Nokia.

    Joan (Wales)

  6. I have resisted owning a mobile phone. I have a basic one that work provides but that is it. I would go stark ravin' mad if I was continually connected.

  7. Yes I feel the same as you. Up until 18mths ago I had a basic PAYG phone...then it broke. However I was talked into a contract. It's a waste as I never use up my allowances and don't want to be on it all the time. I can't wait to get out of the contract and go back to basics. I also love Nokia phones too!

  8. I don,t have a mobile phone!. Did 5 years ago drove me crazy a tracking device.
    But 2 days ago a lady fel down a huge drain and contacted emergency services, they saved her.
    So I guess I need a mobile phone!. Torn between all singing n dancing Apple I phone n Dorio.

  9. I've got an old Nokia that cost £9.99 in 2008, it's a PAYG and I've probably put no more than £50 credit on it since then. It's does all I want from a mobile - sends and receives call (I could probably text on it but I've no idea how to do that!!) Oh, it's very useful as an alarm clock too. These new 'all bells and whistles' iphones seem bonkers to me yet an awful lot of people appear to have them welded to their hands permanently. I fail to see the attraction.

  10. That's strange Ilona, I could have sworn you were shopping with me today. Don't you remember, we went into WH.Smith's to look at the craft magazines. I wanted to buy the one with the pretty pictures. It was only £4.50. You reminded me that I could find out all about Layer Cake patchwork on Pinterest.
    Then we went in to Superdrug where I bought two dyes that I thought were on special offer. They weren't and they charged me full bloomin' price. Just then you whispered 'Take 'em back and get a refund.' And I did! We went into Savers and bought them at half-price. Well done us.
    After that we looked at the displays of chocolate Easter Eggs and also the fancy face creams. Half price if you bought two.. That'll be £15.98. I picked them up. I put them down. I picked them up..I looked at the ingredients and I put them down. They're a load of rubbish says you. We left, but not before I bought a Colgate toothpaste on 'special' for 49p. You said, 'Always let your conscience be your guide!'
    It was then that I noticed you had transmorphed yourself into Jiminy Cricket and were sitting quite happily on my shoulder, whistling away and poking me with that pesky umbrella every time I had a naughty thought, like 'Starbucks' or 'M&S ready meal.'
    Anyhow..don't be worried about me. I shall keep taking the tablets ;-)

    In all seriousness.. thank you Ilona. You saved me about £30 today. Well done and thanks.

    BrendaR (not really as mad as a box of frogs).

    1. What a great sense of humour!

    2. Brenda R's post was great. Ilona, you are influencing me too. I always wonder what you would do when I want to spend money!

      I am 46 and a luddite, I have an old phone that was given to me by my friend who upgraded hers and I text from it. It has been adapted and now is a Tesco PAYGO only £10 every two or three months.

      Nice curtains. V cheerful.
      Please keep up the good work and thank you for inspiring me.

    3. Brenda's comment made me laugh as well. It's good that people are taking control, I don't want to become a nag though, ha ha.

  11. You might want to try one of the Cex shops for a 2nd hand one...or eBay..... quite right not to be coaxed and persuaded to pay more than you have to.

    1. Thanks for that Susan. I don't know what Cex is, and I never buy from ebay, or any other web sites. Don't trust them.

  12. I also have the pay-as-you-go. We have to buy a set amount of minutes in a set amount of time. I buy mine once a year where my husband buys his whenever he runs low. His phone is for his business; mine is for emergencies. I saw a woman today who was on her phone ignoring her children; it makes me crazy!!
    I got three miles in, too. I've been trying for four to make up for the low days but i didn't have time. Maybe tomorrow….

  13. I am also a Luddite. I want my cell phone to make emergency calls when I am driving/traveling. Mine is the simplest Samsung on the market. I could text from it; if I bothered to learn how, but I haven't...drives the family crazy. I buy my time once a year for about $110 USA and I rolled over almost a 1000 minutes into the new year, which tells you how much I don't use it. I have finally turned it on at the instance of the daughter but it lives in my purse. I wish I could have kept the Nokia I had, but it was so old it wasn't supported by the cell phone company any more (didn't have a SIMs chip).

  14. I totally agree with you, Ilona. Too many people mistake their on-line life (such as Facebook) for their REAL life. I, too have a basic phone for texting and calling. Nothing else needed, but the salespeople do look at you in a strange way when you tell them you don't want a smart phone. Some how we all survived before there were cell phones and the internet. Mary Jane in Canada.

  15. I feel exactly as you do about phones, I spend about that amount per month too. I mainly keep it for contacting someone quickly when I am out and about, maybe once a day or a couple times a week.

  16. Interesting topic and sorry your phone has broken. I have a Samsung £6.00 from Tescos about 3 years ago. It's pay as you go, very easy to use (needs to be I am77) it is for emergencies and to keep in touch with family only. Nobody outside the immediate family has the number so I am not bothered by it.

    Spending the day with others making little quilts fir the Linus Project should have some fun.

    Enjoy your day whatever you are doing.
    Hazel c uk

  17. Mine is very similar. Pay as you Go, I use it for texting and, very rarely, calls and, if I top up at the right time, I get free texts the next month. I don't need any more. I thought I had lost it a short time ago and was upset but it turned up, thank goodness!
    J x

  18. Tony and I both have £5 a month contracts through BT as part of our package. I totally agree with you about owning the cheapest model of phone as I never use up the allowance on the one I have. Had a conversation yesterday about people answering the phone at the table. Phones are not allowed at our dinner table and I wouldn't dream of answering it if I was out to lunch with friends. I don't belive there is anything so urgent that it needs my immediate attention. My son and hubby both know that they need to ring it several times if it is urgent and then I will know to answer

  19. The mobile I use is the first one I bought, cost me £39 including £10 of call time. It's PAYG and I got it in case I needed emergency breakdown or the like, when I go travelling. I do have a landline and that's the number I give to friends, some ask for my mobile and look "gone out" when I say there's no point, it's never switched on, I only keep it for emergencies. I bought my little mobile for my own convenience, I'd go balmy if folks were constantly interrupting me for a natter, when I go out visiting, shopping or for a walk.. some love mobiles and some don't ....Elaine

  20. Definitely check out Tesco for cheap Nokia - they have a good selection of reasonably priced phones!

    1. Thanks, I've had a look. It's favourite at the moment as I have some vouchers to spend.

    2. Yes, I agree with this. My phone is a "Tesco Mobile" Nokia 130 and cost £14.99. I also switched to "Pay as you go Lite" and my texts are now 4p each (they were originally 10p each by default). As a little extra saving, I also set it to auto-top-up which saves another 10%. I think spend around £20 a year (if that!)

  21. My little PAYG phone came from Tesco ages ago. Fingers crossed it lasts another age too. The only thing I could do with is a bigger screen and numbers so I don't have to squint or find my glasses!

  22. My elderly Nokia died last year- I felt quite sad to see it go.

  23. My Nokia pay as you go died and I wanted another the same. I found an Alcatel at the EE shop which cost £9.99 and had my sim card information transferred on to it as I didn't want to lose the £12 credit I had left nor all my contact numbers. It isn't quite the same bu near enough. Why have all the bells and whistles if you don't need them I say!

  24. Another PAYG phone owner here and even less than £5 a month usage. Day to day it's hardly used but I do like to have it with me for emergency's as we live in Mid Norfolk and very few phone boxes around. It does have a camera and I do find it useful for taking pictures of crafts/gardening ideas etc and other peoples dogs as I don't always have my camera with me. I too am not a slave to my phone fact if it rings I sometimes wonder where the noise is coming from x Rae x

  25. Hi Ilona, love reading your blog and your interview on Radio 2, there is a cheap Nokia 130, Pay as you go phone, very similar to your old one on sale at Tesco direct at £14.99 - Regards Nicola

  26. I'm seeing more and more people out and about with a regular mobile, rather than a smartphone, that's not to say I don't see lots of people glues to their screens too!

  27. I have an old smartphone (stupid name), but no social media like twitter etc.. I use it to call hubby and children and take photos. I also read the newspaper and blog my ten minutes a day. Havn't been on a recular computer since last Summer. Actually saw a person walk into a lamp post whilst "glued" to their phone! Good greif! Pam

  28. Mine's an ancient old thing I bought off eBay for less than a fiver, I top it up by £10 every couple of months or so and just use it to text friends. I only take it out with me if I'm off on my own somewhere, its not connected to the internet and I've got a camera for taking photos. I only access the internet on my ancient PC at home. I can't stand sitting somewhere and watching everyone around me connected to their phones, whatever happened to conversation? xxx

  29. I got my phone from Tesco. £15. I kept my old number and provider. As I dont use the internet I pay £5 a month.

  30. The only reason I have a 'fancy' phone now is for the camera. It takes better quality photos than my ancient Canon camera whose shutter speed is so slow I can't photo anything that's moving!! I text and make phonecalls but absolutely refuse to get emails and do FB on it. When it dies I'm not sure if I'll replace it with similar or not.

    As an aside, the young/older teacher divide is very noticeable in our staffroom at break and lunchtime. The young ones all sit glued to their phones not talking whilst us oldies sit and chat about life/politics/families etc.

  31. Basic Nokia PAYG for me too! Only use it for texting a handful of people. Couldn't stand a smartphone with all the fiddling and swiping not to mention the highly efficient tracking system that monitors my every move.

  32. I am obviously meaner than you. I don't have a phone. I have used hubbies once or twice [£18 at Tescos and daughters cast off]but if the thing ring by the time I have found the phone and my glasses to see it who ever it is has phoned off. I would rather stick to my trusty desk top running Linux and e-mail.

  33. My Nokia is almost ten years old and it still suits me very well. I only use it for texting and pay €7,48 a month:>) Love it! I do no other social media 'services' except my blog.
    Cheers and keep up your good work!

    1. You will find your old style phone on EBay for next to nothing. Just type "old Nokia" in search and you will find it or something similar. I have an iPhone but never use it for Internet. On Giff gaff with lots of free calls and free texts I spend about £10 every three months.

  34. I had a moment of weakness and jumped on the two year contract along with a new iphone. Silliest thing I've done this year...hope it will be the silliest thing that I do in 2016. first cell in years, and I barely know how to make a phone call from it.

  35. Good for you for sticking to your plan!

  36. i gave the wretched smart phone to the kids , far to complex it was just a time eater. im content with a nokia classic , but my boss is always on my back because i wont get one

  37. Hi, I've got that Nokia sitting in a drawer, my flat mate left it behind when she moved out, happy to post to you if you want it, it's unlocked and has a charger, I will never use it as I like my Samsung! Nathalie, my email is

  38. I so agree about not wanting to be connected to the Internet all the time. I have a bog standard mobile with unlimited texts and 2 hrs of calls ( plenty for me) for just £5.50 a month from Virgin. (You have to have their internet to get it at that price)


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