Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Organize your bits and pieces

Hello. I try and keep things tidy so I know where to find things. There are plastic storage boxes you can buy, of varying sizes, to store small items in. I don't spend money if I can find a cheaper or free alternative. My bead collection is stored in various tins and boxes. These two plastic trays once contained posh cakes from M & S, I nabbed them after a party as they were about to be thrown out. The trays fit exactly inside an old chocolate tin, one on top of the other. 
In this tin I have a couple of ice cube trays, and small individual pots made by cutting the top off some supplement containers. I collect all kinds of plastics and have had these for a long time, when I used to take extra vitamins. Yes, I fell into the trap of thinking I needed them, but having not taken any for several years, I now know they did not make any difference to my general health and well being.

Another tin, this one has those small yogurty type drinks bottles in it, with the tops cut off. I buy these if they are on a yellow sticker, would never pay full price for them. They make handy little containers for bits and pieces.

Those Ferrero Rocher plastic boxes make good storage boxes as well. You can see at a glance what you have without taking the lid off. 

Has anyone else got their own unique storage system made with re purposed tins, boxes, jars, and plastic bottles? Share your tips so we can save money by not buying new from a shop.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. I do agree with you on vit tablets but when I had breast pain a couple of years ago, the hospital consultant prescribed me oil of evening primrose tablets! Worked beautifully. Natalie

  2. I made a great storage unit for my cutting dies. I used an old wooden wine crate and painted and decoupaged it. It is absolutely perfect for the job

  3. I am partial to clear glass jars, with lids. Save them up from whatever/scrounge from folks. Lots of folks I know use baby food jars. (small and nice tight lids). Myself, I am such a deplorable klutz, I can spill most things. I need something with a snug lid. Those containers up top are good for some, but for me, I would manage to topple them.

  4. I use old jam and pickle jars (with the labels removed) to store things on my desk; elastic bands in one, paper clips in another, etc. My friend likes Pot Noodles so I have taken a couple of them and turned them into pen pot holders. I also used the plastic trays that tomatoes, etc come in and use those to store bits and pieces. I use the ones without the holes for starting seeds.

  5. At Costco they have apples that come in plastic lidded containers with 12 circles, similar to an egg carton but bigger. I use these to store my Christmas tree ornaments. Keeps them from being broken. I also will use the clear plastic salad containers in the freezer for leftovers.

  6. Nice stash you have there. I do collect mushroom cartons to organise drawers. Of course jam jars are good too. If anyone is throwing out plastic plant pots they can be useful - great for storing my makeup brushes and let out any water when I have washed them.

  7. Plastic prescription bottles are perfect (with labels removed and washed) for buttons, beads, loose sewing needles, spices-n-herbs, nut-n-bolts, nails, etc. I picked up the habit of saving and using small jars from my parents. I switched to plastic jars to keep down the breakage.

    Another use for plastic jars, if you have children, is when they ask for a jar for bug catching or worm digging to fish with. No stitches from broken jars!

  8. Yes I use old cookie tins (gifted at Christmas) for storing sewing implements. I also use plastic containers that strawberries and other fruits come in to hold little pieces of fabric or sewing implements. They are also useful for holding individual tea bags. I can open boxed teas and transfer the individually wrapped bags and discard the paper boxes. It takes far less room and I can clearly see what bags are in the container. I reuse a variety of other containers too like jam jars. I do not leave beads and buttons in open containers. My luck they would get accidentally turned over, spilled and mixed. Instead I buy very inexpensive plastic containers with snap closures at the dollar store.

  9. I use clear glass jars at the office for all sorts of things - they laugh at how organized I am but they also know that I've pretty much got anything they need. Had a laugh today when one of the girls came to ask if I had a retractable security badge holder since her's had just broken - when I brought out the box with the jars a couple of people thought they were jars of candies (lots of different colours showing) no candy but she did get her badge holder! :-)

  10. Love all your storage ideas. When I worked at a local hotel years ago I ask if they would save me the little empty jars of jam etc people had for there breakfast and I woukd bring them home, wash them and stirred my beads etc in them, I still have them most useful. Also the empty film rolls made excellent storage pots especially the clear ones. To store my ribbons I brought from the 99p shop peaches or pears in clear pots and used them, the fruit was delicious to. Recently I have decluttered a lot of my hoarding bits and passed them onto the local playgroup for the children to store there bits in. Waste not want not is my motto and look after the pennies and the pounds take care of themselves.
    Enjoy your day Ilona.
    Hazel c uk

  11. Years ago, I had my sister who had a café, save me the gallon glass jars that pickles came in. I store my flour, sugar, dried beans etc. in them. I use the small plastic pill containers as a tiny emergency first aid kit when I go walking or in my purse at other times, with a band aid, aspirin, safety pin etc.inside never know when you might need it.

  12. OK, it's me again saying one is never too old to learn new things!! I'll be 81 next week! I will be eyeing and grabbing all the plastic "sorters" from now on from my senior apt. bldg! Who knew? Ilona, of course!!

    1. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday (a bit early)!

  13. Very resourceful storage. I think most crafty folks re-use storage items, and containers. A few years ago my sister purchased a many Starbucks cups for family at Christmas (Something I could never afford or do). But I was there for the day, and when the clean up started, all the cup boxes were to be tossed. They are very nice plain red boxes in several sizes, rather graduated based on cup size. So, they all went home with me! A wonderful gift to me. I now have various fabric bits cut up for quilting. Plus sister bought few more this month and gave me the boxes! I have a big inventory of fabric under 1 yard, that is organized by color, or use. We have Dollar stores here selling plastic bins which fit into my 14" wire grid storage wall. So my tins and candy boxes go on top of the grid storage wall--- I'm not a horder, but if something is useful I keep it. Grandma, who grew up in the depression are war era taught me well!

  14. Mario Kondo has this thing that you shouldn't buy storage items to store stuff in, you should look around and find something you can re-purpose. I wanted to organise the shower gels, hairsprays etc in the bathroom and rather than buy little boxes to keep them upright, I realised that the boxes my washing liquid tabs came in were a perfect size. Once empty of tabs, stripped the labels off them and now they all line up nicely (and look good!) in the bathroom. Also use them for storing stuff under the kitchen sink (washing up liquid, pegs etc).

  15. I use Clarke shoe boxes from the kids shoes to store all made up jewellery for my online shop. I use old kids food bowls to keep small beads separate when I'm working on a piece. X

  16. Old teddy box of my daughter's is used for undies storage.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.