Sunday, 19 June 2016

Our Village Art Exhibition

Hello. It's been nice all day, now it's raining. I have been on call this week to water the outdoor plant pots for my friend who is on holiday. I haven't needed to go at all as it has rained either in the daytime or during  the night. I am collecting rain water from the Summer House roof, to be used later when it is not raining. 
Breakfast this morning, bran flakes, chopped nuts, seeds, and sultanas, porridge oats, and strawberries. They are quite cheap at the moment, makes a nice change from bananas.  
 I've stocked up on this hazelnut milk, only £1 for three cartons from the Cash and Carry. It's bloomin delicious, it's great on cereals. Tastes like soft centred chocolates.

Twas the Art Exhibition in the Village Hall today, this is my display of artworks. We weren't able to hang pictures on the walls except if there was already a hook there, so we put chairs on top of tables and covered them with throws, sheets, and table cloths.

Nobody asked to buy my pictures, but that's ok because I'm not ready to sell yet. I want to build up a bigger collection, then I might sell something. I shall be putting some in the Open Exhibition at the Arts Centre a bit later on in the year.

I had quite a lot of interest and enjoyed explaining that you don't need to buy materials to make art, you can use any old rubbish. 
The Chat and Craft display. Some lovely stitching on here from our crafty ladies.

A large part of the hall was taken up with paintings from individual artists and groups. 
I wouldn't say we were rushed off our feet. There was a steady trickle of people, but we could have done with some more. I went into the club next door to remind people that we were open for visitors, but I could see that it was going to be a hard job to drag them away from their alcoholic beverages.

I did a quick meal tonight, aren't all my dinners quick to make, ha ha. A large spud in the microwave, yellow sticker, 60p for 4. Three mushrooms, chopped spring onions, spinach, grated cheddar cheese, soft cheese, garlic powder, veg granules, wholegrain mustard. Add a splash of water to make a sauce. Bloomin lovely, my kind of dinner.

It's still pouring with rain, so I will not be walking tonight. I fear I will not make the 500 by the end of the month, unless I double up and do one in the morning and one again later in the day. We'll see.

I can relax now, all the sheddie stuff has been done and I have no more commitments for a couple of weeks or so. The kids are all fine, my thanks to the three pet sitters I had last week when I wasn't here. It's good to have a back up plan. Rocky is becoming less mobile as his age is catching up with him. He is comfortable and much loved, by me and the cats.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.


  1. Ilona, I would love to purchase the picture that you framed in such a manner as to look as though you are peering through a window. (Your most recent finished work.) However, the postage would put me in the poorhouse, I'm afraid. Very clever, using the chairs and covering them with throws. Made for a nice display despite not being able to hang on the walls. It is quite warm here in Minnesota today. We have temps in the low 90's F. Winds are gusting up to 25 mph with possible storms arriving this evening. So, who knows what we have in store. Glad your busy life is settling back down again for a bit. We just finished with our garage sale yesterday and have been packing up leftovers for the thrift stores. We have at least 3 different options in this town that we live in now. Soon, everything will be as close to where it should be and we can get on with the work that needs to be done around here. So, our busyness has settled down a bit too. 'Course it's not because we're popular like you;)...take care. Ranee USA

    1. Hi. Someone else has shown an interest in that picture. It is very heavy and would be too expensive to post out.

    2. Someone could take a vacation trip and swing by to pick it up. It would be memorable!

  2. Your table of art looks fab, so colourful and inventive. I also love the chat and craft table especially the wonderful tapestry of the garden and gate. It's always a shame when so many people go to such effort and so few turn up. Sal

  3. Your display is so colourful Ilona, shame not more people viewed the show. Ilove the garden gate quilt.

    1. Hi. The garden gate quilt is stunning. The flower garden is made up of many small patchwork squares.

  4. So proud of your work at the art exhibition- well done! All your crafty groups work is very impressive. And you are rocking that outfit I might add! Xxxx

    1. Thank you, I am leaning towards more colour in my wardrobe.

  5. your crafts are lovely. That hazelnut milk looks delicious

  6. Lovely art and your tea looks divine. Enjoy your evening!

  7. Your art display is lovely. It's too bad there weren't more people attending as it looks like there was so much see. I hope your weather improves so you can walk. We're having a horrendous heat wave down here in southern California. My best to you, Pat xx

  8. Your display of work looks amazing. I bet it was gorgeousi the flesh. Such a shame that more people didn't turn up, but maybe next time.

  9. Such a wonderful display of work, it's a pity more people did not come and see it, it was there lost. You made a super job of showing your work with the add of chairs etc being covered. I loved the chat and craft display, my favourite was the garden gate and stained glass also the bunting, which has given me an idea for the children's bereavement room at our hospice. We have rain here so another day in to finish a few cards. Hope you get to do your walk later.
    Kind regards,
    Hazel c uk

  10. It looked like a very interesting exhibition, I presume it was all local talent? Pleased the 'kids' are doing well and it is so good
    you have reliable pet sitters which is so important for our loved creatures. SueM

  11. Everything is so colorful and cheerful....I'm in love with the cat bag. Janet

  12. I too love your artwork. Very surprised no one asked re buying. I would have enquired. (if I were there).

    Maybe you need to reach a different audience? Is there any way for you to have an art showing where tourists frequent? Regardless of which country an artist is in, it often seems their work/talent is often first appreciated by folks from other countries.

  13. I think you are brilliant. Please give the gorgeous Rocky a hug from me.

  14. Really impressive stand there Ilona. Your art is so striking. I love art exhibitions, if I lived a little nearer I would have been there.

  15. Love your artwork. We're kindred spirits when it comes to color - bright and clear. Also liked the looks of your dinner, but even more so, the dish used for serving it.

  16. If I had spare pennies I'd buy some. They're wonderful. Alas spare cash not in plentiful supply at moment. Must pay off home improvements and mortgage first! x

  17. Gorgeous Art work Ilona , You should be very proud of yourself xxx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.