Saturday, 18 June 2016

The Village Fete, a place to meet friends

Hello. After all the rainfall we've had, thank goodness the weather was kind to us today and we were able to hold our Fete on the Village Green. It was the usual mix of stalls, games to win prizes, raffles, tombola, craft stalls, and of course the old favourite the WI cake stall. Yes I did cave in and bought a coconut tart, I am partial to a nice home made tart. 

The refreshment tent was a hive of activity. It's nice to sit and have a natter over a cuppa with your neighbours, not that I had time for any of that, I was too busy.

The youngsters having a go at the bowls competition.

The ladies of the Hospice Supporters Club always do well. Pull a string and win a prize. 
It was lovely when the sun came out.

Kiddywinks having their faces painted.

The new Chairman of the Parish Council dropped by to see us on our cat rescue stall. I have known Craig for many years, I used to work for him in his metal detecting business. I will put a link in here because he is a personal friend, and what he doesn't know about metal detecting isn't worth knowing. 
Two more visitors came to see me today. Blog readers Lesley and her daughter. They brought gifts for me, and some great things to sell on the stall. Thank you very much, I enjoyed meeting you.

And here is our stall. We have an extra pair of hands today, thank goodness, because I have been flitting about a lot. The giant leopard was the prize in a competition to guess it's name. As you can see we have a great selection of items to sell, all donated by kind people. We did very well for sales which will cover the cost of the cat food for a while. Fourteen of the shopping bags sold, and I tried my best to sell the last one, but there were no customers left, they had all gone home.

I also helped to set up the Village Hall for the Art Exhibition tomorrow. I shall be there in the morning at 10am with my artworks to display on my space.

I must do my walk tonight. I'm getting a bit behind with being busy with other things. I'd better get a move on, if I sit here for much longer I will be falling asleep. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Twas also our school fayre today, we did well too. Kids enjoyed themselves and money was raised for a good cause. Yours looks really good too and I love your cat person top Ilona! Xxxx

  2. So pleased the rain held if fir you and all the other events txt went on today. Your stall looked very attractive and glad your bags sold well.

    Good luck for tomorrow and hooe you get plenty of visitors.
    Hazel c uk

  3. I'm glad that you had a sunny day and that your cat rescue sales did well.

    I can't wait to hear about your visit to the Shed of the Year set.

    You are such a joyful person, Ilona, and I really love reading your blog.

  4. Our local cat shelter held their monthly tag sale today, and I stopped by to give them a little pine table to sell. And then I spent 20 dollars on a spark-arrestor chimney cap! Been meaning to buy one, but until the next time I'm on my roof, I'll just be hoping I guessed the size right. Told them at the sale, if it doesn't fit, I'll donate it back and they can sell it twice ;)

  5. Wonderful! Another successful fete and a day of everyone just having good time. I hope you enjoyed the coconut tart. Fingers crossed for another successful day on Sunday. X

  6. Glad your pussycat stall did well. Natalie

  7. I couldn't see your made-over colourful trainers! You should've worn those, Ilona!
    Margaret P


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.