Sunday, 3 July 2016

I saw an angel

Hello. I'm not too keen on walking through a city centre at night, especially if the route takes me past pubs and clubs. Hull was absolutely heaving last night, there was an event on at Queens Gardens, right next to the Radio Humberside building. I couldn't get parked anywhere near so had to leave my car 15 minutes walk away. Also large parts of the central area is being dug up and new surfaces laid in preparation for the City of Culture celebrations which take place next year. It's one big mess with barriers and big holes everywhere. Avoid if you are thinking of going shopping there, it's a navigational nightmare.

I arrived with 15 minutes to spare, and after banging on the door and gesticulating to people drinking wine inside, they let me in. I was led upstairs through the empty offices, looking for Tom the technician who was setting this up for me. He appeared and took me to the studio that we were going to use for the link up. I sat on a high stool and facing me were three monitors all showing my face looking back at me. In the centre was the camera lens and Tom said I should look into that, not at the screens. I was fitted with an ear piece and a mike, very soon I could hear what was going on in the studio in Australia, although I couldn't see them. A few sound checks were made and we were ready.

Here is a link to the interview I did last night, which went out this morning on Sunrise TV.  I'm not sure if everyone in the world can get it, or how long it will be available for.

Walking back to the car the roads around Queens Gardens were quieter as all the people were let into the show area. As I passed a side street I could see what was happening. Zip wires crisscrossed the area, suspended from the roof tops of the tall buildings. Angels were flying through the air depositing lots of white feathers on the crowds below. I tried to take a photo but they didn't turn out very well, so here is a video from a previous performance, found on yoootooob.

For more pictures and video go to Hull2017Angels  It was a spectacular performance. Glad I was there.

This morning I had a look at the car boot sale, and picked up a few bits and bobs. Four wooden table mats, not for use on the table, I might be able to make something with them. Matchsticks, body scrubs, and three puzzles in a box, all for crafting purposes. Also, not on the photo, a lampshade for the table lamp I am covering with crochet. the original one is too big, I found one for 50p.

I called in the Cash and Carry while I was passing on the way home. A 2kg bag of musli was 60p, worth a try, I thought.

 I also found Aldi Bran Flakes, two boxes for £1. These are normally 88p each. I bought seven boxes, so £2.66 saved. They are two months past their sell by date, but I don't care.

It's time for dinner now, so I'll say tatty byes. we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Great interview Ilona! Lots of good money saving tips. And you looked lovely too!

  2. Well done Ilona, great post.
    Loved the interview, I was able to watch it here in TX.
    Thank you for your inspiration.
    Pam in TX.xx

  3. I just watched the interview, it was great. I wish there had been time for you to tell how you use the money you save to take lots of lovely trips.
    You looked lovely, as Cat Lover says, and your hair looked fantastic! If you did that yourself you can be proud indeed.
    Glad that you were there in time to see the Angels. JanF

  4. Excellent interview Ilona, you are a natural in front of the camera! SueM

  5. Great interview Ilona! Keep going you are doing wonderful. Love the Angel video as well. Your hair looks lovely.

    Angel ():) USA

  6. Yes, I too was willing you to mention all the super trips you make and your busy social life. I wish they had asked you about that side of your life.
    Pam in TX.xx

  7. Great car boot finds. Looking forward to the crafty makes.

  8. Good interview and you looked fab.

  9. It was good to see you on our TV down under in Oz! Good interview, you are a natural.

  10. The interview on Sunrise was great. Whenever I watch or listen to your interviews, I always think that the television/radio hosts come away with a greater appreciation of thriftiness. So well done!

    What luck that you were there to see the angels. Lovely. I believe I saw a different type of angel about ten years ago. I was driving near Atlanta when I stupidly reached behind the seat of my car to get my purse. I lost control of the car and spun around sideways. I was not hit but I was very shaken and I wasn't sure if the car was OK. Another car stopped to help me get myself together. He said he was a pastor but in my mind he was an angel.

  11. That looks stunning. I bet it was incredible to see

  12. Loved your interview - you came across very natural - I guess that comes with all the experience from the last few months of talking on the radio/tv :) I had a look at the Angles video - that wasn't filmed in Hull last night; must be from another performance. Last night's showing was a dress rehearsal for next years festivities. And finally; we are all fed up in Hull of the city centre being dug up, but it had to be done ready for our City of Culture next year. I've not been into town for 3 weeks because of all the upheaval but it's all supposed to be finished soon. We were supposed to be getting a new footbridge over Castle Street next to the Marina, ready for next year, but they deliberated so long over the plans that it's now too late to start. We have to wait until 2018 before they do it now, if they don't change their minds again!

    1. Hi Lesley. I did say the the Angels video was from a previous performance, it was uploaded in April.

  13. Watched your interview, I must say you are becoming quite the pro at it. You looked especially lovely, particularly your hair. Loved the Angel video, must have been wonderful to be there.

  14. What a fabulous spectacle the angels in Hull are! I've never heard of that before, I loved the video, how wonderful it must have been to see it live. I imagine the atmosphere was fantastic. I was able to watch the video easily here in Australia. It's interesting to hear your behind the scenes perspective- it must have been a bit unsettling. I use pantry staples well beyond their use by dates too- never had any problem- it's easy to tell if food like that is spoiled (which is rare) or infested. You do get tremendous bargains, we generally don't have such big reductions here. Often things are on sale at half price though and I will stock up then.

  15. Great interview Ilona, just watched it via your link. :) Joy in Oz.

  16. You did well and finally an opportunity to explain you don't drink tea so that's why someone would need to bring their own. That had bugged me since that first interview. The interviewers seemed more respectful as well.

  17. Watched your interview over here in Sth Australia,you were great!

  18. What a waste of money and who is going to clean up all that mess of feathers in Queens Gardens. What is the point of having this show now. The City of Culture is next year. I used to live in Hull. My relations still do and all I hear about is what a mess the whole place is. Everywhere being dug up. Cheap paving slabs being bought . No good and they broke. Had to then spend more money to replace them. The bridge that was supposed to be built now won't get done till 2018. I agree with Lesley Gilbert's comment. My father in law hasn't been to town for weeks because there is nowhere he can safely ride his mobility scooter. Right , now I'll look at your video for Ozz television.

  19. Hi Ilona, I thought you looked great, it must be all the walking and your healthy diet. I agree your interview was very natural and well said. I live in Queensland, Australia and love your blog. Good on you girl!

  20. Thanks for the link Ilona...great interview.
    Leah,Melbourne Australia.

  21. How do you get a cash and carry account ? nice interview by the way on australian TV

    1. Hello Nanny. Most Cash and Carry places you do need an account, but this one is different. It is open to the general public as well as traders. Their prices are low on a lot of items because they buy in food by the pallet load, split it and sell to individuals. Small businesses also buy from them. A lot of it is the excess that supermarkets can't sell, either because it's out of date, or they have too much, or the packaging has changed.

  22. Brilliant interview Ilona, thanks for the link. You came over very well, and for once the interviewers seemed genuinely to appreciate and understand what you were saying.

  23. So lovely to see your philosophy on spending on our morning tv here in Australia. I have read your blog for years and in writing and on the TV it shows what a sensible approach to "living within our means" we should all take. It's a shame politicians can't follow the same process and both of our countries may not be going through their current political turmoils!

  24. I have read your blog for many years and it is great to see you sharing your philosophy of living within our means on the TV in Australia. It would be nice to think that future governments/leaders in both of our countries could take some tips from it as we wait to see who our new leaders will be. You are a wise woman.

  25. A very good interview!
    I always enjoy your posts!

  26. I missed watching u on tv so ty for putting the link up and wow you look fantastic!! and ty for this blog and the pics of ur lovely meals ive recreated some of them myself i eat simple and basic myself :)x

    1. That's the way to go, no need for expensive and complicated meals. Cheap and nutritious is possible.

  27. what a great interview. how did they come to get hold of you?

    1. Hi Brenda. All publicity comes from my blog, someone picks up on it and an article appears in a newspaper or magazine. It is out there on the internet, journalists, writers, trawling for ideas for their own work. Radio Stations and TV channels pick up the stories, it just happens, they find me.

  28. passing through Hull recently we were struck by the amount of litter and rubbish strewn about. Are they hoping all these white feathers will cover it up, I wonder.

    1. Good idea, but they have cleaned them all up now. I wonder if they can be used again for the next event.

    2. did you get any to use in your craft work?

  29. Terrific to see you on Aussie TV. It was a great interview. I want to ask you if the $5000 a year includes your rates and car insurance etc. If I consider our rates, water and energy costs and car registration I would not be able to live on $5000 a year no matter how hard I tried. I like reading your blog and get much inspiration from you. Thank you. Jane

    1. Hello. The amount quoted is for food, cleaning and toiletries. They like to get to a low amount because it makes for a good story. I feel this is a bit misleading. With time constraints they don't want to talk about all the other things I have to pay for. I will clarify here, I get just under £10,000 a year and that is for everything.

  30. I only watched the 1st half of the 'Sunrise tv' link as internet playing up, but as usual you presented yourself well, however I was a little annoyed that the word 'stingy' appeared. You're not that at all, you are careful/sensible/thrifty. If you were a stingy person you wouldn't help your neighbours, walk others dogs, and give your time to re-homing cats. Amanda

  31. Ilona you are amazing as always and huge hats off to you. I really wish more people would wise up to your lifestyle... just imagine if all those marketing ploys didn't work. If people only bought what they needed, not what the advertising says they need. What a different world it would be.


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