Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Thinking of extending

Hello. Look what I've got in the back of my car, four solid wooden doors with all the glazing intact. There is a man doing a house up on the route I walk, he previously gave me some bricks. I don't see him that often because he has always gone by the time I get there, but yesterday I went earlier and he was filling a skip with mostly rubble. I stopped to chat, and have a nosy at what he was throwing away. Well I couldn't let these doors get chucked, could I? There is nothing wrong with them, and surely I could find a use for them. Me being an expert builder with doors, ha ha. 
So, they are stored at the back of the garage, covered over with plastic sheeting, until I can think of a project for them. Hhhhmmmm, I have two plastic roof panels spare, maybe I could add a veranda to the summer house, that's a thought.

He also gave me these tall slim metal shelving units. I like these, they could be placed side by side or used singly. They can go outside or inside. I will think of a use for them, or give them away.

I just had to rescue Mr frog and Mrs Hedgehog before they went in the skip. A scrub up and a coat of paint and they'll have a new lease of life, in my garden.
It's been a good day for freebies. I think I'll ease off collecting for the time being, I've got enough projects to keep me going. I am scoffing a plate of steamed veg as I type. I have to get ready to go out shortly, I'm doing a WI talk tonight, got to entertain the ladies. I'll say cheerio for now and we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I absolutely LOVE Mr Frog and Mrs Hedgehog! Why don't I ever see these things - well, to start with, rummaging in skips might help ...
    They are ADORABLE!
    Yes, make an extension to your wonderful summerhouse - you could then end up on George Clark's Amazing Spaces, har, har! I've suggested to husband that he makes a covered way between our summerhouse and our actual house but he's not all that enamoured of the idea!
    Margaret P

  2. Love Mr Frog. My partner took some stuff to the skip and came back with a garden frog. It's lovely, but nowhere near as nice as yours.

    1. I mean 'took some stuff to the dump'. I've obviously now got skips on the brain.

  3. Hi Ilona the figures look like Beatrix Potter's Jeremy Fisher and Mrs Tiggywinkle - I was born in the Lakes! Paula x

  4. All your freebies are beautiful. Clever you !

  5. wow..double wow

    you hit the jackpot. Love it all.

    hard to believe this all would have gone to the garbage. Good thing you came along.
    Maybe you could give this fellow your number, and next time he has such treasure, he might give you a shout? Worth a try.

  6. Those shelves look great by your garage wall.

  7. Great finds today Ilona. I can see those 3 shelves bolted today and planks of wood slotted through them - they would make a great plant display outside your summerhouse. Enjoy your evening with the WI tonight :)

  8. Loving the hedgehog and frog are they metal? Looking forward to seeing the extension.

  9. Those doors are really nice. Would you ever think of using them on inside your house?

  10. Smashing finds. I can see the shelves with clematis etc growing up them. I love the figures I have a toad and a duck in my garden which I say hello to lol. Yes bonkers I know .

  11. When you have made the veranda complete with swingy chair I will come and sit with you :-)

  12. Isn't is amazing what people throw away. Can't be bothered to offer on free cycle or something similar I suppose. Glad you were able to snag the doors and I rather like Mr. Frog and Mr. Hedgehog. Expect they cost a pretty penny if purchased.

    Take care.

  13. Those are beautiful doors. Cheryl

  14. Wonderful finds Ilona, you woukd never find anything like that round our way.
    I bet the WI ladies found you entertaining, it was our meeting night tonight and we had a lady from London Zoo she was entertaining and brought back memories for the older ones of when Brumas was born at the zoo in 1949.

    Hazel c uk

  15. All those items are really nice looking. Good job you came
    along to save them. We think the frog and hedgehog are
    especially good and will look great in your garden.
    Wendy (Wales)

  16. Amazing doors...would love some for inside my house...please just don't paint your new garden friends pink...ha ha...

    1. I was just thinking that too, no pink please... lol

  17. You could grow runner beans up the shelves, I see there's a space for some pots at the bottom.

  18. Those shelves looking good where you have photographed them. I can see them with pots of flowers on - really good find. If they were mine and I had space I would use them as a shoe rack. Amazing that someone was throwing those out.

  19. Like the idea of the veranda! Thinking the tall slim storage racks might store some of your crafting materials and a plant or two?

  20. Nice finds Ilona, all things we know you'll love to use and/or upcycle!

    And on one pic you can also see Mrs Heidi and erm... Mr Garcia (?)

    1. Hi. Yes, Heidi and Garcia are there, well spotted.

  21. I think Paula is right, they are Beatrix Potter characters- Jeremy Fisher and Mrs Tiggywinkle. I'm not from the Lakes District, though, but her stories are very popular here in Australia. Beatrix Potter figures are usually not cheap, so well done, you!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.