Thursday, 15 December 2016

A really nice book cover

Hello. Bit late tonight, I thought I would get the Tesco dash over and done with before the busy weekend starts. I also had an £8 off voucher on a £40 shop which needed using before it runs out. Did well on the yellow stickers, had a laugh with the boy who was marking down, and a chat with the lady on the checkout. Shouldn't need to buy any more food now till after Christmas. 
I finished the notebook cover today. This is how I began. A piece of cotton fabric bigger than the book when it's opened out.  
I started by adding the square piece of fabric, then kept adding more until it was covered.

This is it fully covered. I then did cross stitch along all the seams, with some other stitching as well. 

I cut another piece of red cotton the same size and pinned the two together, right sides in. Then I marked a line around the book, and machined them together on three sides, leaving one end open. I cut off the excess, then turned it the right way, and stitched up the open end by hand.

The front of the finished cover. 
 And the back.
Inside front.

Inside back.

This is the whole thing opened out. 
I did blanket stitch on the top and bottom to make the pockets to slip the book into.

The twisted elastic is sewn into the back cover and flips over to the front to hold the book closed.

I am very pleased with how it's turned out. The cover can be removed when the book is full, and put onto a new book.

Right, half an hour chill time and cuddles with Bugsy, then I'm off to bed. Thank you all for visiting Amy's blog, I bet that gave her a surprise. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Love it! You do fabulous hand work!

  2. Especially like this being patchwork. Hope Bugsy is holding up Ilona.

  3. Sew Pretty! I love all of your fancy stitches, very nice :)

  4. Beautiful and glad Bugsy is holding his own. Have a good night!

  5. Very neat needlework there and such lovely colours.

  6. Lovely book cover ilona I love gorgeous notebooks and journals and have a lot bought over the years to journal in which I find easier somehow than writing my blog as I can scribble all sorts quickly without opening my laptop. I know you're not interested in selling your makes but you defiantly could I'd buy one lol. I've pointed my daughter to Amy's blog as she is at uni with two little ones and manages on very little money and although she makes a little go a long way it's always good to have a new take and find new ideas etc.

    1. Why not open a PayPal account and sell a few things that you make to raise money for your cat rescue that you support Just an idea as people have shown interest in your bags and other projects No offence meant just a thought Love the blog x

  7. Hi Ilona,
    Very pretty combination of material on your note book cover. Love the idea you can remove and reuse. You have very neat hand sewing. I visited Amy's blog and left a comment and she asked me fore your e-mail address and I said for her to visit your blog and she would be able to e-mail you via that. She e-mailed me and we had a nice conversation. Thank you for high-lighting her blog, she seems a really sweet person and very positive, really hope through you she gets a boost from people visiting her blog. Really, really hope Bugsy stays comfortable. Sue xx

  8. Hi Ilona, I just love the book cover and your stitches are so super neat. I love patchwork as it always looks lovely what ever colours you put together. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Lovely craftwork and a neat design. I'm pretty useless at hand sewing but I'm good with a machine (I collect vintage black ones, cheap as chips too) so I may have a go at something similar. Thanks!

  10. Love the book cover, a good way to use up all the scraps. Hope Bugsy is recovering and getting better every day.

    Joan (Wales)

  11. Beautiful and functional - my favorite combination! Super job, Ilona!

  12. I love that book cover Ilona. I have loads of little scraps that I could use up


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