Hello, I've just been reading a story in the Daily Wail, you know the one I mean, the Daily Fail. A thrifty mum is feeding her family on a small budget, and getting a lot of sarcastic, and nasty comments from the sad keyboard warriors who have nothing else to do all day. The same thing happened to me. Show the world that you are doing just fine and jealousy rears it's ugly head.
Thrifty mother of three. Read here.
Amy has a blog, Hard up and Happy, and it's quite good, nice ideas for thrifty food. She is a happy mum with happy kids. Let's support another thrifty blogger and give Amy a boost, and post a comment on there. It will make her smile and show her that we are on her side. Stuff the nasty people.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for popping in, and your nice comments on Bugsy. He has eaten a little and is now sleeping.
We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip
second guessing is my favorite...
3 hours ago
Thaks for the tip about Hard up and Happy! nice site and I have bookmarked it. I really enjoy your site and your artistic talents. Hope there is an easy "cure" for Bugsy!
ReplyDeleteWill definitely check out her blog. I had to stop reading the article though because the comments started to depress me. Why can't people just say 'well done'. Some people have too much time on their hands when they need to find fault with others who doing their best (and very good her best is too).
ReplyDeletewill have a read of her blog thanks, read the article, id be quite happy with her Christmas dinner and could probably do it even cheaper :) I must admit the modest 2,300 a month made me smile that's double what we have and we are owed four months wages and still managing just about. Apart from that good on her for emphasising the need to budget, I'm pleased for her.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI removed my post....it was unfair of what I wrote. I am in a right mess financially, on the dole, with,kids, but we do really well,even so. Its easy to pick faults with people but I am so grateful for Amys blog, & life after money, because they really do offer some great ideas.Not a magic cure, but just some good, sound advice on how to save a few bob.
DeleteHi Dean. I read your comment and thought it was ok to publish. You opinion was valid in light of your circumstances. Now that you have explained your situation I can see now why you removed it.
DeleteIf you want to contact me for a chat, my email address is on the sidebar. You should choose a new user name, you are not daft at all. You are just making the best life you can for your kids.
Thank you...it means a lot
DeleteThanks for recommending 'Hard up and Happy' blog; have read bits, and good luck to her. I don't quite cook her meals as I don't, and won't, just get the ingredients for her recipes, I see what's the best buy and plan from there, but nice ideas - especially her alternative Christmas pudding (I detest the traditional Christmas pudding, it's too stodgy and bland for my taste). But each to their own. Amanda
ReplyDeleteI appreciate what you say and I am all ways looking for ways to save money , but I do think claiming £2300 as a small income is a bit strange . As a pensioner I would love that sort of income even when hubby and I worked in stress full jobs we did not earn that much . I agree that frugality should be encouraged but that did grate on me
ReplyDeleteAs regards her income. I think you have to remember that the Daily Mail do not always get their facts right. It's best not to believe everything they print. I got a lot of stick on my article because they got the figures wrong.
ReplyDeleteFor many years I have said that 'if I ruled the world/had 3 wishes/was PM etc' The Daily Wail would be the first thing to be abolished for all the reasons evident in the scurrilous article you highlighted Ilona. Her intent and philosophy is, I think, to be admired. Rose x
ReplyDeleteI just don't know why people have to be cruel and nasty, especially at a time when we should be spreading good will and cheer. My definition of hard up isn't the same as Amy's but good on her for sharing her ideas. I think it takes a lot of gumption to write a blog and I admire anyone who has a go. My view of Christmas has changed drastically over the years. I'm done with buying and wanting expensive gifts and a lavish dinner. This year I'm cooking favourite dishes. Its a celebration of foods my family like to eat (things I cook well). I'm looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for sharing this Ilona I will look at her blog, it us good all us thrifty bloggers share things and help each other out x
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Bugsy is 20 years old just tells me that you have taken the best care of him. I am glad he perked up a bit. I have gone through the passing of pets more than once and I do know how very hard it is. I have cried more over pets than I have of people. As to the frugal blog, I will be checking it out. I just don't know why people have to be so nasty. Here is someone sharing her life with others to help and she gets criticized for it. I pay no attention to those keyboard warriors, they only prove, by their comments, that they are idiots.
ReplyDeleteI'm so relieved to hear Bugsy has eaten a little food and sleeping♥ I will pop over to Amy's blog. Why people have to be so mean beats me "be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" Plato. Linda xx
ReplyDeleteI read the article this morning and dreaded what the trolls were going to post in the Fail. True to form, but reading this I can see what real life people really think we are inspired by her and by you Ilona. Please keep up the good work, I'm off sick at the moment but you always cheer me up. kitx
ReplyDeleteI rarely bother with the Daily Mail since they did a snidey little story on someone, but have now read this story following the link you provided. Amy's children will have such lovely memories of Christmas, that no amount of expensive gifts could ever replace. I really liked the 'Christmas tree sleepover'. It reminds me of when I used to have my late Partner's nephews and nieces to stay when they were children. In addition to the other things we did, we would sleep out in the garden and watch the stars. They still talk about those times with such affection and do the same things with their children.
ReplyDeleteHi Ilona, I couldn't leave a comment for Amy as I don't do Facebook:( However there is a form you can fill in and send her a message via that. Thought I would mention this in case others don't use Facebook etc. Linda xx I was very impressed with her blog but had to stop as I haven't had breakfast yet and my mouth was watering:)
ReplyDelete£2300 may seem like a high amount, and pensioners will think it's a lot BUT we don't know the family circumstances. We don't know their housing costs or the fact that the partner may be paying a lot of maintenance.
ReplyDeleteBut this is the daily mail and they do like to manipulate the truth.
Thanks for the recommendation. There are jealous people in all walks of life unfortunately. If there were more people like you and Amy the country would be in a far better place financialy.
ReplyDeleteI read the article when it was first published and I bookmarked her blog. Didn't go to the comments as I was pretty sure the trolls would be out after her. God forbid anyone should love their family, budget wisely, cook from scratch and try to help others by writing about what has worked for her! The vile meanness out there is just shocking at times. I hope she doesn't let it get to her. Good luck to her and her family.
ReplyDeleteDaily Mail has its uses, but usually not for serious journalism. It also attracts some of the most regressive readers from both sides of the Pond.