Friday, 30 March 2018

Doodling on stones

Hello. It's very quiet here, I think a lot of people have gone away for the Easter holidays. That's why I went last week, to avoid them. I prefer taking my holidays when the kiddywinks are at school. 
I've been doodling on stones. First painted them with acrylic paint, then added detail with felt tip pens. The two bigger ones are 2.5 inches across, and the small on 2 inches across. They needed two or three coats to build up the colour, because the detail soaks into the base paint. The colours have not come out right in the photos of the first one, the blue is actually green. Don't know how that happens. 

This one is all paint, except the outlines of the flowers which is black marker pen.

Not bad for a first attempt. I'll be looking for stones now when I am out and about, ha ha.

Thank you all for putting your name at the top of your comments in the previous post. It means I can check through them a lot quicker and weed out the rogue Anons and dump them. It also makes the blog look a lot more tidy and easy to read. Be gone, those horrible Anons.

Time for dinner. I am using up what I already have in the cupboards and freezer, will probably go shopping at some point next week when the shops won't be so busy, hopefully.

Thank you for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.


  1. Those stones look fab, I do those with my class over the summer, they paint various mini beasts on them- they make great ladybird! Hope you’re feeling better,much love,xxxxx

  2. Barbara (Canada)30 March 2018 at 19:13

    At first I thought the "Follow Your Dream" stone was a yummy Easter egg! It looks like a map of one of your walking tours. I started painting stones as a fun craft when my daughter was small - now I paint them as gifts to use as doorstops etc. Our local library has lots of books with elaborate ideas and how-tos. My favourite to date is the fawn I painted two summers ago. We're enveloped in another snowstorm here, so it might be a good day for crafts.

  3. Like your stones make good paper weights

  4. A group of people locally have been painting rocks with inspirational quotes on and leaving them for people to find. They have a Facebook page, bbrox. Worth a look.

  5. Love your painted rocks...
    here's some more for you to consider trying...

    ah, well. You get the idea..I love painted rocks. Always have...

    Yours are marvelous.

  6. I used to do this with my Grandaughters when they were little.We have spent many an happy hour on Brighton beach,where you are really spoilt for choice for what stone to paint!Then they wanted to take them all home,back to the Midlands,in my backpack,on public transport...I used to look like an old carthorse by the time we got back to Leicester!,xx

  7. Evening Ilona

    What lovely bright colours :-) I like the little 'love' one best, as it's something that could easily be placed on a dressing table or bedside table. Or just keep it in your hand.

    Hope you're feeling better.


    p.s. I have used this URL thingy on "Suffolk Sue's" blog and it works. So Thank you Ilona and Deb for getting us out in the sunshine!

  8. Follow your dream is my favourite one.

  9. In our village there has been a craze amongst the children to paint stones and then leave them round the village; they see how many they can find, and I think they move them around - I don't have young kids anymore, so not sure of the rules!

  10. I have a little area near my summer house that I put memory stone's that I've picked up from beaches we visit. Many of them have a hole in them where they've weathered. Your 1st picture does look like an Easter egg.

  11. I used to paint stones years ago, and sold some of them for animal charities, I still have some I did for myself. I used those little tins of Humbrol paint that are used for models. A very fine brush and steady hand are required, but they need only one coat and then it's done. Perhaps a portrait of Mayze and Heidi would look nice.:-)

  12. Joy here... lovely stones. I like the red flowered and green one best. Happy hunting and have a nice Easter.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I love them. We call them TasRocks here. A little lass I know gave me some she'd painted herself for Christmas, we find them all over the place when we're walking, with the postcode on from where they were painted.

    1. What a brilliant idea, to paint the postcode on them! :-)


  15. We had this last summer around the village and it seemed to be very popular, once a stone was found it was re hidden in a different location

  16. They're very attractive and very cheering. Love them!
    J x

  17. In the US, there’s a huge following of rock painters. They’re left for others to find. If you find one, you go to a Facebook page, that’s on the back of the rock, and let them know what/where you found it. I’ve found three since we live in a tourist town. But, I don’t do Facebook so I gave them to the grandchildren to hide. Such fun! You’ve done a fabulous job! I didn’t want to give mine away but I don’t have room for a lot of rocks.

    1. Hi momsav. You forgot to use the new way of adding your name to the top of your comment. I have done it for you. I have had a lot of Anonymous spam come through so I am trying to get everyone on putting their names in the name/url box before posting. Please give it a try, Thank you

  18. Hi Ilona!Sorry for sending two comments yesterday!!!! The painted stones are beautiful-you're very talented!

  19. I like this idea. The stones would look pretty around my garden. I am supposing they would need some clear varnish to keep the colours fresh if they were outside. I always pick up a nice smooth pebble on a beach visit. I love the silky smooth feeling in my hands. I am cupboard delving and freezer diving for meals until next week. I can’t bear the bank holiday shopping frenzy.

  20. Our local Facebook page is full of photos of children holding found painted pebbles, huge grins and loving the idea of hiding them again.

  21. I love them Ilona.I bought one from the seashore last year on my holidays from an artist with a quote & butterfly.I have another with a ship on it.He paints shells too x

  22. I think they are lovely. YOu are very talented. kitx

  23. The painted stones are beautiful Ilona x

  24. Google 'stones painted to look like cactus' we make them with kids at Tots Club. Very realistic


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