Friday, 23 March 2018

Preston to Burnley. Day 2.

Hello. My feet are throbbing a bit tonight, I've walked 22 miles, and finished up in another Holiday Inn, this one is at Burnley. It's £10 cheaper, at £55 for bed and breakfast, and another lovely room. 
Not so warm today so I had to keep my jacket on. No rain though so that's a blessing. I set off along the A59 out of Preston, this is going over the River Ribble close to the M62 junction.
With the motorway ahead I was pleased to see a dedicated cycle and pedestrian path which goes off to the left there, and underneath the motorway junction.

Only another 17 miles to go. I'm going to bypass Blackburn by taking a straightish line across, a few miles north of it.

From a distance I saw a church with two clock faces, and went down the lane to investigate. St Leonards is at Samlesbury, it has a junior school just behind it.

The two clock faces.

Then I walked all the way around it, and found a third clock face. Most unusual.

I found a footpath which runs almost parallel to the road so I took that to get away from the traffic. On the map it indicates that there is a Methodist church. It looks as if it is now a private residence, but they have put this statue in place on a pedestal to keep it's links with the past.

Back onto the A59 again, I passed Salmesbury Airport. BAE Systems are also on the sight. They design, manufacture, and upgrade and support combat and trainer aircraft.

Time to get off the main road, and take a minor road through Mellor Brook, and Mellor. I seemed to be plodding along uphill at a slow rate for ever. Views over Blackburn.
This is the railway station near the A666.

I crossed over the A666 on the outskirts of Blackburn, and continued on the minor road.

What do you do with a redundant pub? The Bulls Head has been turned into a Co op shop.

A couple of miles further on I went over the Parsonage Reservoir. It was a bit chilly.

Fed up with being high up, and in the wind, I headed for Rishton. Just before the A678 I picked up the canal towpath to get off road for a while.

Coming back onto the road again I saw this decorative stainless steel panel across the footpath. It's a pity it hasn't been cleaned up a bit. Needs a bit of spit and polish.

Now this was interesting, a place that sells palm trees, but parts of it looked in a bit of a mess. Some of the plants had fallen over and were too big for their pots, and some looked half dead. What a shame.
These didn't look too bad.

The front gate was locked, nobody about. I wonder if they are still trading. If they are having a closing down sale I wouldn't mind some of them. Nothing on their web site.

I plodded on, Clayton le Moors, Altham, and into Padiham.

I stopped to make a phone call to the Holiday Inn, yes they have beds, so that's where I'll make for. I picked up some food at a Spar shop. It was half past six when I staggered through the door, ha ha, only kidding, but I couldn't have walked much further. It's close to Junction 10 of the M65, so a good place to start from in the morning.

I'm heading for Haworth tomorrow, a trek across the moors. The weather is supposed to be better, with sunshine. I'm going to inspect my feet now, I suspect I have a couple of blisters which need attention. My leg muscles are a bit achey, but they will be alright after a good nights sleep. I'm a bit worried about my throat though, it's a bit sore, and I have been sneezing, don't tell me I am going to get a cold, I never have a cold. I shall blooming well curse if I do.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Look after yourself Ilona X don't over do it. Do you take vitamin tablets? I've been taking Echinachia all winter and haven't had one cold or flu.

    1. If you have a healthy diet, you shouldn't need to take vitamins. Ilona's diet is very healthy, lots of fruit and veg and no junk food.

    2. I don't take vitamin tablets.

  2. You’re so inspiring. I feel like putting my sneakers on, right now!

  3. really enjoy seeing the photos of the walk!

  4. BAE Systems? If I remember right, they make all the windows for Boeing. The only reason I remember that tidbit is I thought it odd Boeing bought it's windows from Great Britain.

    Cold air and allergies will also make for sore throats, runny noses and sneezing.

  5. I really didn't feel like doing my walk today, but told my spouse that I couldn't shirk while Ilona was walking 20 miles!

  6. Hi. I have an awful cold i hope you dont get one it will affect your walk. Fingers crossed you stay fit and well. When you plot your walks are they based on places you may have driven passed/through when you were lorry driving and did you ever think to yourself whilst driving "id like to have a nose around there oneday"?? Xx

    1. Hi. I often saw places that I wanted to stop and have a look around. Now I can, and it's great.

  7. I live in Blackburn and know most of these places quite well. It's lovely to see them from another perspective.
    My ancestors came from Haworth and my great x 3 grand father was Dr Jonas Driver who used to give the Bronte sisters newspapers when he'd finished reading them.
    Hope you have a great day tomorrow.
    Thanks for this post, I really enjoyed it. X

    1. Hi. I slept quite well. My throat has been soothed by two cups of coffee, let's hope it doesn't develop any further. Once I start breathing in fresh air, the germs will give up and die. That's the plan :o)

  8. Hi Ilona, I really admire your walking all over the place. Not sure if I would be so brave to do that on my own as you do. Here where I live it’s has been bucketing down with rain for a few days . My walk was abandoned this morning due to lightning. Another attempt was made a few hours ago and it rained so heavy that it was impossible to walk. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

  9. Thanks for the pictures and report Ilona, am enjoying following along.

  10. Nice one Ilona...I'm following your travels and adventures with interest!


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