Thursday, 4 April 2019

It's hard work being creative.

This is taking a long time to finish. Each time I think, nearly there, then see something else which it needs to make it better. There will come a point when I think enough is enough, and nothing else I do will improve it. That point is not far off, so I'm going to get on with it.


Welcome to the new followers, I've just noticed that we have 1001. A nice number.


  1. Hi Ilona, can you remember the old ad that said "1001 cleans a big, big carpet (for only half a crown...)"?? Well, as one of the 1001 I won't be cleaning any more carpets..just in case anyone asks.

  2. Wow that's a stunning piece of artwork well worth all the hours you have put into it. Would look lovely in my lounge if of course I ever complete the decorating! I didn't report any walking progress but am doing approximately four miles a day Monday to Thursday to my voluntary work.x


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