Monday, 1 April 2019

Walking Group check in, the first three months

Good morning, it's April Fools Day and I haven't thought of a joke/prank yet. I'm drinking my Joyceeee coffee, mulling over what I've got to do today. Crafty Club, reply to emails, ring someone, visit someone,  write a blog post and start tidying the garden. It's going to be a busy summer I think.

Let's kick off with the International Walking Group check in. We are at the quarter of the year stage, three whole months have gone, and those aiming for the 1000 miles should be at around 250 miles. I'm pleased to say I have made it. I did 19 miles this weekend on the west coast, north and south of Blackpool. This gives me a total of 262 miles.

So how have you all done? Let's hear about your progress. Are you keeping up? Are you near your own personal targets? It's good to have some kind of target to aim for as it's so easy to slip behind when other things take priority. I have always got the thought at the back of my mind that I must make time for walking, it is part of my daily and weekly plan. This weekend I went to a party in Blackpool, and walking was in the plan as well. No I didn't walk back home again, like I did ten years ago, but I made time to walk while I was there. Now it's back to the three miles around the village routine.

So it's over to you, crunch those numbers and lets have them. Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. I have walked 65 miles which brings my total to 360. I am chuffed to bits. Never felt so well. xx

  2. My total to date is 281 miles,that includes a couple of short bike rides.

  3. Joy Central Victoria Australia1 April 2019 at 10:09

    My total to date is 225 miles, have been a bit quiet on the walking front, but planning to get back out there now our weather is cooling for autumn.

  4. Hi Ilona, I managed to walk 49 kilometers in March, not much really, but with bike rides with a total of 199 kilometers March was turned into quite a moving month for me (in more than one way!).


  5. Having successfully upped my beginners goal of a mile per day (January) to one and a quarter (February) to one and a half per day (March), March totals 47 miles for the month. Have really noticed a difference in my ease of movement and stiffness!

  6. Hilde in Germany1 April 2019 at 13:31

    I absolutely wanted to catch up and reach 250 miles at the end of the month. So I found a walking buddy, a neighbour with a big dog, and walked with him once or sometimes twice a day for about four miles. Add to that a week in Budapest where I walked for hours and hours every day just looking at the beautiful old houses, and I reached 266 miles.
    Btw, public transport in Budapest is free for all EU citizens over 65,
    so when my feet hurt I just could jump on the next bus, tram or metro. Would be nice to have this at home, too.

  7. Hi Ilona and others in the walking group. This month I did 83 miles for a year to date total of 253! It was a good month here in the southwestern US desert, great temperatures and sunrise at a time where I could walk early. Hope everyone had a good month.

  8. Hi Ilona and the walking group, 88 miles in march bringing my total to 247,well done everyone,

  9. 301 for me in march,so pleased. Gill

  10. 91.4 miles this month Illona - so on track - thank you .

  11. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers, I have managed 81.5 miles in March , making a total of 235 miles for the year so far - a bit disappointed not to have reached 250 but am hoping to catch up over the next few months. Vicki in the East Riding

  12. Well done everyone for your totals especially Suzie Cute!
    We've done 106 miles this month bringing our total to just over 300 so far this year.
    I'm sure as the months move on we'll drop back a bit..
    We are aiming for 1000 this year so we'll see. The last 10 days of fine weather have been a real bonus.
    Good luck to you all for April.
    Thanks Ilona and well done on your totals.

  13. I'd like to do this. Any ideas for me to measure how far I'm walking? A beginner at this and haven't a clue. I don't do app thingies, the pedometers I've had are rubbish and either click over several steps when I've only done one step or don't click over at all. Measuring on a map is no good as I don't go far and only walk on a canal towpath. Trying to go a bit further every time I walk when health permits but it would be good to measure distance and have a target.

    1. Do you have a mobile phone with a GPS on it, that would count the miles. Or you could go on a web site to calculate it. I use Get the map on the screen of where you start from and click on the start point and click along the route to the finish point, it adds it up automatically. There are other sites which do this, it's a matter of trying them.

    2. i dont know if this helps Janice,but on my reckoning,if I walk for 20 mins,Ive done a mile.Thats just walking at a brisk pace.I knew this from when I was a kid,because I lived one mile from the city center and it used to take me 20 mins to walk there.Im no good with app thingys either!,xx

    3. Thank you for your suggestions. But no, I don't have a phone with GPS on it. I've looked at some websites but I only walk along a canal towpath and it's not miles, I might only walk a few metres on some days depending how I am. I'd thought a pedometer would be the best idea but I've tried several at varying prices and not found one that isn't rubbish. The latest one I got was the most expensive but clicked over 11 steps when I just leaned forward to pick something up!

    4. Janice, with such short distances I suggest you measure your walking time and keep a log of that. Debi mentions walking one mile in 20 minutes which is about right. but if you can't walk fast then it will take you a lot longer. Maybe you could set a goal of ten minutes a day, increasing it when you feel able. Pedometers are not reliable.

    5. Thanks Debi and Meanqueen. My walking speed varies due to my health so all the suggestions don't work for me. I could be marching one day and nearly crawling the next!Not to worry and thanks anyway for your suggestions. I'll plod on.

    6. P.S. Your word verification thing where we have to tick the boxes numerous times is a veritable pain in the bum! It takes a minute to type a comment and several minutes to get past the tick boxes. When they're all ticked correctly still more pop up. Traffic lights, fire hydrants, bicycles, crossings, buses. I'm sure you'll have done it to protect against spam but it must also put people off commenting. Other bloggers have word verification but usually only one set of tick boxes, not several.

    7. I don't choose how many tick boxes there are, Blogger does that. By having word verification on I don't have to go through 100 spam comments a day. Now there are none.

  14. Patricia from Canada1 April 2019 at 21:33

    Weather still did not cooperate, and my Mother became ill and passed away on March 5th, however, did get to walk 51 miles in March a total for the first three months 140 miles. The sun is shining and the temps are melting the snow, so April number should be looking a lot bigger. Well done to those who have reached their goal. Patricia

  15. Goodmorning Ilona,
    March was another terribly hot month so I wasn’t able to do as much as I would have liked.
    I’m at 73.58 miles or 118.42 KM for March
    Total so far for the year-212.78 miles or 342.45 KM
    I’m really going to have to keep going every day for the rest of the year if I’m going to complete the challenge.
    Have a lovely day, Fi

  16. Some great miles coming in, you are all doing so well.

  17. Ilona, thought you might appreciate a little laugh on April Fool's Day. I mentioned to my very-literal 10 year old grandson that today was April Fool's day & he should be prepared for little jokes. He asked "Do I have to wear green?" We had a chuckle and I explained that the green was only for St. Paddy's Day.

  18. After the disaster of Jan. and Feb. I am starting to get some miles in. So far only 29 1/2 miles, but spring is here and things are looking up.

  19. 170 miles, and still fed up with my weight!

  20. Hi Ilona I am relatively new to the walking group so a bit nervous. I have started voluntary work so I walk there and back which is approximately four miles a day. I am feeling much better and eating lots more veg and cereals thanks for the encouragement you give to all of us.

  21. I think Ive walked about 150 miles so far but my gammy knee holds me back. I do my best and proud of it

  22. Hello Ilona, Sonja checking in from North Carolina with March miles. As of March 31, the month’s miles are:130. Having warmer weather than usual makes it easier to get going, Thank you & congratulations to everyone!

  23. Haven't managed to do much - only been out once - a mere 6 miles to add to my total unfortunately. Will get going again in April when I have shifted the last of a flu-like lurgy that has floored me for last 2 weeks.

  24. yorkshire lass4 April 2019 at 11:42

    march miles, 79. Total for the first quarter of the year is 245.5 very good so far. The unusually hot weather so far has helped to get out walking

  25. Mar total is 112.71k , total so far 314.26k and still enjoying the walking

  26. Hi Ilona. Not checked in February cause only had done 28 miles. March has been a slight improvement with 40 miles. Bringing my total to 91 miles. April has started well. Hope to keep up. Well done to all your walkers.

  27. Hi everyone!
    I managed 45.2kms last month, even though I had some health issues and not much time. I'm ever so slightly ahead of myself this time last year.
    Happy walking everyone!
    xx Katie from Australia

  28. Hello, better late than never. I'm up to 245 for the first three months of the year. Hanging in there!

  29. Have tried 3 times to comment on your blog with apparently no success. I was never required to “answer anything” to verify my human identity, my comment just seemed to disappear when I clicked publish or preview. Anyway, just wanted to say I’m still walking (and also now swimming indoors)with 19 miles for March. Total of 30 miles so far this year. Goal is to do 30 miles a month!

    1. Thank you. Copy and pasted from your email.


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