Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Partying in Blackpool

My absence from the blog was due to me being away for the weekend. I landed at Carol's on Friday afternoon at 4.30pm. This gave us two hours to get ready for the party. Carol was almost ready when I arrived, she had been to the hairdressers and her makeup was all done. I can get ready very quickly, usually about ten minutes before I am due to walk out of the door, ha ha. I haven't been to a party in years, so I have forgotten how to get dressed up. 
Carol had her 70th birthday party at Vegas Nightclub in the centre of Blackpool, and I was the chauffeur  for the night. It was a real humdinger of a night. Lots of family and friends, loud loud sixties music, dancing the night away, and a hot buffet. Carol on the right, with her two sisters. Not my photo, I've borrowed it. 
The party finally ended at midnight. I don't know where these ladies get their energy from, they were dancing right to the end. 
The next morning I could still hear the music pounding in my head. I woke up with a goddam awful headache, like a massive hangover but no alcohol was consumed. Carol on the other hand was as bright as a button. 
I couldn't stir myself out of bed until mid morning, by which time it was too late to put my plan into action for a walk. I came up with a plan B, which meant staying another night. 
After a bite to eat the headache eased off a bit and I set off to walk to Fleetwood. I headed for the Promenade at Cleveleys and turned right. I haven't walked this section of the coast before. 
It was lovely and sunny with a slight breeze. People were out on the beach, horse riders, dog walkers, fishermen in the sea, and microlights buzzing overhead. I took a few photo's. 
As I got nearer to Fleetwood the camera came out again, but disaster, there was a problem with the memory card and nothing happened when I pressed the shutter. I tried it in the second camera, same thing, the memory card had malfunctioned. Oh dear. The photo above is one that Carol put on Facebook. 
So what to do, I need a camera shop so I asked someone and was pointed in the right direction. Luckily it was the direction I was going anyway. I found the shop, and although the owner did not sell cameras, he gave that up to frame pictures instead, he still had some memory cards left over from his previous stock. Hip hip hooray, he was very helpful, and fixed me up with two cards, one for each camera, checking that they both worked. I have since tried to get the pictures off the old card, but no luck, so they are lost. 

I set off to walk back following the tramline.

I just love these new Bombardier trams. so smooth, so quiet, and so sleek looking.

I followed the tramline almost back to Carol's. Where it veered off to the right, I continued straight on along the road. Saturday's walk was 10 miles, and I felt a lot better after an afternoons fresh sea air.

Sunday morning I said goodbye to Carol after breakfast and drove through Blackpool along the Promenade, to St Annes, where I parked and went a walk before going home. A sunny morning, wide grassy areas between the road and the promenade, lots of dog walkers with dogs running about and enjoying the socializing with each other. Lovely ornamental gardens with walkways and duckpond.

The boating lake and cafe at Fairhaven Lake. No boats for hire today.

Love this church, it looks like it's made of icing.

Well maintained windmill, looks like it's been repainted ready for the summer season.

I took a footpath which is the Lancashire Coastal Way, over the gully, past the boats, and did an about turn on the road into Lytham town centre.

The town was buzzing with people, the sun had brought everyone out. Fantastic display of colour at the front of this shop.

People enjoying a drink outside Lytham Railway Station.

I saw a sign for Lytham Hall so I thought I would investigate. I asked at the entrance how far is it to the hall, the man said a mile and a half. It was 3pm and I didn't have enough time to enter the grounds and go and see it.

It was a long trek down a very straight road back to the car. Time to go home, 9 miles walked today. The motorways were not too busy, I got home at about 8 ish.

Smashing weekend apart from the headache, good to see Carol, she can't believe she is 70. She certainly doesn't act it, her life is full, always out and about with her family. I can't invite her to my 70th party because I am not having one. Can't stand all the noise of a disco. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I didnt believe you went to Blackpool! Sorry about the headache. Glad you took us round other places. My 70th was quiet, no way I could do a disco. Glass of wine was fine.

    1. I like Lytham and St Annes, very civilized and genteel. Lovely places.

  2. Don't throw out your old camera card. I once thought I'd lost tons of holiday photos but a camera shop managed to retrieve most of them from the card when I got back home and had time to deal with it. Happy birthday to your friend. It's good she can still dance :-)

    1. Carol loves her dancing, she is always up for a party and a bit of bopping.

  3. I'm glad you stayed an extra night! A nice break and the weather looked gorgeous!
    I'm not a fan of loud music either....you can't even carry on a conversation....

    1. Not being able to communicate with people over the ear bashing from the speakers is most frustrating.

  4. No birthday!?!?!?

    What's wrong with the summer house and some treats in the garden?

  5. Bombardier is a Canadian Company and those trams are what we are using as well - well we would be if they would get a move on and weren't about 2 years behind schedule delivering the damn things!
    Sounds like a fun weekend - glad you enjoyed yourself.

  6. Glad you enjoyed your friend's birthday party, even though the music was loud! Ear plugs help! Sorry you lost some of your photos. Sometimes people have a way of getting photos off the sd cards is on a computer. Have a good week!

    1. I ended up switching my hearing aid off, but it was still too loud.

  7. Sounds lots of fun for your party and you did lots of walking. Sorry about your camera hope you can get it fixed.
    My 70th birthday was in summer time and my sister hired a field next to a small caravan park with toilets in Suffolk and my family had caravans, tents and a couple of young nephews slept in their cars. I am one of 6 so it was brilliant we took our own
    food and there was 51 in the family and the sun shone all weekend. My 80th that's so different just the 2 grandchildren my daughter and we went to a picnic at Kew Gardens and we had a lovely time.

    Hazel c uk

  8. I love your adventures. Great to see shops that seem to come from a bygone time. Local, friendly and full of stuff.

  9. I love how you are able to cram so much into 48 hours!.And it looks like a good time was had by all!.Ive not been to Blackpool for years...last time was about 20 years ago on a hen party and I cant remember much about it,lol.But I have got really fond memories of going there as a child with my Mam and Dad and have still got a couple of photos that we took there.I can remember going up the Tower and also the Tower ball room..which had a strange feeling in there.I could close my eyes and see all the dancers of a by gone age floating around the dancefloor.Amazing place!!.I wonder if they still have the ball room dancing there now?.I will have to google it as it is something that I would love to watch.xx


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