Sunday, 7 April 2019

Street art, brilliant idea

There's something going on at Preston Road in Hull. A housing estate has been earmarked for demolition and it has been given over to graffiti artists to do their thing until the bulldozers move in to flatten it. Today I went to have a look. Angela came along too. Difficult to choose which photo's to use so I'll split this into two posts. 
There was a party atmosphere, music blasting out, food to eat, and lots of visitors to view the works of art. The paint has been donated, and people are given a boarded up house to do what they like with it. The artistic talent is amazing. Have a look and see what you think.

What a brilliant idea. I think this kind of art could be used to brighten up the empty shops in town centres.

Bankside Gallery has a Facebook page, where there are more of these pictures. There is a short video on there as well. More pics to come tomorrow.  ilona


  1. Great art. Aberdeen offers up doors etc to artists.

  2. Some very talented people there and it looks lovely. Sad to board up and demolish houses though with so many homeless on the streets.

  3. I agree with the quote
    Graffiti happens at the intersection of ambition and incompetence: people want to make their mark on the world, but have no other way to do it than literally making a mark on the world.”

  4. What a brilliant idea - a shame all those talented people can't do something permanent in the city centre or something. At least they had a real challenge on something house-sized! Love it.

    1. Yes, I would like to see something like this on buildings that are not going to be knocked down.

  5. It looks great and there is a talent there,when it is done with permission.A guy who used to live round my way ,made a living doing kids bedroom walls.You see alot of this in Brighton.But like Ive said before,its the mindless scribbles,usually swear words that Ive seen done on brand new fencing,that is done around where I live.It seems as though they go around doing the whole area,every now n again.An old guy further up the road had just paid nearly £900 to have his new fencing done about 3 years ago...and within a few days,it was scrawled on again.That is the sort of graffiti that angers me.With permission ..yes...without it ,,no!!..Just thought Id mention,Ive done really well these last few days,from a neighbour who is moving house.Ive been given 2 new garden spades,a set of step ladders..Ive always wanted a set of these,More gardening tools,in far better condition than my 30 year old ones!.An old but very sturdy stool for up cycling.A huge roll about 5ft tall,of brown wrapping paper.Steel cage sides that I can put over my plants to stop the squirrels eating them!.I only took what I needed,but there was loads of other bits n bobs that someone could have made use of.I just hadnt got room in my house to take any more...I just hope that the council,who will be taking the rest of his stuff,see what is still useful and dont send it all to landfill.xx

  6. A wonderful idea and lots of talent.
    Hazel c uk

  7. why are they demolishing houses that could be lived in by someone? hopefully they'll be rebuilding council stock.
    the graffiti looks great fun!

    1. Building new council stock has already begun in adjoining streets. The whole area is to be redeveloped into new housing.

  8. There's loads of graffiti in Brighton, some good and some not so good. I love it but a lot of people think its horrible.

  9. I love this sort of thing when it's done well.

  10. Could I use some of your photos to promote a link to your column? I'd sure appreciate it... please let me know. These would be going on the 'Monday Stuff' column on my blog --

    1. Yes, go ahead. This blog is about sharing things, not owning them.


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