Monday, 17 February 2020

And another one.

Assemblage number two. This time touched up with silver metallic. 

Silver or gold, which is best.
On the back I have stuck a map of London. Wire to hang them.

I might do another of these if I come across the right size box. Still got plenty of bits and bobs left. Moving on, what's next. 
I have just got round to trying out my little Samsung Netbook, now with Windows 10 installed. It looks much the same as the format on the big computer. Luckily Keith has managed to transfer all the Windows 7 data across, so I'm ready to go. Cheaper than buying a new computer. Get someone who knows what they are doing. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. As you asked I like the gold the best and I do like the map on the back, really lovely.

  2. totally out of context question ..20 20 Arts center how close to the building is the disabled parking

    1. Very close. Access off the roundabout Glebe Road/Brigg Road/Winterton Road junction. 20 21 is a church on Church Square, which has new buildings around it, Council offices and College. Disable on the side of the road outside the council offices, walk across the square, not far. More disabled parking at the back of the library, access from Brigg Road, turn into Station Road (Asda) turn into Carlton Street, follow to end to back of library. Walk across the square. Can give you more precise directions if you let me know where you are coming from.

    2. Thanks ilona im a scunny girl so i know the way in , just micro planning a scunny visit with himself , getting about is such a clat these days

  3. I too prefer the gold and the map on the back is a great idea.

  4. I love these both and, since you ask, I maybe like the gold a bit better--but that might be because I like the things in the collage better (the deer vs the troll doll). But they make a great set!

    I work in a thrift store and yesterday noticed someone had made wire attachments on the back of a homemade piece of art out soda pop-can pulls. Clever!

  5. Personally I prefer the gold one but both are glorious. Well done.
    At the moment I have a very poorly elderly dog who I think I will have to say goodbye to shortly so your posts cheer me up, thank you. x

    1. Oh Amanda-sending lots of love to you and your beautiful doggy xx

  6. I really love them both Ilona-but if I Had to choose I think the gold even though I prefer silver usually x

  7. I saw you with Terry was such fun

  8. I would find it hard to choose the one I like best.They are both great!.I tried starting one but the glue I used wasnt strong enough to hold the heavier pieces on the i am going to have to get some Hard as Nail from the pound shop next time I am in there.Ive collected lots of bits and pieces to put on.xx


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