Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Mini Mandalas

Something small and easy to fill in the time before I start another big one. These two hoops fit one inside the other, a bit like a bicycle wheel and a tyre. I bought two of them from a charity shop months ago for 50p each. There is no screw to tighten them like a traditional hoop, they fit tightly together trapping the fabric. The little hook is just for hanging. 
I dyed the white cotton fabric with bleeding tissue paper. It's been hanging around for a while, time to do something with it. Here is a blog post from January 2018 about bleeding tissue paper.

All finished, the back is ready to be closed up. I put a circle of wadding in it to give the stitching a firm base.

The pink hoop is a bangle, I have used bits of jewellery and embellished them with sequins, beads and French knots. A bit like mini mandalas, keep adding another border to make them bigger.

There's a little bit of gold in there. 

I like a tidy back. I did a running stitch around the edge and pulled it tight, a bit like making a Suffolk Puff. Then covered it with a circle of felt. It measures 12 cm across.

I think that looks pretty neat. Now to think of an idea for the other frame. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. This is beautiful!! I must get motivated; I have 3 little granddaughters that would love this!

  2. Very nice, I've never heard of the bleeding tissue dying, I love the way you use many different items and come up with such interesting things, your Imagination must run at fall pelt thanks for showing your work.

  3. What a gorgeous mandala ❤️❤️❤️ so creative

  4. That's really beautiful, Ilona, one of my favourites out of all the things you've done.

  5. This is my favourite thing you have ever made, it is absolutely beautiful and I would love to own one. Honestly, I cannot believe how goegeous it is, I just love it!

  6. beautiful Ilona thank you so much for sharing ;
    very inspiring

  7. Beautiful! You are such an inspiration x

  8. This is just wonderful Ilona - you have so many great crafting ideas - thanks for showing your 'how-to' :)

    1. You know as well as me what fun you can have creating something.

  9. I have to give it to you Ilona! I am a person who favors neutrals (lots and lots of white in my home), but you are getting me interested in colours. I can hardly believe what creative things you come up with. And the result is always very cool!

    1. Goody goody. Pastels I think are a great compliment to white. Maybe introduce a few subtle changes and see what happens.

  10. These are gorgeous! You are so creative!

  11. Beautiful, so neat and so creative

    Jane from Derby

  12. Im loving the close ups of your latest creation.It is very pretty.Oh,I must ask,will you be putting the date on it as well?.Im thinking of trying your bleeding tissue paper idea.I have a huge roll of it in the garage which I rescued from landfill when my neighbour moved.Only thing is,it is beige in colour so I dont think it would have much effect.Im sure I have some red...somewhere in the house, I will have a go when I come across it.Its a very damp and rainy day here in Leicester,so I will be having another sort through to see what I can drop of at the charity shop tomorrow.I must of got rid of about 100 bits and pieces in this last month which all went to the animal charity shop and the house still doesnt look any clearer,lol.xx

    1. I put the close ups on in case anyone wants to use my ideas, they are welcome to copy anything I put out. Creating something leads to a sense of achievement and well being. I want to encourage that. Making any kind of art is a therapy, much better than pills.

  13. Thank you all for your comments. I hope you don't mind if I don't add a thank you to every one individually. I appreciate them all, even the trolls that get zapped. I am happy to provide an outlet for their sarcastic and nasty comments if it makes them feel better about themselves.

  14. Beautiful work Ilona, we need a "like button"! Xx


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