Saturday, 1 February 2020

Walkers check in - and Happy Birthday to Terry

Good morning. Yes, today is the day, with all my buizyness I haven't forgotten. The first of the month is the day when the International Walking Group members check in with their miles. How have you all done at the end of the first month of the year? I am on 98 miles, so a bit ahead of the 84 miles target, thanks to the three days away in South Yorkshire.

Don't forget that February is a shorter month so extra effort must be put into it to reach the next target. I am aiming for the 1000 miles again, my fifth year of the challenge. You can join me if you like by choosing the same target, or you can make up your own number. It is better that you work out what you might want to aim for, rather than drifting willynilly, and ambling along when you feel like it. Having a target is motivating. The reason you are taking part in this challenge is for your own health and well being, surely that has to be at the top of your priorities. You can be rich in money and possessions, but they are no substitute for your health. So go for it, do it for you.

Those who are in on this, please send a comment with your miles, let's support each other.

Today is Terry's birthday. You may remember that he played a Happy Birthday song for me on his piano, back in May for my 70th. Here is my Happy Birthday for Terry. The guitar practice is coming along slowly, at this rate I shall be proficient when I reach 85. If you watch this on yoootooob, take a look at some of Terry's videos. He is doing a live tutorial tonight, Saturday, at 5pm, it's free, for those who want to learn to play the piano.

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Hi Ilona, in January I walked 114 kilometers, always the same bur never boring walk of six kilometers through my hometown's surroundings.
    I love it and told you already before I can not do without anymore. Joined your walking group in 2017 setting a goal of 1000 kilometers a year, so these first 114 of 2020 are quite a good start off, I think.
    Best wishes sent from Dokkum in The Netherlands for happy, healthy and joyful walking to you and all my fellow walkers!


    1. That's a great start. I knew I could count on you to lead the way.

  2. Ilona,you have given me my first big smile of the day!!.Mary Hopkins and Suzie Quatro eat your heart out,lol.You are as crackers as me and thats what I love about coming to your blog! And Im sure Terry loved it!.Happy Birthday from Debi in in Leicester Terry!.I also loved when you said..he is a jolly fellow.What a great old fashioned saying!!.Thank you for a lovely start to my day!Anyway back to the walking...well,I mentioned before that I am walking with my sister this year.She hasnt been in the best of health so I thought that I would have to slow down a bit.We stared with just a couple of miles,about 40 mins.Within a week the swellings around her ankles had started to go down.Her back doesnt hurt at all when she is walking either.We have upped the mileage and time when we are out.Within 3 weeks,we are doing 7 miles each time we go out...Not every day due to family commitments and time.But 3 times a week.I have added it up and we have done approx 40 miles in Jan..Not the greatest achievement,,but more than I thought would happen.She is so keen and it is great to have someone to walk with!.She doesnt do the internet so is leaving it to me to report in each month.Debi and Tracy,xx

    1. It's good that you have a walking buddy. Chatting along the way helps to pass the time.

    2. Terry sent me a message, he loved the video and is going to share it among his friends.

  3. Thanks for the challenge Ilona, this is my first time to join in. My monthly target is 83 miles, but only done 72 miles. I'm short by 11 miles. Hope to do better this February. Regards from Marilou

    1. Hello, glad to have you on board. A good start. If you have a spare hour a day it's possible to do three miles in that time. Best foot forward.

  4. Hi Ilona and the walking group!
    Well, I'off to a slow start, 51 miles in January, but it's a start that I can maintain and build on. It's nice that the days are getting longer with more daylight hours to get out there.
    Barbara Kusz

    1. Everyone has to start somewhere, keeping going month after month is the test. You can do it.

  5. Happy first month walkers! I just started walking this week, first trips out of the flat since pre-Christmas. A wobbly start but just happy to be outside for some fresh air. It is remarkable what we take for granted when we are healthy - in my case going up&down-stairs and walking round the block. I didn't realise that breaking your wrist throws your whole body off balance. Feb will be a slow build-up of mileage hopefully; my meagre total for January is 5.3 miles.

    1. Take your time, we have another 11 months to catch up.

  6. You been on the sherry lol

  7. Good afternoon Ilona,
    Thank you for the recent photos of your walking trip, I really enjoy seeing your countryside!
    January total. 60.2 miles.
    Thank you again for this walking group ;)

    Hilogene in Arizona

  8. Hello Ilona and the walking group! Just got back from a 9ish mile walk on the Yorkshire Wolds - gosh was it breezy - 40+mph winds! Back to January and am pleased with my 119.5 mile total for the month. Really enjoyed reading about your recent trip Ilona. I have lived in West and East Ridings, frequently visited North Yorkshire but don't know the area you walked in well at all - so many new places to discover - so little time to visit them all! We must meet up again soon to do another walk together. All the best for February, everyone. Vicki in the East Riding

    1. I knew you would be way out at the front. It has been very breezy, and quite warm as well. I know what you mean about so little time, I look at the map and think, I haven't been there and it's so close. Yes, I am up for a walk again, let me know when you're ready.

  9. Congratulations to you!

    On Brexit!

    I am so very happy for you...!

    'Wisps of Words'

    1. Thank you. I am happy too. Onwards and upwards now, a new era.

  10. It is my first year and I have a pedometer on phone. Doing 7000 steps per day, I am amazed to have done 116 miles. Love your blog.

    1. Welcome, fantastic start. I write my numbers on a calendar on my desk, and get a buzz when the number creep higher and higher.

  11. Hello, 46 miles for me during the first month of 2020. Well done, to those who have done well this month.


    1. Well done Patricia, you have made a start. All you have to do is be consistent, a little bit every day, it all adds up.

  12. Happy Birthday Terry
    I am walking daily with my dogs but still don't know mileage.I feel I can't increase it as I'm exhausted each day before returning to the car.I enjoy it and feel lethargic and stiff when I missed walking on the odd occasion.I seem to be walking for 1 and half hours each day and chatting to other walkers on our way so I expect it's 1 hour daily quick walking each day and some shouting and running in different directions trying to recall the doggies- bless them.Lots of snowdrops and woodpecker has been hammmering x

    1. Don't kill yourself walking too many miles. I find that I am not able to do as much as I did at 60. I don't think I am going to do any long walks again, 20 miles a day for seven days is a bit too ambitious now, at 70.

  13. Ilona,I have just watched your wonderful video.Please do more as you really made me smile-you are such a fun lady.I enjoyed your free style guitar playing x

    1. I think I need to spread happiness, in response to all the doom and gloom.

  14. Is that a spud I see in your sock Ilona, ha ha.

    1. Correct Briony. You are the only one who has mentioned it. I thought I would slip it in right at the end. Well spotted.

  15. Weather has been frightful at times, but I'll make up the mileage during the nicer months. My total is 47 miles. Starting off February right, however, with 4.45. Supposed to snow tomorrow with a high slightly above freezing so I'm glad I got a walk in today.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. Everyone is reporting unpredictable weather at the moment. I fear snow and ice, so difficult to walk in. I would not risk it if I thought I might fall. Nothing is worth breaking a leg for. Do your best.

  16. Good morning Ilona and lovely walkers.No mileage measured as we were away and have had grandchildren and others around for the summer holidays.Have definate goals for this year so will do better! We have been doing lots of walking and activity but not keeping track of it. The weather is insane, 2 days 40 degC then it drops to a humid 18 and 20 deg!

    1. Must be difficult to organise walks with dodgy weather patterns. Keep your goals in mind and all will turn out well in the end.

  17. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers,and very happy Birthday to Terry.Walked 101 miles this month this includes a lovely walk down the Ancholme canal and around a lovely little village called saxby all saints in Lincolnshire,and one today -risby park circular where I was lucky enough to see a Marsh Harrier.Just cannot beat getting outside in Nature.Loved your guitar playing Ilona but think you could do with a few more lessons,lol.

    1. Hi. I know Saxby well, and all the villages along that stretch of road. Lovely views from high up there. Did you get as far as South Ferriby, a place I used to walk regularly when I worked at Rugby Cement. You are well ahead with your miles, well done.

    2. Hi Ilona I started at South Ferriby,then a stretch of road down to the river ancholme,down the River past two bridges,then to Saxby and then back along some high ground on the wolds and finally past the cement works,really enjoyed it,a lovely walk.

    3. South Ferriby is a good starting point, you can go along the Humber Bank from there, but it's a bit muddy at this time of the year.

    4. Ok thanks Ilona,that will go on my to do list.

  18. Joy Central Vic Australia1 February 2020 at 23:21

    Hello Ilona and fellow walkers. Been a challenging month weather wise here in Australia, but very pleased that I have managed 75 miles. I have a target of 1000 miles ( or 1609 klm) and anticipate ups and downs along the way, but that's life !!

    1. Off to a good start Joy. I see your weather is a bit up and down at the moment, hot times, then floods. Must be very difficult to fit walking in with that.

  19. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers,
    I made quite a good start with 92 miles. I hope I can keep up the thre miles a day. We had no snow and very mild temperatures in January, I guess if we will get winter weather in February my miles will drop.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Hello Hilde, good to see you here again. Swings and roundabouts with the miles. I aim for three a day, sometimes do two if I have been on some longer walks.

  20. Hi Ilona. Not sure whether I signed up again for this year but please count me in! I have walked around 50 miles during January. I have walked everywhere since I was a child as Mum and Dad never had a car for years. I love getting out and about everyday of the year!

    1. You're in Linda, keep posting with your miles on the first of the month. My mum and dad didn't have a car either, not sure if either of them could drive. I was all over the place as a nipper, walking, cycling, scootering.

  21. Hi Ilona
    Not a bad start, 93 miles for January


    1. Flippin fabulous, Hazel. Glad you are still with us.

  22. I walked 68 miles. I'm pleased with that but had hoped for more but with weather and getting sick after my second shingles injection, I didn't go as far as planned. Feb is a new month and I'm super excited about walking more. I love your blog.

    1. That's a good start. I hope you are feeling better, only another eleven months to go. Plenty of time.

  23. Bravo Ilona pour le joyeux anniversaire à la guitare ! J'ai parcouru 59 miles en Janvier, je fais de mon mieux...Belle semaine à vous Michelle

    1. Bonjour Michelle. Heureux que vous participiez à notre défi de marche. 59 miles, c'est très bien. Vous pouvez vous enregistrer le premier de chaque mois avec une mise à jour. On s'est tous mis en forme ensemble.

  24. Not miles....but I kept to the goal of 3 hours of exercise each week.....walking, biking and swimming.

    1. So pleased you are getting your exercise weekly, keep it up.

  25. Mi primer registro. En Catalunya usamos kilometros. Han sido 132 kilometros que son 84 millas. A ver este mes de febrero si hago algo más. Un beso muy fuerte, Ilona, me sirves mucho de inspiración

    1. Es genial saber de usted, por lo que se complace en unirse a nuestro desafío. 84 es fantástico. Esperamos recibir su próximo informe el 1 de marzo.

  26. Brilliant video Ilona, I've only just watched it! I'm just the same with my little ukelele, I can't read a note of music but I make up for it with enthusiasm and if it sounds good to me when I'm strumming that's good enough!!!

  27. Hi I've done 87 in January. On holiday in sunny Florida now so hoping to do well in Feb. ��

  28. Good start to new year, I have walked 102 miles. We have enjoyed some mild weather so far but storm Ciara due this weekend.


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