Friday, 21 February 2020

The River Trent is now a lake

I was in Burton upon Trent on Wednesday, visiting my sister. We took a walk from her house to town. She is on one side of the Trent, high up well out of the way of the floods, town is over the Ferry Bridge, a pedestrian bridge. It's normally flooded around here after heavy rain, but this time it is particularly bad after the recent storms. 
The bridge in the distance is the road bridge. Stapenhill Gardens have been flooded quite badly over the last few weeks. 
The area around the big white swan was flooded right up to it last week. My Auntie said it looked like it was sitting on a nest.

We set off across the Ferry Bridge. It's not obvious where the edge of the river is supposed to be. 

The steps that lead nowhere.

Water as far as you can see.

There are lots of footpaths around here, not today though.

We came into the town centre at the college and walked through the market to the library. This bridge is behind the library. You can walk over it, but today it ain't going anywhere.

The play area behind the library is definitely not open.

There is a lot of repair work going on between the library and the leisure centre, which is also close to the river. The bags of chippings are submerged in the water.

We went in the library cafe for a snack, afterwards my sister took her grandson to the cinema and I walked back across the bridge to my car, and came home. Luckily the road going north was ok, not very busy, but there were long queues going south because the A38 was flooded and closed between Branston and Barton. The further north I went, the less water I saw. Not much at all in my neck of the woods. 
I've got a couple of my own short Terry videos on yooootooob. Giving you a rest today, I'll put them on tomorrow. No doubt that will annoy the trolls, ha ha. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Sod the trolls Ilona ! I love your videos they always cheer me up! By the way... I don't like water or all these floods. Thank goodness they aren't near your home

    1. That's exactly what I think, Linda. Trolls amuse me, their lack of self esteem must be a real burden for them.

  2. Lovely to see your Burton on Trent pictures.I wish that my Dad was still alive to see them..he would love them!.Its nice that you can meet up with your relatives while you are there.Pleased that your journey home was safe and to be honest where I live it hasnt been that bad...well my garage hasnt flooded yet like it has done a few years back.The county area gets it more because which ever way you come to my house,the area is built on a hill.Im looking forward to seeing your Terry videos!.xx

    1. It is so important to look into the location of a house before you commit to buying. Mind you, there are floods where you least expect them.

  3. What is so scary is that it is likely to keep happening now. I feel sorry for people whose homes have been flooded, just awful.

    1. It's still not over yet, more to come they say. Must be hell to be in that situation.

  4. Flood waters can be so devastating with all the damage they cause. I feel for the people who have been affected by it all.

    1. I haven't anything of great value in my house, and I could probably start again if I have to, but the disruption, the clearing up, the disposal of damaged possessions, would be horrendous to deal with.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.