Sunday, 16 February 2020

Another string. . . . . . . .

And the storms continue. Wind and sideways rain outside. Looking at the weather reports some parts of the country are going through hell. Not much disruption here at the moment, but I feel sorry for those over the other side of the country, the Midlands and Wales. Yorkshire is suffering pretty badly again, especially around Hebden Bridge area. The flood defences have let them down, so sad. 
Yesterday I was taking part in a workshop at 20 21 Arts centre. I learnt the basics of Shibori, where you stitch into the fabric, then dye it. These three samples are what the tutor did to give us ideas for the pattern we might like to make. 
We were all given a piece of white cotton fabric, and I decided to stitch simple leaf shapes into it. You need lots of short pieces of cotton, start off on one side of the design, running stitches all going the same way, and leaving loose ends so they can be gathered up and pulled tight. 
This is mine, all pulled tight, don't cut the loose ends off.

Then it goes into a bucket of water for ten minutes for a good soaking, then transferred to a bucket of dye, and lifted out after two minutes. Some of the ladies did an exercise of folding another piece of fabric into squares and dying that. I skipped that bit.

We took our pieces home and left them to dry. This morning I removed all the threads, washed it in a bowl of water, and dried and ironed it. This is the result. I quite like the look of it. 

I enjoyed doing this, a nice way to spend a rainy Saturday, and I have learnt something new. Looking down the list of workshops on offer, I spotted another one that I might like. Re purposing vintage textile items, could be good, so I booked myself a place. 
It's looking like it might have stopped raining, I need to get outside the back door and cut my hair. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That looks interesting Ilona.My mind is now wandering to thinking could this be done on an item of would take longer to do,but it would be so unique!.Im thinking a baggy white shirt that I must still have in my wardrobe...somewhere,lol.I will have a dig through this week and see if I can splash out on buying some dye.The blue that you have used is nice and would go well with jeans.....Now Im thinking of doing an old faded pair of skinny jeans Ive got as well,lol,xx

    1. You could do it with almost any clothing. It used to be called tie dying years ago. Tie knots instead of stitching.

  2. That looks nice sounds straight forward, thank you for sharing the idea nice to see something a bit different, will have a go sometime.

  3. I do like the leaf design Ilona,there must be all sorts of natural shapes to sew.Hope your hairdressing skills turned out well.I haven't been hairdressers for several years now.I trim the ends off myself,clip on a false fringe and that's it.Luckily so far it's not blown away in the wind x

    1. The hairdressing turned out good. A tidy up all over, and a blonde colour put on. Now a couple of shades lighter.

    2. I'm very pleased Ilona-blonde should suit you x

  4. I like your pattern and the shade of blue you used. I remember tie dying and had a couple of wrap around skirts in different colours and no, I didn't do it. There was also a method using wax.


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