Friday, 28 February 2020

What's happening.

I didn't think I was going to get a walk today, it's been raining non stop for hours. Finally at 7.45pm it stopped and I have just done my three miles. It was surprisingly warm as well. Other people had the same idea, several dog walkers about, plus two runners and a couple of other walkers I see occasionally.

Only one more day to the end of the month and I am not going to make the target of 168. I will be a few miles short. I have missed seven days this month, due to stormy weather. Oh well, will have to catch up in March.

Don't forget it's check in day for the International Walking Group members on Sunday. A short month, let us know how you are doing with your particular challenge.

The cats took one look out of the cat flap and said, no thanks, and went back to bed. I have been sewing most of the day. Not far off finishing a large mandala.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I went out as usual for dog walk and I did cut it a bit shorter though as it was so wet and cold but still we were walking for over an hour.The dogs didn't seem to mind the weather at all in fact they seemed to enjoy racing through the puddles and mud.My house is really muddy as each time they go into the garden it's everywhere.Debi phoned me today and it was lovely to chat with her on such a wet,grey afternoon x

    1. It's nice to know you have friends on the end of a phone line. I chat with my friend in Blackpool.

  2. Our dogs are the same all hate going out in these storms and house training the puppy is a nightmare. Here's hoping March brings dryer weather xxx

  3. its raining hard here in Leicester today and very windy as well.The cats are just happy to eat and sleep all day..I dont blame them,some days I would like to do just that,lol.Im off down my Mams this afternoon but I will be so glad when it warms up a bit and we can sit out in the garden with our coffee.I have been going to the Perfectly Edible food shop on Fridays..I mentioned it about a month ago for any Leicester people..and I have saved lots buy buying the fruit and veg that would go to landfill from the supermarkets.They also sell tinned stuff for 20p a tin so Ive been really pleased with the savings Ive made plus saving the food from landfill.Our walking miles are really down this month so I hope to catch up in March.Hubby has even been walking around the block 3 or 4 times a week so thats a positive!.xx

  4. Hi Ilona from the other side of the pond in New England! I so enjoy your posts, especially about your lovely garden, walks with pictures, crafts, money saving tips, etc. I've been reading them for quite some time & thought I would comment for the first time to say hello & know that I do enjoy your blog. Though you're hours ahead of me on the clock I hope you have a good weekend! D from New England.

  5. Hi Ilona X I've done around 50 miles this month, tried my best with weather and my bad knee. I love your blog,it cheers me up every day!


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